Num | English |
002 | fun_001F000A |
003 | fun_001F000A |
004 | |
005 | |
006 | |
007 | animYou look delaykinda out of sortsdelay.delay.delay.delay |
008 | animI'm the kind of girl delaywho notices the |
009 | animIs your town delayas bug crazy as mine |
010 | animOooh, delayI bet you came to spy ondelayanim |
011 | animThis museum would bedelay |
012 | animGive it a little while, delayand I'm sure |
013 | animThis place is, delaylike, delaylousy with bugs—delay |
014 | animThis is one of the hottest spots indelay |
014 | animThis is one of the hottest spots indelay |