
Script : [Lazy] BO_Re_Moveout

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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Thanks for talking with me the
other day.delay It really helped me sort
out my thoughts.
animAnd now I've finally made up my
mind!delay I'm moving away from this
animThanks for everything!delayanim I'm not going
to say good-bye, 'cause I hope
we'll see each other again.
I'll just say animfun_000A0007sizeso long!size


animI finally made up my mind!delay
I'm moving out of this town!pageBreakanimI went back and forth so much
that eventually I just flipped a coin
for it, delayfun_00070005.
animI hope I'll see you again,delay


I'm getting my stuff readydelay for my
move!fun_00010007 animI wonder what yummy foods
will be in my next town.
animA huh huh huh!delay I can't wait to find
out,delay fun_00070005!


animHuh?delay We haven't met before,
have we?fun_00010007 animWell,delay nice to meet you!delay
And also good-bye!
animThe thing is,delay I'm actually moving
away tomorrow.delayanim I wish we'd had
a chance to get to know each other.
animBut you never know what the future
holds.delay Maybe we'll meet up again
sometime,delay fun_00070005!


Welcome to fun_00050005, fun_00000005!fun_00010007
animI'm glad I got to talk with youdelay
before I move away.
fun_0003000Efun_00050005 is a great place,delay so you
should still come to visit even after
I'm gone,delay fun_00070005!


Sodelay.delay.delay.delayanimare you here on a visit?fun_00010007
animNice to meet you!delay I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimIt's too bad we're meeting now,delay
because tomorrow I'm moving to
another town.
animMaybe we'll meet again in some
other place,delay fun_00070005.


animUnfortunately, I can't hang out
today!delay I'm moving out of this town
tomorrow.pageBreakanimBut I can't tell you where I'm
goingdelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 anim'Cause I haven't figured out
where yet, delayfun_00070005!endTag
Come to my town!
That's rough...


animNah,delay it'll be OK.delay I'll just head in
whatever direction smells the best!pageBreakanimThat way I'll end up in a good-
smelling town, delayfun_00070005!


animfun_000A0007Huh?!delay You want me to live in YOUR
town, fun_00000005?!delay animWell, I guess
that could be pretty fun.
animOK, it's settled!delay I'm heading to
fun_00060005. This is gonna be
animMake sure you let everyone know
I'm coming, fun_00000005!


animfun_000A0007Huh?!delay You want me to live in YOUR
town, fun_00000005?!delay animWell, I guess
that could be pretty fun.
animOK, it's settled!delay I'm heading to
your town.delay It's gonna be great living
in the same town again!
animMake sure you let everyone know
I'm coming, fun_00000005!


animfun_000A0007Whoa,delay now here's a new face!fun_00010007
animNice to meet you!delay I'm fun_00010005!pageBreakanimI'd love to stop and chat with you,delay
but I'm moving away tomorrow,delay so
I've got to finish packing!pageBreakanimI'd invite you to visit me in my
new town,delay but I haven't decided
where I'm going yetdelay.delay.delay.
So I guess this is good-bye forever?endTag
Come to my town!
We'll meet again!


animYeah, I'm sure we will!delay It's a small
world, after all!fun_00010007 animWell,delay I'll see you
next time then!


animfun_000A0007What?!delay You're inviting me to live in
YOUR town?fun_00010007 animHmmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay Living in
fun_00060005 with fun_00000005.
animYeah, that sounds like a blast!fun_00010007
I can't wait to start a new life with
my new buddy, fun_00000005!


I was moving furniture around,delay
and I found some candy!fun_00010007 animUh huh huh!delay
It's my lucky day, delayfun_00070005!


animI was packing up my comics, and I
started readingdelay.delay.delay.delay animAnd that's why I'm
so behind on packing!


animI wonder what delicious local
specialties there are in my next


animfun_000A0007Wow!delay My place is actually pretty
big now that my stuff is packed up!


animI'm moving to fun_00020011!fun_00010007 If you
ever get the itch to travel,delay you
should come visit me there!


I'm moving to a place called
fun_00020011!delay animIf you feel like it,delay come
visit me there,delay fun_00070005.


I'll see you soon in fun_00060005,


animI'm psyched that we'll be living in
the same town again, fun_00000005!delay
It's gonna be great,delay fun_00070005!


animHmmmdelay.delay.delay.delay I hope I can find a town
as fun as this one.pageBreakanimIf you know of a good one,delay PLEASE
let me know, fun_00000005!endTag
How about my town?
I know nothing.


animUm,delay OdelayK.fun_00010007 animWell, no biggie.delay I'm sure I'll
find somewhere,delay fun_00070005.


animfun_000A0007Huh?!delay You want me to live in YOUR
town, fun_00000005?!delay animWell, I guess
that could be pretty fun.
animOK, it's settled!delay I'm heading to
fun_00060005. This is gonna be
animMake sure you let everyone know
that I'm coming, fun_00000005!


animfun_000A0007Huh?!delay You want me to live in YOUR
town, fun_00000005?!delay animWell, I guess
that could be pretty fun.
animOK, it's settled!delay I'm heading to
your town.delay It's gonna be great living
in the same town again!
animMake sure you let everyone know
I'm coming, fun_00000005!


animHeya, delayfun_00080005!delay
animI thought I might be able to slip
out unnoticeddelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimBut as per usual, your timing's on
animSo I've decided I'm leaving town.pageBreakanimJust between you and me, delayI'm
starting to hear a funny voice in my
head. delay
animAnd it's telling me that my fate lies
not in this town,delay but somewhere out
in that big brave world.
animThose were his words, not mine.delayanim
I mean, I didn't know fate COULD
lie, delayanimlet alone tell the truth!delay
animAnyway,delay he also mentioned
something about free cheesesteaks,anim
so I really don't have a choice, do I?delay
animI'll never forget you, fun_00080005.delay
animYou've been a real good friend and
all that, delayfun_00070005.


animAh! delayfun_0003000Efun_00080005?delay
animDid you read my mind? Are you,
like, a mind reader?!pageBreakanim'Cause...delayanimlately I've been thinking
about moving outta town.delay
Don't get me wrong,anim I love it here.delay
animBut if I'm gonna settle down,delay I need
to find a place that's more
So anyway,delay when I found out
fun_00010011 wanted to move in,animdelay my
mind was made up.
animI'll sure miss seeing you around,
fun_00080005delay.delay.delay.animbut I'll cheer up sooner
or later, delayfun_00070005!


animAh! delayfun_0003000Efun_00080005?delay
animDid you read my mind? Are you,
like, a mind reader?!pageBreakanim'Cause...delayanimlately I've been thinking
about moving outta town.delay
Don't get me wrong,anim I love it here.delay
animBut if I'm gonna settle down,delay I need
to find a place that's more
So anyway,delay when I found out
fun_00010011 wanted to move in,animdelay my
mind was made up.
animI'll sure miss seeing you around,
fun_00080005delay.delay.delay.animbut I'll cheer up sooner
or later, delayfun_00070005!


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