
Script : [Jock] HA_FreeF_Newyear

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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animDo you think this year will be a
good one?delaypageBreakanimI do!fun_00010007 animI can't wait to see what my
muscles look like in a few months!


This is gonna be a great year!pageBreakanimI feel like I could have done more in
the way of fitness last yeardelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimI don't want to feel that way at this
time next year, sodelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI'm gonna get off on the right foot
right now!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!


animHeh heh! It's finally here! The new
year!pageBreakanimI think I'm gonna try to be the
leader of this town for this year!pageBreakanimHuh? The mayor leads the town?pageBreakanimOh, come ondelay.delay.delay.delay Did we vote on this?delay
Can I at least be junior leader,


animGood year so far, huh?fun_00010007anim Of course
it's a good year so far!delayanim Yeah!pageBreakanimThis is my year! I have a feeling that
lots of things are gonna go my way!delay


animI'm thinking this will be a year to
remember! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!pageBreakanimI better start planning my fitness
routines right nowdelay.delay.delay.delay


animLast year was pretty great, but I
think this year will be even better.pageBreakanimYup! It definitely feels like it'll be
one of the best years on record!pageBreakanimAll right! Bring it on! delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005!


I'm super pumped about this year!delayanim
This is the year I get serious about
physical fitness!
fun_0003000Efun_00070005?pageBreakanimI mean, I was serious about it last
year, but this year I'm gonna get
super serious!


animThis year has to be a good year!delay
animYup! I intend to make it the best!pageBreakanimBy the end of the year I want to be
twice as strong and three times as
cool as I am now!



animHey, do you have a New Year's
resolution, yet?pageBreakanimOne of mine is to greet everyone
cheerily!delay Yup, that's right!pageBreakanimI gotta practice it, so here we godelay.delay.delay.pageBreak
pageBreakanimHa ha! I'm super excited about this


animDid you get any gift money during
the holidays?delayanim I can never decide
what to buy with minedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimAnd before I can make up my mind,delay
animthe money is all gone without me
realizing it!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim


animYou can't talk about the new year
without talking about marathons!pageBreakA lot of folks decide they're going
to try a big race like that as part of
their New Year's resolutions.
animWinter marathons are rough, so I
might wait until it's a bit warmer.delayanim
Either way, it's a great challenge!pageBreakanimI'm gonna run around town to feel
that sense of accomplishment
marathon runners feel!


animSome people have a kite-flying
tradition to celebrate the new year.pageBreakanimI tried it once. I flew a kite way up
in the skydelay.delay.delay.delay It went above the
clouds until it got completely lost!
animHeh heh! I bet that kite is still out
there wandering the universe!delayanim


animA new year kinda makes you feel
excited, doesn't it?pageBreakanimI heard there are many people who
just sleep during the holidays.pageBreakanimBut I just wanna run around and feel
the air of the new year with my
entire body!




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