Num | English |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| The colormochacolor coffee colorBrewstercolor makes
is a huge hit with me!pageBreakI wish I had a JOKEdelay animthat was always
a hit. Maybe somedaydelay.delay.delay. |
| I can't stand my coffee tasting too
strong,delay so I always get colorBrewster
colorto put a colorlittlecolor bit of milk in it.
animdelay.delay.delay.delayI don't mind strong jokes, though!fun_00010007
fun_00040007delayanimdelaysizecolorAw,sizedelay colorthat wasn't funny at allsizedelay.delay.delay.sizecolorsizecolorsizesizecolorfun_00050007colorsize |
| I actually have a bad sweet tooth,delay
so when I drink coffee,delay I always ask
for color2 colorcolorspoonfulscolor of sugar.
animI had my share of bitter experiences
back when I told jokes for a livingdelay.delay.delay. |
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| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| fun_00010009 |
| Ah!delay Hello there!delay
We meet again! |
| Even though I used to be an emotion
comedian,delay I actually have trouble
waking up in the mornings.delay
Sorry if I don't seem my usual funny
self just yet. |
| i10_8 |
| Oh!delay Good morning!delay animIt feels good out
there in the nice weather, yeah? |
| Oh!delay Good morning!delay It's kind of
cloudy out there today. Bummer. |
| Oh!delay Good morning!delay It seems we're
starting the day off with some rain. |
| Oh!delay Good morning!delay Today is really
cold! Time to bundle up! |
| Oh!delay Good morning!delay Today all the
cherry blossoms are floating about,delay
so it looks really beautiful outside! |
| I've gotten completely in the habit
of drinking a cup of coffee to wake
up animbefore my busy afternoon.
animMy club may be open for business
at night,delay but I have to clean up the
place beforehand, you know?
animOddly,delay I think I work harder now
than I did back when I was still
a full-time comediandelay.delay.delay. |
| Have you ever seen those gyroids
up on the stage at the club?pageBreakIt's weird,delay but I didn't actually put
them there.delay They just appeared out
of the blue one day. How bizarre!
animAnd weirder still,delay I get the feeling
that someone is switching them
out from time to timedelay.delay.delay. |
| fun_001A000A |
| You know, I was only able to open
my club thanks to all the support
you gave me, Mayor fun_00000005!
animEvery day since the club opened,delay
my family says a quick thank-you
to you and colorIsabellecolor at breakfast! |
| You know,delay I was only able to open
my club thanks to all of the support
Mayor fun_001C0005 gave me!
I didn't just get permissiondelay animbut help
collecting the signatures as welldelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimEvery day since the club opened,
my family says a quick thank-you to
the mayor and colorIsabelle colorat breakfast! |
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| Back when I was a comedian,animdelay I'd
often spend all night sipping coffee
and thinking up new gags in a café. |
| You know, the other day when
colorK.K. Slider colorcame in,delay he was holding
a takeout cup from here.
I've never run into him here,delay but
I'm guessing he's also a regular? |
| Speaking of coffee,delay back in the day,
I often thought to myself,pageBreak"I want to tell a joke so funny, it
makes the audience spit out their
delay.delay.delay.delayYou know? I was never able to do
that. animThere were times they got
mad and chased after me, thoughdelay.delay.delay. |
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| I had a teacher who taught me the
comedy ropes. Every single one.delaypageBreakHe's an amazing person who was
known in the entertainment world
as a master of laughs.
animIt was always my dream to make it
big just like him and have people
say I surpassed him, butdelay.delay.delay.
animI retired long before that dream
came true.pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayHmmm?delay You're curious what my
old teacher colorFrillardcolor is up to now?pageBreakanimHe's been retired for ages, but he's
just as spry as ever!fun_00010007 I don't think I'll
ever get the best of him! |
| I never quite became popular on a
national level,delay but I still had some
fairly passionate fans.
Even though I've retired, they still
stop by the club before it opens
to see how I'm doingdelay.delay.delay.
Sometimes they even bring me
treats,delay so I'm always so grateful
for their continued support.
When I tell them one of my old
jokes and they smile,delay animit takes me
back to my days as a comedian.
animHeh. Idelay.delay.delay.delaydon't get a chance to look
back fondly very oftendelay.delay.delay. |
| You know, lately I've had a lot of
youngsters pop into the club before
it's open while I'm still cleaningdelay.delay.delay.pageBreak"I need to take a picture for my
colorTPCcolor,delay so teach me a funny face!"pageBreakI hear that's popular at the moment.delay
Having a funny face on your TPCdelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007
animI really don't get kids these days. |
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