Num | English |
| |
| |
| animHey, hey!delay What's going on?!delay animDid
something just happen?fun_0005000F
I'm freaking out!
It's nothing. |
| animHuh?!delayanim There's an impostor of
fun_00010011, you say?pageBreak.delay.delay.animdelay
Hee hee!delay
animBWAHAHAHA!delayanimpageBreakOh man,delay you're really bad at this!delay
You gotta come up with a better lie
than that!
animSeriously, delayis that the best you could
come up with for colorApril Fools' Daycolor?! |
| Really?delay I totally thought something
crazy must have happened! |
| animI'll tell ya one thing.delay You can't trust
anything anyone says on colorApril Fools'
Daycolor! |
| |
| |
| animHey!delay What's the matter with you?!delay
animWhat's going on?!fun_0005000F
I'm freaking out!
It's nothing. |
| animWhat?!delay There's a weird fun_00010011
epidemic in town?!delay How is that even
possible?! |
| Oh, really?delay I totally felt like I was
picking up on something strange. |
| animHa! I was worried!delay animThanks for
getting me through this weirdness! |
| That was really strange!delay animWhat was
that all about?!delay |
| animA fake! delayThat was crazy!delay
animMan, I'm glad you were there to
see that, fun_00080005! |
| animWhat in the world was that all about
anyway, delayfun_00070005? |
| |
| |
| animJust what in the world is going on
over at fun_00010011's house?!pageBreakanimWhy don't you jog over there
animand see what's happening? |
| animI sure wasn't expecting to run into
a fake me today!delay animI mean, that thing
looked just like me! Creepy! |
| |
| Today's colorApril Fools' Daycolor,delayanim so we
shouldn't be surprised at what kinda
crazy stuff happens!pageBreakanimI just don't wanna see a bunch of
people getting worked up and losing
their cool over some silly gag! |
| |
| Is colorApril Fools' Day coloranimnamed after
someone who was a fool in April?!delay
animToo literal, right?!delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| |
| |
| Every colorApril Fools' Daycolor, delayyou always
run into that one person who's all,
fun_0004000Danim"I would never tell a lie!"delayanimfun_0005000Ddelayanim Right? |
| The best way to see through a lie delayanimis
to know lots of truths, delayyou know
what I mean? |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| animSo, uhhhdelay.delay.delay.delay animfun_0003000Efun_00010011's birthday
is colorfun_000E0004color colorfun_000F0004color!pageBreakanimYou can use that to spot the fake!delay
animThat's important information! |
| animCome to think of it, fun_00010011,
the real fun_00010011, has a colorfavorite
phrasecolordelay.delay.delay.delay It goes like this: |
| Yep, that's the one!fun_00010007 animI bet that'll be
a lot of help when you're trying to
detect the fake! |
| animOh yeah! delayAbout fun_00010011delay.delay.delay.pageBreakI've never seen someone who's so
great at colorfun_00180012color delayanimbut
so bad at everything elsedelay.delay.delay. |
| animNow that you mention it,delay
colorfun_00010011color is totally the
fun_00160012, right?!
animYou know, delaythat might be valuable
info for spotting the fake! |
| animOh!delay I just remembered!delaypageBreakanimDid you know that fun_00010011's
dream for the future is becoming
Talk about dreaming big! |
| |
| |
| animfun_000B0007What's that?!delay There are
two of fun_00010011 now?pageBreakanimHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay That must mean
fun_00010011 got fun_0007000E caught
in a trick, huh?
animHey, fun_00000005, could you go and
help fun_0007000E out?delay You know, animlike how
you helped me?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animfun_000B0007What's that?!delay There are two
of fun_00010011 all of a sudden?pageBreakanimHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay That means fun_00010011
fell for that same trick, huh?pageBreakanimHey, fun_00000005, could you go and
help fun_0007000E out?delay animYou can do it right
this time!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animfun_000B0007Huh?!delay There's a double dose of
fun_00010011 in town right now?pageBreakanimHeh heh!delay animEven if that were true,delay
I know a foolproof way to tell
who's who, so it's no big deal! |
| animYou just gotta use something only
the real one would know!delaypageBreakanimFor exampledelay.delay.delay.delayanimfun_00010011's birthday
is colorfun_000E0004color colorfun_000F0004color! delayanimA fake wouldn't
have bothered to remember that! |
| animYou just gotta use something only
the real one should know!delaypageBreakanimFor exampledelay.delay.delay.delaythe person's colorfavorite
phrasecolor! animHm. fun_0003000Efun_00010011's favorite
phrase isdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animRight?delay That sure sounds like
fun_00010011, doesn't it?delaypageBreakanimWhoever doesn't say that
would have to be a fake! |
| animYou just gotta ask something only
the real fun_00010011 could answer
animSuch asdelay.delay.delay.delaywhat is fun_0008000E good at?
