Num | English |
| animThing isdelay.delay.delay.I've missed being mayor
a little bit. delayNot a lot, delaymind you!delay
Just a little bit.
animThat's why I'm here to play in
the Puzzle League!pageBreakanimThe winner of this thing is king of
the hill, delaycream of the cropdelay.delay.delay.almost
kinda delaysortadelay like bein' MAYOR!
animAnd it doesn't change your mayoral
status in fun_00060005 one bit. delayanimSo
don't worry about it, delaysprout! |
| animNow, delaylet me school you a little bit
on how this all works. delayIt's a bit
frantic, delayyou see.
animWhen the game starts,delay you'll see a
bunch of panels with different
types of fruit on 'em.
You don't wanna let the fruit pile
up too much! delayanimAs true in the grocery
business as it is here.
animSo delayyou want to match up colorthree
panels in a row,delay horizontal orcolor
colorverticalcolor. delayanimThen they'll disappear.
To line 'em up, delayyou use to
move a square frame around
the screen.
Then, delaywhen you've got the frame
where you want, animdelaypress to flip
the panels around. |
| animNow,delay since you're in this all by
your lonesomedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimdelayI'll show you a special technique
that could come in real handy.delay pageBreakanimI like to call it delayanimthe colorHorizontal
Wipeoutcolor. delaypageBreakanimBasically,delay you'll use it to wipe out
the entire line of panels on which
your cursor is sittin'.delay
animFill up that there special technique
gauge by clearing panels.delaypageBreakWhen it's full, animpress colorcolor to use the
special technique. delayThat's all there
is to it! |
| By the way,anim if you've got one of
those coloramiibo figurescolor, you can
change up the special technique.
Each coloramiibo figurecolor's got its own
special technique, delayanimso there are lots
to choose from.
animNow,delay I'm not one for newfangled
technology, delaybut I do know
this muchdelay.delay.delay.
animUnless you're usin' a New Nintendo
3DS system,delay you're gonna need an
NFC reader/writer to scan amiibo. |
| Me? animI don't use all those fancy
techniques. delayIt wouldn't be fair to
the competition. animdelayHeh heh HORF!delay
animWell, delaythat's a lotta words and not
much action. I'm sure it'll all make
sense when you're in the thick of it. |
| Ah,delay it's youdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakYou've already heard all this
mumbo jumbo, delayright? delayanimDo you
wanna hear it again?endTag
Nah, I'm good.
Yes, please! |
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| OK! animSo go ahead and tap colorPlay!
colorwhenever you're ready.animanimdelay Oh! delayanimAnd
remember!pageBreakTo change your special technique
with an coloramiibo figurecolor,delayanim just tap the
big ol' color coloron the lower screen. |
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| animHeh heh HORF! delayI suppose I should
thank you.pageBreakanimGoing through that whole bit again
can be a little tiring.pageBreakanimAnyway,delay if you want to change
the special technique with an
coloramiibo figurecolor...delaypageBreaknow's the time to tap the colorcolor
on the Touch Screen.pageBreakNo amiibo?delay animJust tap colorPlay!color, delaysprout! |
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| animOh! delayIt's you!pageBreakanimYou want to start over delayeven though
you've got the cushiest gig?delay animYou're
the mayor of this durned league! |
| animWell, delayif you like doing things the
hard way, delayanimyou're in luck! delayThere's
an even harder challenge available.
animWhat do you say we crank up the
difficulty a little bit delayand coloradd a new
type of panel colorto the mix?endTag
Bring it on!
Let's play normally. |
| Heh heh HORF! delayI like that you know
your limitations. |
| animAll right,delay just tap colorPlay!color delayand
get on with it, will ya?!pageBreakanimUnless, of course, you wanna change
that special technique using an
coloramiibo figurecolor.delaypageBreakanimThen you'll want to go ahead and
tap colorcolor on the Touch Screen.delay |
| I like your moxie, delaywhippersnapper!delay
No regard for your own safety!delayanim
Heh heh HORF! |
| animAll right,delay if you've got an coloramiibo
figurecolor,delay now's the time to tap color
colorand change your special technique.
No coloramiibo figurecolor?delay animJust tap colorPlay!color delay
and get on with it! |
| animAll right,delay if you've got an coloramiibo
figurecolor,delay now's the time to tap color
colorand change your special technique.
No coloramiibo figurecolor?delay animJust tap colorPlay!color delay
and get on with it! |