Num | English |
| Preparing your town.delay
Do not touch . |
| What would you like to do?fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
Save and quit.
Save and continue.
Keep playing. |
Saving.delay Do not touch .
Saving complete!delay See you soon!
| Unable to save. Your game will exit
without saving. |
Saving.delay Do not touch .
| Unable to read game data.
Your game will exit now. |
| Preparing to start game.
Wait, and do not touch . |
| Unable to read save data.
Hold to turn off the power, and
then reinsert the Game Card. |
| The save data is corrupted.
Delete corrupted data now? |
| Yes |
| No |
| Reformatting save data.delay
Do not touch . |
| A player is moving in.delay Please finish
moving into your new town. |
You can't save right now.
You can't save while dreaming.
| You can't save in the middle
of a birthday party... |
| You can't end the multiplayer
session while you're on the boat...fun_00080007 |
What would you like to do? fun_0008000Dfun_0006000F
End the multiplayer session.
Confirming.delay Please wait.fun_00080007
Ending the multiplayer session.
Trying to save.
Please try saving again later.
The multiplayer session has ended.
| Looks like saving is totally
impossible here...fun_00080007 |
| Looks like we absolutely can't
save on the island...fun_00080007 |
| Looks like we can't end this
multiplayer session on the island...fun_00080007 |
| StreetPass is being activated.delay
Do not touch . |
Saving.delay Do not touch .
| Cannot use save data because it
was not the last data saved.
Delete data? |
All data will be deleted. Is this OK?
| Deleted data cannot be recovered.
Are you sure you want to delete all
data? |
| To use your save data, you'll
need to get the latest colorupdatecolor.pageBreakDownload the latest update from
colorNintendo eShopcolor, and then launch
the game again. |
| A new feature has been added to
your game—coloramiibo Cameracolor!pageBreakYou can use coloramiibo Camera colorto take
pictures of town residents and
amiibo characters in the real world.
The coloramiibo Camera colorfeature is
available now on the title screen,
so be sure to check it out! |
| A new feature has been added to
your game—coloramiibo Cameracolor!pageBreakYou can use coloramiibo Camera colorto take
pictures of town residents and
amiibo characters in the real world.
The coloramiibo Camera colorfeature is
available now on the title screen,
so be sure to check it out! |