
Script : [Uchi] OT_Re_FirstB

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animHidelay.delay.delay.delayI'm not really ready to host any
guests yetdelay.delay.delay.delaybut that's OK.delay animWhat's
your name?
fun_0003000Efun_00080005? delayanimNice to meet you! delayI'm
fun_00010005. delayI just moved here from
Now don't get the wrong idea;delayanim I'm
usually exceptionally tidy. delayThese
boxes will all be gone by tomorrow.
animAnd if they aren't,delay I've got some
very serious consequences lined up
for myself.


animHey!delay What are you doing in here?delay
I'm not even unpacked yet!pageBreakanimSorry.delay I'm just a little stressed out
by the move.delay animI'm fun_00010005,delay
originally from fun_00020011.
animWhat's your name? fun_00010007fun_0003000Efun_00000005?delay
Nice to meet youdelay, fun_00000005.pageBreakanimCome back tomorrow,delay and we can
have a proper conversation.


Heydelay.delay.delay.delayanimhave we met before?delay animI'm not
great with names.pageBreakanimOh,delay that's right.delay You're fun_00080005!delay
I'm fun_00010005,delay remember? delayFrom
animI've actually heard a lot about you,delay
fun_00080005. delayMostly good things and
one horrible thing.
animHa! delayJust kidding. delayProbablydelay.delay.delay.delay


Hey, delayanimyou're from fun_00050005,delay right?delay
Oh,delay you're fun_00080005? delayThat's right.delay
I've heard of you.
animWell, delayI'm fun_00010005.delay I just moved
here from fun_00020011,delay and so far
I'm loving it!
animI hope I don't get run out of town
agaidelay.delay.delay.delayanimI mean, I hope I make lots of
new friends. fun_0003000Efun_00070005delay.delay.delay.delay


animHey, delaywho's there?fun_00010007 fun_0003000Efun_00080005, delayis
that right?delay animWell,delay I've heard all about
you. delayI'm fun_00010005!
animHave you ever been to fun_00020011?delay
That's where I used to live.delay animI think
I'll like fun_00050005 better.
animLet me guessdelay.delay.delay.delay Your favorite food
is fun_00130005, and you
enjoy fun_00120005. delayRight?
animWell, delayclose enough.delay I think we're
going to be good friends.delay


animYou know what?delayanim I've been here a
whole week,delay and I don't think I've
introduced myself yet.
animI'm fun_00010005! delayAnd your name is?fun_00010007
fun_0003000Efun_00080005?delay animThat's a cool name!pageBreakanimWell, delaysorry it's taken so long for me
to meet you. delayBut I have a good
feeling about you.
animI think we have lots of fun times
ahead together in fun_00050005!


animAha! delayYou must be the famous
fun_00080005 I've heard so much
animI can't believe I've lived in
fun_00050005 for so long without
meeting you!
animMy name is fun_00010005, delayof course.delay
animYou've probably heard a little bit
about me,delay hmm?
animWell,delay now that we've met, delaymaybe
we'll run into each other more
frequently.delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animWho are you again?delay Do you live here
in fun_00050005? delayanimSo why haven't I
seen you before?
animI've been here over a month. delayMy
name's fun_00010005. delayAnd you?fun_00010007
fun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay is that right?
animWell, delayI moved here from fun_00020011,delay
and so far fun_00050005 is a big
animNow that we've met, delayI hope we run
into each other a little more often.delay


Ahdelay.delay.delay.delayahdelay.delay.delay.delayanimfun_000B0007ACHOOO!delay animUgh,delay sorry about
that. delayI've got a dreadful cold.pageBreakanimWe probably shouldn't shake hands
right now, delaybut my name is
animWhat's your name?fun_00010007 fun_0003000Efun_00080005?delay
animNice to meet you, delayfun_00080005.delay
Let's talk more later, delayOK?


Ahdelay.delay.delay.delayahdelay.delay.delay.delayanimfun_000B0007ACHOOO!delay animUgh,delay sorry about
that. delayI've got a dreadful cold.pageBreakanimWe probably shouldn't shake hands
right now, delaybut my name is
animWhat's your name?fun_00010007 fun_0003000Efun_00080005?delay
animNice to meet you, delayfun_00080005.delay
Let's talk more later, delayOK?


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