Num | English |
002 |
003 | Mm-hmm... |
004 |
005 |
006 | ...Huh? Why does he have something |
007 | it possible... |
008 | It looks like there are a lot of |
009 |
010 |
011 |
012 |
013 | Why would he keep something like |
014 | It looks like the ultimate level |
015 | The smell of sweaty socks slowly |
016 | Ahh, such a manly way |
017 | Ummm... Why are there old |
018 | This gives a glimpse of his true |
019 | After looking in there, his |
020 |
021 | Wow, it's as if he wanted people to |
022 | This is a pretty exciting way to |
023 | Whoa... That's an odd way |
024 | Why does everything in here smell |
025 |
026 | The gentle fragrance from this |
027 |
028 |
029 | This is a really interesting storage |
030 | Everything in here seems to be |
031 |
032 | Wow! It's interesting to see how she |
033 | Wow, it's full of all sorts of |
034 | Perhaps she's the type of person |
035 | This can hold a lot more than |
036 |
037 | The contents in here seem to be |
038 | She seems to be ready for just |
039 | Every little thing in here looks |
040 | Hmmm... The way things are stored |
041 | ...Huh?! |
042 | This shows that she's obsessed |
043 | ...Sometimes it's best to forget |
044 | Tossing what she doesn't need |
045 | ...Huh. She seems to enjoy keeping |
046 | |
047 | |
048 | |
049 | |
050 | |
051 | delay.delay.delay.delayOh,delay looks like fun_0002000E |
052 | delay.delay.delay.delayfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011 |
053 | delay.delay.delay.delayfun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011 is |
054 | delay.delay.delay.delayOh,delay fun_0002000Efun_00030011 |
055 | delay.delay.delay.delayOh,delay is this fun_0002000E |
056 | delay.delay.delay.delayAh, fun_0002000Efun_00030011 |
057 | delay.delay.delay.delayOh, delaya dusty, old |
058 | delay.delay.delay.delayOh,delay it looks like there's |
059 | |
060 | |
061 | It's empty because it's |
061 | It's empty because it's |