Num | English |
| animOhhh, too bad! Not in the mood, eh? |
| animSorry! As agreed, I'll buy it off you
for a very cheap price!pageBreakOnly colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor! |
| animAs we agreed, I'll buy it off you
for a somewhat cheap price!pageBreakJust colordelayfun_00090004 Bellscolor! |
| animWell, as promised, I'll buy it from
you for a price that's fairly high.pageBreakI'll give you colorfun_00090004 Bellscolor! |
| animAw, barbellsdelay.delay.delay.delay I don't really want to,
but I have to buy it at a high price.pageBreakanimI'm giving you colordelayfun_00090004 Bellscolor! |
| animAll right! I knew you'd be up for it!pageBreakHere comesdelay your first round!fun_00010007
animRight or left? Which do you pick?fun_00000008
Left! |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| .delay.delay.delayanimWhat?! You got it! You must be
lucky to get it right the first time!pageBreakanimOK, let's do our second round!fun_00010007
animRight or left? Which do you pick?fun_00000008
Left! |
| .delay.delay.delayanimOooooh! That's incorrect.fun_00010007anim But
don't worry! The game just started!pageBreakanimTake a deep breath! Here's the
next round!fun_00010007anim Right or left? Which do
you pick?fun_00000008
Left! |
| .delay.delay.delayanimfun_000B0007Wow!delay You got it right again!
Keep it up, and aim for a perfect
score!pageBreakanimHere's your fateful third round!fun_00010007
animRight or left? Which do you pick?fun_00000008
Left! |
| .delay.delay.delayanimOhhhh! Too bad! You missed it.fun_00010007
animBut if you get the next one, you're
still doing pretty good, you know?pageBreakHere's your fateful third round!fun_00010007
animRight or left? Which do you pick?fun_00000008
Left! |
| .delay.delay.delayanimWhoa! You got it!fun_00010007 And you avoided
the worst-case scenario!pageBreakanimAll right! Here's your third and final
round!fun_00010007 animRight or left? Which do you
Right is right!
Left is best! |
| .delay.delay.delayanimOoooh! Wrong one again!pageBreakanimHmmm. I hope you don't think I'm
just being mean or anything.pageBreakanimJust keep trying your best, OK?
Here comes the third round!fun_00010007
animRight or left? Which do you pick?fun_00000008
Right is right!
Left is best! |
delayanimfun_000B0007sizeWHAT?!delay fun_000B0007YOU DID IT!pageBreaksizeanimYou did it 3 times in a row!delay
You are the smartest fun_0006000E alive!
| .delay.delay.delayanimWow! That's right! Good for you!
You made 2 good guesses! |
| .delay.delay.delayanimWow! Good job! That's pretty
good to get 2 out of 3! |
| .delay.delay.delayanimWow!delay You got it! I knew you would
get it right on your last try! |
| .delay.delay.delayanimOh! Wrong one!fun_00010007 animMan, you were so
close! Could have gone either way! |
| .delay.delay.delayanimOh! Wrong one!fun_00010007 That means you
only got the first round correct.pageBreakanimWell, at least you succeeded once!delay
That's not too bad! |
| .delay.delay.delayanimOh! Wrong one! That means you
only got it right once.pageBreakanimBut that's better than not guessing
right at all! |
| delay.delay.delay.delayanimOh, man! Wrong one again!fun_00010007anim Maybe
it's just not your lucky day? |
| |
| |
| |
| That was such a thrilling game! It
got my heart pumping, and I had a
lot of fun! animThanks a lot! |
| fun_00010009 |
| animThink of this as a learning
experience, fun_0006000E! Don't
be too sad, OK?!delayanim |
| animThanks for playing! |
| animI had a lot of fun playing this game
with you!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!delayanim |
| animMake sure you keep building your
guessing muscles! |
| animMake sure you keep building your
guessing muscles! |