Num | English |
| animThanks for making that delivery
to fun_00010011. |
| animSo tell me, how'd it go?fun_0005000F
Here's the story...
Uh...I can't remember. |
| animWhat was the reaction?delayfun_0005000F
Here's the scoop...
I don't remember. |
| animWhat? fun_00010007animBut I really wanted to
know how it went! |
| animSo.delay.delay.delayyou opened it?pageBreakanimNot even I would do that! delayanimAnd that
makes you more of a troublemaker
than I am, fun_00070005. |
| animSo.delay.delay.delayyou delivered it OPENED?!pageBreakanimNow I'm going to look like a total
jerk, fun_00080005! |
| animI'm so glad our neighbor decided
to wear it! I'll have to go over
there and see it later. |
| animOh, so my gift didn't get tried on?delay
animI hope it will look good. |
| animAw, our neighbor tried it on but
didn't like it? I really thought it
would look good. |
| animI see.delay.delay.delay Our neighbor just didn't
like it? I really thought it was
nice, fun_00070005. |
| animSo.delay.delay.delayour neighbor didn't like what
I sent over? I think it's worth
having more of an open mind. |
| animWhat? Our neighbor totally liked it?delay
That's great. I knew I got it right! |
| animWhat? Our neighbor liked it?delay
Good. I figured I'd get it right! |
| animWhat? Our neighbor actually liked
what I sent over? delayHuh. delayI wasn't
sure that would happen. |
| animThanks for delivering that for me.fun_00010007
animI guess I should have done it
myself, but I'm glad you helped! |
| animThanks for delivering that gift!delay
So tell me what happened!fun_0005000F
Here's the story...
I can't remember. |
| animThanks SO much for taking my
gift over. Tell me how things went!fun_0005000F
Here's what happened...
Sorry. Don't remember. |
| animNo way! delayBut I really wanted to
know how it turned out! |
| animMy gift patched things up? That's
great!fun_00010007 animAnd it's ALL thanks to you,
fun_00070005! |
| animNo way! You opened the package?fun_00010007
animBut it was SO important that
I smooth things over! |
| animWhat?! You opened it? fun_00010007animI probably
look like I just slopped that thing
together then.
I guess as long as our neighbor took
the gift, we're good.delay animBut seriously,
fun_00080005! |
| animThanks for making that delivery
to fun_00010011! delayYou really helped
me out, fun_00070005. |
| animI feel so much better now. I really
shouldn't borrow things for such a
long time! |
| animSo how'd it go, fun_00070005?fun_0005000F
Here's the story...
Can't remember. |
| animYou can't remember a thing?fun_00010007
animWell, I guess you're just as
forgetful as I am then! |
| animWell, I'm glad she didn't seem mad.
delayanimBut you never know with that one.
I hope she doesn't hold a grudge! |
| animI can't believe she thought I'd take,
like, a million years to return it.delayanim At
least she liked the wrapping job... |
| animThat's what happened?fun_00010007 Now that
I know that.delay.delay.delayI'm really glad I spent
so much time wrapping it! |
| animThat's how she took it?fun_00010007 Well, who
knew she would be nicer about it
than I thought! |
| animReally? He liked the box I put
it in? I'm so glad he noticed! delayanimIt's
all in the details, fun_00070005! |
| animThat's what he thought?fun_00010007 I guess
I'm not surprised. He doesn't get
angry about this stuff. |
| animI can't believe he didn't think I'd
ever return it! delayanimBut I did, so I guess
we're fair and square now. |
| animThat's how he took it?fun_00010007 Well, I guess
he might be more forgiving than
I thought, fun_00070005! |
| Thanks for making that delivery
to fun_00010011 for me!pageBreakHow did it go?fun_0005000F
Here's the story...
I don't remember. |
| animReally and truly? delayanimI guess you're as
forgetful as I am, fun_00070005! |
| animWhat? delayOur neighbor already bought
a replacement?! |
| animGood. I'm glad I was able to return
it to our neighbor! |
| animThanks for taking that package
to fun_00010011! |
| animThanks for making that delivery to
fun_00010011 for me, fun_00070005! |
| So tell me everything. delayWhat
happened, fun_00070005?fun_0005000F
Here's the scoop...
Sorry. Can't remember. |
| animWell, tell me what happened over
there, fun_00070005!fun_0005000F
Here's the story...
I don't remember. |
| animWhat happened when you handed
it over, fun_00070005?fun_0005000F
Here's the news...
Can't remember! |
| animWhat? delayYou opened it?fun_00010007 animI bet that
was totally a shock. |
| animNo, really? delayBut I really wanted to
know how it went, fun_00070005. |
| animI see.delay.delay.delayso after all my trouble, I'll
never know what happened. |
| animWhat? delayIt was actually a present for
YOU this whole time? fun_00010007animWhat a
crazy coincidence! |
| animOh, that's how it turned out? delayAnd
you got a gift too? delayanimThat's great,
fun_00070005! |
| animWhat? delayOur neighbor bought the
same thing in the meantime?fun_00010007
animUgh, and after all my trouble! |
| animNo way! It was actually a gift for
you, fun_00080005? fun_00010007animWell, I guess you
delivered your own present then! |
| animSo it all went down that way,
huh? delayAnd you got a gift in return?delay
animThat's great for you! |
| animThat's great! delayTried it right out of
the box, huh? delayI'll have to go see
how it looks for myself! |
| animSeriously? It looked awful on our
neighbor?fun_00010007 animThat's too bad... |
| animSeriously? It looked awful on our
neighbor?fun_00010007 animThat's too bad... |