Num | English |
| SpotPass for colorAnimal Crossing:
New Leaf - Welcome amiibocolor
has been activated. |
| SpotPass for colorAnimal Crossing:
New Leaf - Welcome amiibocolor
has not been activated. |
| If you would like to change your
SpotPass settings, please select
colorSpotPasscolor from the title screen. |
| You have chosen to opt-in to
receive data and notifications from
Nintendo via SpotPass for this title.
Change SpotPass settings?fun_0008000DendTag
Leave as is.
Opt-out. |
| You have opted out of receiving
presents and notifications about
presents from Nintendo via
SpotPass for this title.
Note: This can also include
advertisements and promotions.
Would you like to receive presents
and notifications from Nintendo
via SpotPass?fun_0008000DendTag
Leave as is.
Opt-in. |
| You can change SpotPass settings
at any time from this menu. |
| Extra data for colorAnimal Crossing:
New Leaf - Welcome amiibo colorwill
now be created on the SD Card. |
| You are opted in to receive data
but not notifications for this title
from Nintendo via SpotPass.
Change SpotPass settings?fun_0008000Dfun_0001000F
Leave as is.
Receive notifications.
Opt-out of both. |
| You will now receive SpotPass
notifications for colorAnimal Crossing:
New Leaf - Welcome amiibocolor. |
| Connecting. Please wait a moment.
color(Cancel by pressing .)color |
| No connectable user was found. |
| Preparing to move in.
Please wait a moment. |
| There is a player in the process
of moving in. This move-in will
now be resumed. |
| fun_0003000Efun_00000011 from fun_00020011
is looking for a place to move.
Allow this person to move in?fun_0005000F
Refuse. |
| The move-in process was canceled. |
| The move-in process was canceled. |
| By moving from another copy of
colorAnimal Crossing: New Leaf -
Welcome amiibocolor...
you can experience life in a
new town!pageBreakOnly nonmayor residents
who already own a homedelay
are eligible to move.
Note: You can only move to
colorAnimal Crossing: New Leaf -
Welcome amiibocolor from other...
colorWelcome amiibocolor towns. pageBreakWould you like to begin the
moving process?fun_0005000F
No. |
| |
Connecting to the Internet...
We will be arriving soon...
The game will now shut down.
| Disconnecting from the Internet
and beginning local wireless... |
| |
| |
Waiting for the train...
| Wireless Communication for this
system is set to OFF. Please set
this option to ON to continue. |
A communications error occurred.
| fun_0003000Efun_00000011 from fun_00020011
has just arrived in fun_00050005.fun_00090007 |
| fun_0003000Efun_00000011 from fun_00020011
is going home.fun_00090007 |
Welcome to fun_00050005.fun_00090007
Checking contents...
| SpotPass cannot be used because
no SD Card can be found. |
| SpotPass cannot be used because
the SD Card is write-protected. |
| SpotPass cannot be used because
there is insufficient space on the
SD Card. |
| Extra data could not be found,
so SpotPass is currently unusable.
Extra data will now be re-created. |
| Extra data could not be created,
so SpotPass cannot be used. |
| Would you like to disable
SpotPass for this software?endTag
Keep enabled. |
SpotPass disabled.
Created extra data for SpotPass.
Creating extra data...
| You must consent to the most
recent Nintendo 3DS Service User
Agreement to use SpotPass.
Go to colorSystem Settingscolor → colorInternet
Settingscolor → colorOther Informationcolor →
colorUser Agreementcolor.
Once there, consent to the Nintendo
3DS Service User Agreement to
gain SpotPass privileges. |
| |
| Your update data is not up-to-date.
Because of this, certain network
features will be restricted.
Would you like to download the
most current update data?fun_00000008
No. |
| If you want to download the update
data in the future, please select
colorUpdate Datacolor from the title screen. |
| The update data has finished
downloading. The system will
now restart.fun_00080007 |
Your update data is up-to-date.
| It's possible to download the most
current update data from the server
by connecting to the Internet.
If you do not have the most current
update data, certain network
features will be restricted.
Would you like to download the
update data?fun_00000008
I'll pass for now. |
An SD Card could not be identified.
| An error has occurred.
Now returning to title screen. |
| An error has occurred.
Now returning to title screen. |