Num | English |
002 | i10_7 |
003 | i10_7 |
004 | |
005 | |
006 | fun_00030009 |
007 | fun_00030009 |
008 | |
009 | |
011 | animHey there, kid!delayanim I hope you don't |
012 | animHo ho! delayThis is your town, delayisn't it?delay |
013 | animWhat do I do on the 364 days of |
014 | Let me guess.delay animYou were expecting |
015 | animI love doing it, delaybut it's still a lot of |
016 | animToy Day is still the highlight of my |
017 | animIf you want to whisper your Toy |
017 | animIf you want to whisper your Toy |