animThe answer is that fun_0008000E good at
animThere's no way an impostor would
know something like that! |
| animYou just gotta ask something only
the real fun_00010011 could answer!delay
animSo maybedelay.delay.delay.delaywhat's fun_0008000E family like?
animDespite what you might think you
know, fun_00010011's actually the
animThe impostor has no way of
knowing that! animCheckmate! |
| animYou just gotta ask something only
the real one could answer correctly!delaypageBreakanimSo, likedelay.delay.delay.delaywhat does fun_00010011
wanna become someday?pageBreakanimI think fun_0007000E dream is to becomedelay
fun_0002000Ecolorfun_00170012color, yeah?fun_00010007
animI bet a fake wouldn't know that! |
| animHey!delay I think I heard people arguing
inside fun_00010011's place!pageBreakanimYou don't think it's that impostor
again, do you?delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005? |
| animI just heard a lot of noise over at
fun_00010011's place!pageBreakanimGeeshdelay.delay.delay.delay What do you think's going
on in there?!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayAH!delay I know today is colorApril Fools'color,
but I'm telling the truth! |
| animI guess I'll just hope you do better
next colorApril Fools'color!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim |
| animHey, fun_00000005!delay I've got some
valuable information for you!
Like, it's super important! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00010011's birthday is
delay.delay.delay.delaycolorfun_000E0004color colorfun_000F0004color!pageBreakanimI'm sure that'll help you someday,
so burn it into your brain!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayOH!delay Today might be colorApril Fools'color,
but I'm absolutely telling the truth! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00010011's colorfavorite phrasecolor isdelay.delay.delay. |
| animAnyway, that's what I heard!delay
animThat tidbit might come in handy
someday, so remember it!
delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayOH!delay Today might be colorApril Fools'color,
but I'm totally telling the truth! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00010011's really good at
delay.delay.delay.delaycolorfun_00180012color!pageBreakanimThat might come in handy someday,
so keep it in mind!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayOH!delay Today might be colorApril Fools'color,
but I swear I'm telling the truth! |
| animfun_0003000Efun_00010011 may not act like it, but
fun_0007000E the colorfun_00160012color!pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayOH!delay Today might be colorApril Fools'color,
but I'm totally telling the truth!
No, you've gotta believe me! |
| fun_0003000Efun_00010011's dream is to becomedelay
someday in the future!
delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayOH!delay Today might be colorApril Fools'color,
but I swear to you I'm telling the
truth! You gotta believe me! |
| |
| animWhat's going on over at
fun_00010011's house?!pageBreakanimWhen the town's free of visitors,
could you animrun over there to check
on fun_0007000E?! |
| animI never thought somebody would
impersonate me.delay What a shock!delay
animThat cat looked just like me! |
| animThat was quite a shock!pageBreakanimIt's just a feeling, but animI can't help
thinking once every visitor's gone
home, it'll happen all over again!delayanim |
| It's colorApril Fools'color, so animyou never know
just what might happen today!pageBreakanimI don't want anyone to see me all
flustered and looking like a fool,
though! That'd be awful! |
| animI can't shake the feeling something
odd's gonna happen at some point
animYou should stay on your toes
once all of fun_00050005's visitors
go home! |
| I hear in some countries,delayanim they slap
pictures of fish on people's backs
to celebrate colorApril Fools' Daycolor!delay
animIsn't that funny?!delay animGAHAHA!delayanimpageBreakAnyway,delay once all visitors head
home,delay I think our colorApril Fools'color
celebrations will really begin! |
| I hear in some countries,delayanim they slap
pictures of fish on people's backs
to celebrate colorApril Fools' Daycolor!delay
animIsn't that funny?!delay animGAHAHA!delayanimpageBreakAnyway,delay once all visitors head
home,delay I think our colorApril Fools'color
celebrations will really begin! |