Num | English |
| animIf there be something ye got yer
eye on, go on a tour and gather up
some colormedalscolor. fun_00010007animI don't accept Bells.
animThat lass standing over there be me
daughter-in-lardelayrdelayrdelayrdelayrdelayr.delay Ye can ask her
about the tours. |
| animLandlubbers like yerself are always
blown away when they see these
sorts of things.
animThat's 'cause the islands be the
only place ye can get 'em! |
| Do ye have a beach close to yer
house in the city?animpageBreakanimIf that be the case, ye should buy
one of me wet suits so ye can
swim when ye go back home!
animAye,delay but I can't guarantee we be
havin' wet suits for sale every day...delaypageBreakSo animdelayye should be makin' regular
trips to the island to do some
checkin' and plunderin'! |
| animIf there be a souvenir ye have yer
eye on,delay go on a tour and plunder
some colormedalscolor.fun_00010007 animI don't accept Bells.
animThat lass standing over there be me
daughter-in-lardelayrdelayrdelayrdelayrdelayr.delay Ye can ask her
about the tours. |
| Yar, that be reminding me. Do ye
know how to use a wet suit?fun_0005000F
No, please teach me!
Uh...yeah, I'll manage. |
| Well, delayye need to put it on first.
Don't be skippin' that step.
Very important.
animAfter ye have put it on, just delaypress
while on the beach to enter the sea!pageBreakanimOnce ye be in the sea, press delay to
swim in the direction ye be facin'.pageBreakNow listen close—if ye see
something below the surface,
press to dive down after it!
animThere be a lot of treasure in the
deep, but there also be stinging
jellyfish, so stay sharp. |
| I'll put yer new wet suit in the colorbox
colorso ye can take it home with ye. |
| |
| fun_0003000Efun_00030011?delay That item
animain't be something ye see back in
the big city, yar?
animWell, it'll cost ye colorfun_000A0004 medalscolor,delay so
why don't ye go on a tour and earn
some?delay It ain't harrrrd!
animMe daughter-in-larrrr over there
can get ye all set up to go on a tour. |
| fun_0003000Efun_00030011?delay That item
ain't be so common on yer land-like
city, do it?
It'll cost ye colorfun_000A0004 medalscolor to take
it home with ye.fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
I want it!
Just browsing. |
| Aye, fun_0002000Efun_00030011?delay
Ye be seein' a nice item tharrrrrr.delay
I'll give it to ye ferdelay colorfun_000A0004 medalscolor.fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
It's a deal.
No thanks. |
| Aye.delay fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011.fun_00010007
animYe be needin' one if ye wanna
swim in the sea!delayanim
animI'll give it to ye fer delaycolorfun_000A0004 medalscolor.fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
It's a deal.
Just browsing. |
| That be fun_0002000E
fun_00030011!pageBreakI'll let ye have it ferdelay colorfun_000A0004 medalscolor.fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
It's a deal!
Just browsing. |
| I gotcha, fun_0006000E.delay animYe be overwhelmed
by all of these exotic items, delayyar? |
| animYar har har! delayYe don't be havin'
enough medals, fun_0006000E!delay Go plunder
some more medals and come back! |
| animYar har har!delay Pleasure doin' business
with ye.pageBreakI put yer new souvenir in the colorboxcolor.
Make sure it be in the colorboxcolor when you
leave so ye can take it home. |
| Yar, that there's the application
form for colorClub Tortimercolor it is!pageBreakIf ye become a member,delay ye can
go on tours with people you've
never met before, butdelay.delay.delay.
Ye be needin' a picture of yerself in
yer colorTPC colorbefore ye can become a
full member.
Ye just be needin' to visit the
shoppin' district o' yer town.delaypageBreakThere's a booth there that'll delayanimtake
yer picture for ye, right?pageBreakanimGo take yer picture there first, and
then next time ye come to play on
the island, ye can sign up!delay Yar! |
| Avast! delayThe colorboxcolordelay be full to the brim.pageBreakWhen ye trade with me, I put yer
new stuff straight into the colorbox colorso
ye don't forget to take it home.
animIf ye want something else, make
sure there be room enough in the
colorboxcolor. |
| That be the application form for
colorClub Tortimercolor.pageBreakIf ye become a member,delay ye can
go on tours with people from all
over the globe.
Care to become a member for a
meredelay animcolorfun_000A0004 medalscolor?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Oh yeah!
Maybe later. |
| Nar? delayWell, let me know if ye change
yer mind!pageBreakAll the important details be in a
pamphlet on the tour counter, delayso
animgive it a look later. |
| animYo ho ho! delayThat be great news.delay
animLet's be fillin' out this application.pageBreakanimLet's seedelay.delay.delay.delay
fun_0003000Efun_00000005 from fun_00060005delay.delay.delay.delay
Joining on fun_00010004 fun_00020004, fun_00000004delay.delay.delay. |
| animYar! Ye now be an official member
o' colorClub Tortimercolor!pageBreakanimThere don't be a member's card or
nothin',delay but I'll make sure me son
knows ye be a member.
If ye need more info,delay just ask me
son next time ye bedelay ridin' the boat
alone! |
| That be the application form fer
colorClub Tortimercolor.pageBreakanimBut ye already be a member, so it
be worthless to ye! |
| Yar, that there's the application
form for colorClub Tortimercolor, it is!pageBreakIf ye become a member,delay ye can
go on tours with people you've
never met before, butdelay.delay.delay.
ye must be at least THIS tall
to be usin' the service.
delay.delay.delay.In other, fancier wordsdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakif you're subject to colorCOPPA coloror
Parental Restrictions...pageBreakregardin' colorsending and receiving of
photos and images, videos, speech,
and long textscolor...
ye won't be able to use the
service. Them's the rules.pageBreakIf ye don't know fer sure, ye best
be talkin' to a parent or guardian
before joinin' the club. OK?
So delayif you're joinin' up,
that'll be colorfun_000A0004 medalscolor.delay
animWhat do ye think?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Join the club!
Never mind. |
| Yar, that there's the application
form for colorClub Tortimercolor, it is!pageBreakIf ye become a member,delay ye can
go on tours with people you've
never met before, butdelay.delay.delay.
ye must be at least THIS tall
to be usin' the service.
delay.delay.delay.In other, fancier wordsdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakif you're subject to colorCOPPA coloror
Parental Restrictions...pageBreakregardin' colorsending and receiving of
photos and images, videos, speech,
and long textscolor...
ye won't be able to use the
service. Them's the rules.pageBreakIf ye don't know fer sure, ye best
be talkin' to a parent or guardian
before joinin' the club. OK?
So delayif you're joinin' up,
that'll be colorfun_000A0004 medalscolor.delay
animWhat do ye think?fun_0008000Dfun_0005000F
Join the club!
Never mind. |