Num | English |
| I have a favor to ask. Would
you dig up my time capsule
for me? It'd be super sad if
it never got dug up. And you
can keep what's inside! |
| I saved up for a long time to
buy this item. Now that
you're super rich and
everything, I hope this helps
you remember where you
came from! |
| This is a treasure I found in
my adventures around town.
I don't want anyone to know
about it, so I'm sealing it
away in this time capsule! |
| I know this doesn't look like
much, but I've actually been
saving it for the future. I
think it would go super well
with jet packs and flying
cars. |
| Apparently I used to have
this in my room when I was
a cute little baby. I can't
remember that far back,
but maybe you'll be able to! |
| This is going in my time
capsule because I don't know
what to do with it. Maybe
you'll figure something out.
If you don't want it either,
just bury it again! |
| My uncle got me this item as
a souvenir, but souvenir
clothes are kind of lame.
Well, maybe you'll figure out
a way to make them cool,
future me. |
| I just can't get the ketchup
stains out of this, so I put it
in a time capsule! I hope
laundry technology gets
better in the future! |
| I got this in a goody bag at a
party, but it's not really my
style. But by the time you
get this, it'll be all vintage
and cool! I hope so, anyway. |
| Honestly, you could put
anything in a time capsule,
and it would feel like
treasure. Not that that's
what I did with this time
capsule. |
| This thing is old, but it's still
pretty nice. I can't bring
myself to throw it away...
Maybe future me can use it
as a dishrag or something. |
| Thanks for helping me out
with my time capsule! It was
super fun, but let's just keep
it between us, OK? I'll give
you this to seal our pact.
| Thanks again for helping me
with the time capsule!
I totally forgot what I put in
it, so I was really surprised.
Here's something to say
thanks for your help! |
| It was super exciting opening
up that time capsule. We
should do it again sometime!
Have this as my way of
saying thanks! |
| It was super exciting opening
up that time capsule. We
should do it again sometime!
Have this as my way of
saying thanks! |