Num | English |
002 | animI really like this part of town! animI'm |
003 | animIt feels like I'm going on a mini |
004 | animIs this your top speed? pageBreakanimIf I were all by myself, I would have |
005 | animWhat's up? Why'd we stop?delay Don't |
006 | animHa ha!delay I can't wait to see what kind |
007 | How is it that we've never worked |
008 | animSodelay.delay.delay.delayyou think this is the best route? |
009 | What?!delay Don't tell me you're thinking |
010 | Have you changed things up since |
011 | animWhat was your place like?pageBreakanimI seriously don't remember anything |
012 | animfun_000B0007Dastardly dumbbells!delay My place?!delay |
013 | animYou trying to swim some quick laps |
014 | animWhat?delay You're taking a trip?delay Now?!pageBreakanimIs this your way of telling me you |
015 | animWell, I'm pretty sure we don't need |
016 | animUmmmdelay.delay.delay.delayanim Well, OK.delay This has been |
017 | You have business on Main Street?delay |
018 | animWell, come on then, Calf Muscles! |
019 | OK. delayI read you.delay animSome other time! |
020 | This isdelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010011's house.pageBreakanimCome on!delay Take me to your place! |
021 | animI'm pretty sure you don't live here.delay |
022 | animHey, fun_00080005.delay This is some great |
023 | animfun_000B0007Holy hamstrings!delay It's fun_00030004:fun_00040004!pageBreakanimSorry, but my bod needs some rest.delay |
024 | animHeeey!delay fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay Hold up! |
025 | animHey!delay Hold up a second!pageBreakanimI thought I was fastdelay.delay.delay.delaybut I admit itdelay.delay.delay.delay |
025 | animHey!delay Hold up a second!pageBreakanimI thought I was fastdelay.delay.delay.delaybut I admit itdelay.delay.delay.delay |