Num | English |
| animI made a colortime capsulecolor! pageBreakThe contents of whichdelay.delay.delay.delayanimare most
likely really boring.pageBreakanimHey, delaysince I have your attention,delay do
you think you could bury it for me?fun_0005000F
Of course!
No way! |
| This is kind of sudden,delayanim but do you
know about colortime capsulescolor?pageBreakanimI can send workout plans, advice,
and other important stuff delayto my
future self!pageBreakanimYou just write it down and bury it,
and then your future self gets all
that great stuff!delay
animHey, fun_00080005!delay
Go bury my time capsule for me!fun_0005000F
No! |
| animGreat!delay Keep this for me! |
| animNice. delayHere's the capsule! |
| animYeah! All right!delay I'm really counting
on you, fun_00080005! |
| animNot into it, huh? delay.delay.delay.delayI'll hit you up
again when you're more agreeable. |
| It should stay safely tucked away
with your letters until you're ready
to bury it!delay
And don't go losing it, got it?pageBreakanimAlso, delaythe stuff inside the capsule is
totally top secret!delay It's for my eyes
only, understand?pageBreakanimI'm counting on you!delay |
| animHey!delay You forgot all about burying
my time capsule, didn't you?!pageBreakWell, never mind then. I'll just go
bury it myself.delay So give it back! |
| animfun_000B0007What?!delay You lost my time capsule?!pageBreakanimWhat the heck are you doing?delay animHow's
my future self gonna know what to
do with his life? |
| animfun_000B0007What?!delay Did you open my time
capsule?!delayanim Do you realize what
you've done?!delay
You may have unraveled the fabric
of time and space!delay I might never be
born now! Waitdelay.delay.delay.delay I'm confused. |
| animWell, I guess this is the kind of thing
I really should bury myself.delay Ha ha!delayanim |
| animHuh?delay Is that a no go? |
| animThank you!delaypageBreakfun_0003000Efun_00080005!anim Did you just rip into
my time capsule by yourself?!pageBreakanimI kinda wanted to open it with youdelay.delay.delay. |
| animThank you, fun_00080005!pageBreakdelayanimfun_000B0007Hey!delay The capsule's open, and
there's nothing in it!pageBreakanimDiddelay you steal all my capsule stuff?fun_00010007
animThat is not cool, fun_0006000Edelay.delay.delay. |
| animThank you, fun_00080005!delay I'll open it
right away! |
| animfun_000B0007Ha ha!delay Want an old, sweat-soaked
fun_00030011 of mine?pageBreakanimWow, this brings back memories!delay
Is there a letter in it too? |
| animIt's fun_0002000Efun_00030011!delay
Did you put that in there, or did I?pageBreakanimOh!delay There's a letter in there too! |
| animIt's fun_0002000Efun_00030011!delay
animMan, I had some strange tastes way
back then, didn't I?delayanimpageBreakanimHuh?delay There's a letter in there too! |
| animHoo! This is embarrassing!delay I was so
immature back then! |
| animOh, hey!delay Take this as a reward! |
| animThat's right!delay I have to pay you back.pageBreakHere you go!delay Take it, delayfun_00070005! |
| animThank you, fun_00080005!delay
I'll send you a letter and a reward! |
| animIt's fun_0002000Efun_00030011!fun_00010007
animThank you, fun_00080005!delay
I feel like I've touched the future. |
| animWhat?! delayQuit playin'! |
| animOh!delay I see you brought my time
capsule to me!pageBreakI was just thinking it was aboutdelay.delay.delay.delay
timedelay.delay.delay.delayto open it!delay animBwahahaha!pageBreakWait!delayanim Did you just take it upon
yourself to open my time capsule?!pageBreakanimDarn.delay I wanted to open it with youdelay.delay.delay. |
| animOh!delay You brought the time capsule to
me, I see!delay I was just thinking about
opening it!pageBreakdelayanimfun_000B0007Hey!delay The capsule's open, and
there's nothing in it!pageBreakanimDiddelay you steal all my capsule stuff?fun_00010007
animThat is not cool, fun_0006000Edelay.delay.delay. |
| animOh!delay You brought my time capsule?pageBreakanimOK!delay I've been wanting to open it! |
| animWow!delay
fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!pageBreakDid I really send this to me?
Oh!delay There's a letter too! |
| animfun_000B0007fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011!pageBreakanimIt was my prized possession then, delay
but I sort of lost interest in it.delay
animdelayProbably because it was burieddelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimHuh?delay There's a letter inside too? |
| animOh, man!delay I can't believe this! It's
fun_0002000Efun_00030011!pageBreakanimWow!delay How embarrassing!pageBreakBut seeing stuff like this is what
time capsules are all about, right?pageBreakanimHuh?delay There's a letter here too? |
| animHa ha!delay I can't believe this doof
actually wrote a letter to me.delayanimpageBreakanimdelayHeh.delay I guess the doof is medelay.delay.delay. |
| animI almost forgot!delay Since you went to
all that trouble for me, I need to
pay you back!pageBreakanimMight as well give you what was
inside.delay Seems appropriate!
| animThanks for wrangling this for me!delay
You deserve a reward! |
| animThanks, fun_00080005!delay
I've decided to send a nice reward
to your house. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| It's fun_0002000Efun_00030011!fun_00010007
animLet's bury another one sometime!delay
This was fun! delayYay, time capsules! |
| |
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| |
| animWhat?delay You opened the time capsule!pageBreakanimMan, don't go messing around with
the power of time! |
| animIf you pull this kinda garbage next
timedelay.delay.delay.delayI'm gonna get super mad,
fun_00080005!delayanim |
| animfun_000B0007What?!delay There's nothing in there!pageBreakanimThat's just wrong, fun_0006000Edelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animHuh?delay This time capsule has been
opened, and there's nothing in it?pageBreakanimfun_000B0007fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay
Give me 700 pushups!delay NOW!! |
| animHuh?delay This time capsule has been
opened, and there's nothing in it?pageBreakanimfun_000B0007fun_0003000Efun_00080005!delay
Give me 700 pushups!delay NOW!! |