
Script : [Characters] NPC_Kotobuki

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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So you're this new mayor I've been
hearing about?delay animfun_0003000Efun_00000005, right?pageBreakanimBeing the old mayor, sometimes
I wonder how things are going,
so I decided to drop by to say hi.delay
animI'm particularly glad I got to see you
today! It's good fortune, I'd say!


animRight now I'm enjoying my golden
years of retirement on a tropical
island far, far from here.
animIt's a resort island where summer
is the norm and winter is banished!delay
animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayAre you jealous?delay
animdelayHeh heh heh HORF!delayanimpageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelaySay!pageBreakanimYou should take a break from work
and get refreshed by visiting the
island from time to time!
animI'll be sure to give you detailed
directions on how to get there, so
meet me by the colordockcolor on the beach!
Well,delay animsee you later, sprout!


delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayWell now,delay I don't think you were
living in fun_00050005 when I was the
town's mayor!
animToday I got curious how the town
was doing, so I stopped by to see
what everything looked likedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimHow do you like life in animfun_00060005?fun_00010007
Are you having fun?pageBreakanimIt seems the new mayor is just
as dependable as I was, so I bet
it's still easy to live here!anim


delayanimdelayOh,delay I should tell you!pageBreakanimI've been enjoying my golden years
on a tropical island far, far away
from here. It's way out there.
animIt's a paradise where it's always
summer!delay Not a snowflake in sight!
animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayAre you jealous?delay
animdelayHeh heh heh HORF!delayanimpageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelaySay!fun_00010007
animYou should come out and visit
the island too!
animI'll be sure to give you detailed
directions on how to get there, so
meet me by the colordockcolor on the beach!
Well,delay animsee you later, sprout!






delayanimdelayOh,delay fun_00000005!fun_00010007
animYou came just like
I hoped you would!


delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelaySay now?delay
What did I want to see you about?pageBreakfun_00040007animHmmmmmmmdelay.delay.delay.fun_00050007fun_00090007pageBreakdelayanimdelayOhhhhh!delay That's right! That's right!delay
animI was going to tell you about the
tropical island!


animThe tropical island where I live is a
resort where summer is endless and
people visit from all over the world!


That's whydelay animit doesn't matter if it's
fall or what because you can always
get by with a single tropical shirt!delayanim


That's whydelay animit doesn't matter if it's
winter or what because you can
get by with a single tropical shirt!anim


On the island,delay there are lots of rare
things you just can't see any other
You can relax on the beach or
party hard by going on a tour.delay
animIt's truly paradise!


The boat that takes passengers
to the island arrives at this colordockcolor.pageBreakanimI already told the person in charge
to start making stops in this town
starting tomorrow!


Well then,delay work real hard animas mayor!fun_00010007
animLet's meet up soon on the island!delay
animdelayHeh heh HORF!delayanim


delayanimWell then! Good luck to you!fun_00010007
animLet's meet up soon on the island!delay
animdelayHeh heh HORF!delayanim


Oh I almost forgotdelay.delay.delay.delay You'll have to
pay a fare to ride the boat, so make
sure not to forget that!


animThe tours you can participate in
on the island are so interesting!fun_00010007
After all,delay animI'm the tour guide, sprout!


Along with the captain, the boat
can support up to four people.pageBreakanimYou should invite your friends
to come along sometime!




Hey!delay You theredelay.delay.delay.pageBreakI got something I wanna ask youdelay.delay.delay.delay
Are youdelay satisfied with your life in
fun_00050005delayanim at the moment?fun_0005000F
Sure am!
Not so much.


animWell, that's swell!delay
That's more than swell, sprout!delayanimpageBreakI used to be the mayor of this
little burgdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI'm always curious how the town is
doing,delay so sometimes I just pop by
like this animto see what's what!


animI heard the current mayor lived
here,delay animso I figured I'd wait until
you popped out to say hello!


animBy the way, right now I'm enjoying
my golden years on a tropical island
far, far from here.
animIt's a resort island where it's always
summer and never rains or snows!delay
animdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayAre you jealous?delay
animdelayHeh heh heh HORF!delayanimpageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimdelaySay!pageBreakanimIf you like,delay you could come play on
the island sometime!pageBreakThe island is covered with unusual
things you won't find around these
parts no matter how hard you look.
It's like a whole 'nother adventure
is waiting for you out there!


To get to the island, you must use
a boat from the colordockcolor by the beach.pageBreakanimI'll tell the boat operator to start
making runs to this town starting
tomorrow morning!
delayanimWell, see ya, sprout!fun_00010007 animHopefully we'll
meet again soon on the island!delay
animdelayHeh heh HORF!delayanim


delayanimfun_000B0007delaysizeWHAT?!sizepageBreaksizesizeanimI used to be the mayor
of this town, you knowdelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimI still worry about the place,
sodelay sometimes I pop by like thisdelay
to see how things are goingdelay.delay.delay.


animI heard the current mayor lived
around here somewhere, so I figured
I'd stop by to say hello.
But I never thought I'd learn
something like thisfun_00040007delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayfun_00050007fun_00090007


animEven though I've retired,delay it still
makes me just as sad to hear that
somebody isn't enjoying life herefun_00040007delay.delay.delay.delayanimdelayfun_00050007fun_00090007


sizeI've got it!sizepageBreaksizesizeanimWhy don't you come hang out on
the island where I live?pageBreakRight now I'm enjoying my golden
years on a resort island far, far
away where it's always summer.
animThe island is filled with unusual
things you don't really see around
these partsdelay.delay.delay.
animIt'd probably be a good break from
the hustle and bustle of town life.pageBreakWho knows? animIt might just make you
see the good aspects of living here
all over again!




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