Num | English |
| animYa know, delayI'm always hearing about
how colorfruitcolor is meant to be good for
your skindelay.delay.delay.delay I wonder if that's true.
animWh-delaywhat?!delay I worry about stuff like
that too, ya know!delay Even tough girls
can have class!
animSo, uhdelay.delay.delay.delayanimcan you maybe bring me
a piece of fresh colorfruitcolor, fun_00080005?fun_0005000F
Will do!
Can't do it. |
| animSo, uh, fun_00080005delay.delay.delay.delaywhen you're
gathering colorfruitcolor, can you grab some
for me too?
animThing is, I got stung by a bee the
other daydelay.delay.delay.delay It's really had a negative
impact on my tree-shakin' skills.
animI won't ask for muchdelay.delay.delay.delay Any kind of
colorfruitcolor will do.delayanim Sound good? delayI'm
countin' on ya!fun_0005000F
Leave it to me!
Can't right now. |
| animOh, right!delay I wanted to ask you
something.anim Ummmdelay.delay.delay.delaydo you think
you could bring me a piece of colorfruitcolor?
animI'm cutting out candy and subbing
in colorfruitcolor! I love it!pageBreakanimBut if I get it myself, I end up eating
too muchdelay.delay.delay.delay So I always ask someone
else to get it for me.
animAny kind will do!delay animOne piece of fresh
colorfruitcolor—that's all I ask.fun_0005000F
Sure thing!
I'm too busy. |
| animThe other day I ate a totally rotten
colorfun_00030011color!pageBreakanimI'm still not sure how I didn't notice
till I ate itdelay.delay.delay.delayanim But I've lost confidence
in my senses!
You, on the other handdelay.delay.delay.delayanim Think you
could bring me a nice, fresh
animI need a good one to get the rotten
taste outta my mouth!delayanimdelay Is that cool?fun_0005000F
So cool!
Not cool! |
| animOh, right!delay Yeah, I wanted to run
something by you.animpageBreakSo, uhdelay.delay.delay.delaythink you could bring me
fun_0002000Ecolorfun_00030011color?pageBreakanimLately I'm on a crazy new
colorfun_00030011color kick!pageBreakanimI need as many as I can get,delay so I'm
asking everyone I know for help!delay
animYa feel me?delay
animGet me fun_0002000E
I'm on it!
No way! |
| animOh, so get this.delay The other day I was
visiting a friend's town!delayanim And I ate
animMan,delay it was crazy sweet!delay There's
nothing like it in this town! animI'd love
to try another onedelay.delay.delay.delay
animSay, fun_00080005!delay If you find fun_0002000E
colorfun_00030011color anywhere,
delaybring it to me, OK?fun_0005000F
I'll do it!
I don't want to. |
| animWhoa!delay Just got this sudden urge for
fun_0002000Ecolorfun_00030011color!pageBreakanimHey, fun_00080005.delay Think you could
hunt down a nice, plump
colorfun_00030011color for me?
animI'll give you something nice!delay OK?fun_0005000F
Not now. |
| animThe other daydelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00030005 was
eating the most delicious fruit ever.pageBreakanimI had a bite, and it was just perfect.
Nothing compares!pageBreakanimMan!delay I really want to have a whole
colorperfect fruit colorall to myself!pageBreakanimHelp me out, fun_00080005! delayanimBring me a
colorperfect fruitcolor, would ya?fun_0005000F
Sorry! |
| animYou know how some trees make
good fruit and other trees make
colorperfect fruitcolor?
animWhat's the deal with that?delayanim Is it the
way the sun hits 'em?delay Is it luck?delay Is
it all just one big bee conspiracy?pageBreakanimMmm!delay I love it when you get that
fruit that's just flawless! I gotta
get me some!
animHey, fun_00080005!delay You know your
way around fruit, right?delay Think you
can find me some colorperfect fruitcolor?
animI'll give you something for it, of
course! delayDeal?fun_0005000F
No deal! |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| animReally?delayanim Awesome! I'll be waitin' for
ya, delayfun_00070005! |
| animAwesome!delay You're the greatest!delay
animI'll be waiting! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHehdelay.delay.delay.delay I knew I could count on ya! delay
animThanks! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animWhat?!delay Rdelay.delay.delay.delayreally?delay animAh well!delayanim I'll ask
someone else then! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animHuh? Really?delaypageBreakanimOh welldelay.delay.delay.delay animMaybe next time, huh?
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animOh, OKdelay.delay.delay.delayanim Never mind then.delayanim I'll figure
something out! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animOh, OKdelay.delay.delay.delayanim Never mind then.delayanim I'll figure
something out! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |