Num | English |
| i10_7 |
| i10_7 |
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| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| I think it's about time for me to
head back home.delayanim My knickknacks
aren't going to pack themselves!
animNow don't go forgetting me while
I'm gone! |
| animHow flattering!delay I've just been asked
to move to this very town!delayanim And
you know what? I'm going to do it! |
| animOh! delayWhat do you need?fun_0006000F
Let's talk.
You should live here!
Just saying hi! |
| animThanks! I appreciate that! |
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| animHello there!delay I'm just getting settled
in here,anim but it's already feeling like
a second home, delayfun_00070005! |
| animOh! delaySo you live in this town?delay
animWell, I hope you like visitors!
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animWhat do you think is the best
thing about having a camper?pageBreakanimI'd say not having to put up a tent!pageBreakanimSomehow I always end up with an
extra pole and my jacket staked to
the ground.delay.delay.delay |
| animI take driving pretty seriously.delayanimanim My
record is nothing short of spotless.delay
That's right, delayanimfun_00070005! |
| animI've tried every remedy out there to
cure my car sickness...delaycrackers,
ginger juices, you name it!
delayanimBut the only thing that works is
listening to fun_00140005 music
while I'm behind the wheel. |
| animThe thrill of being on the open road
only lasts for so long...delaypageBreakanimThat's why I've collected a bunch of
songs to make long drives more
entertaining, fun_00070005!
animdelayFor example,delayanim ever hear the song
"99 Bottles of fun_0004000Efun_000E0005 on
the Wall"? delayIt's a personal favorite. |
| animMmm...delaysmell that air!
delayI've noticed that each town has its
own signature scent.
delayWhenever I arrive somewhere new,
I always take a BIG whiff of the
place, fun_00070005.anim |
| animThis campground is on the edge of
fun_00050005, right?delay I hear it's famous
for its fun_001A0005 trees.
animNow that I think about it, delaythat
sounds like the perfect souvenir to
bring home, delayfun_00070005! |
| animI saw somedelay handmade
fun_00100005delay for sale earlier
today. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005?pageBreakanimIf I try some, delayI bet I could re-create
the recipe for the folks back home! |
| animI'm always so surprised when people
leave trash behind at a campground!delayanim
Especially one as nice as this!delay
animTake only pictures; leave only
footprints. delayThat's my motto,
delayfun_00070005! |
| animChoosing a campground can be a
pretty animhard decision, delayfun_00070005.pageBreakanimdelayBut when I saw this town on the
mapdelay.delay.delay.delayit just hit me!delay I had to come
animdelayStill not sure whydelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animChoosing a campground can be a
pretty animhard decision, delayfun_00070005.pageBreakanimdelayBut when I saw this town on the
mapdelay.delay.delay.delayit just hit me!delay I had to come
animdelayStill not sure whydelay.delay.delay.delay |