Num | English |
| animWhat? delayfun_00010011 sent this?pageBreakanimOh, I bet this is about that awful
fight we had. I almost forgot about
the whole thing, fun_00070005.
animNow I feel kind of bad.delay.delay.delaythat fun_0007000E
felt so bad. I'll have to go over
there later and apologize too. |
| animWhat's this? delayIt looks so familiar,
fun_00070005.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimHey! delayIt's my fun_00030011
that I lent to fun_00010011! |
| animWhat's this? delayIt seems so familiar,
fun_00070005.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimHey! delayIt's my fun_00030011
that I left over at fun_00010011's
place, fun_00070005! |
| animHuh? delayYou say my package wound
up being delivered to fun_00010011's
animBut it's been opened already,
Uh...I did that.
No way! Really? |
| Hey, this is the thing I asked
fun_00010011 for!pageBreakanimWait a second.delay.delay.delay The package has
been opened, fun_00070005!fun_0005000F
Er...I did it.
No way! Really? |
| animThanks for taking the time to bring
this to me, fun_00080005. |
| animThanks for doing this! I know you're
always way busy. |
| animBut.delay.delay.delayhold on. |
| animIf this is a gift, why wasn't it
wrapped?fun_0005000F was.
Who cares? |
| animYeah, right! delayWho cares? delayA gift is
a gift, fun_00080005! |
| animIt doesn't really matter that it
wasn't wrapped, I guess. delayIt's the
thought that counts, fun_00070005!
Thanks for handling the delivery,
fun_00080005! |
| animWhat?! You mean.delay.delay.delayYOU opened
my present, fun_00080005?pageBreakanimThat's not very nice! fun_00010007But at least
you were honest about it. |
| animJust don't do that ever again,
fun_00070005! |
| And since you did deliver it, I should
still thank you.fun_00010007 Here, fun_00080005.
Have this. |
| animI'm still not super happy about
all this.delay.delay.delaybut I'll get over it,
fun_00080005. |
| animYou know, delayit would have been nice
if our neighbor could have sent
it back wrapped up or something.
animOh well. That doesn't matter.
Thanks for delivering it, fun_00080005! |
| animThanks for delivering it, fun_00080005.delay
And tell our neighbor thanks for
returning it too! |
| animI thought I'd never get this back.delay
Thanks for delivering it! |
| animI thought I'd never get it back, so
I already bought a new one! |
| animOh well. No big deal, I guess.delay
animAnyway, thanks for bringing it
over here, fun_00080005! |
| animWhat, seriously? fun_00010007animWhy did you DO
that, fun_00080005? |
| animWell, it's sort of fine, I guess.
The truth is.delay.delay.delayI was planning on
giving this to YOU.
animSo you spoiled your own surprise,
that's all. delayanimAnd it was less fun for
me. delayAnyway, it's yours.delay
It's fun_0002000Efun_00030011. |
| animI hope you enjoy it. delayIn the future,
you shouldn't go opening packages
that don't belong to you, OK? |
| animWe might be good friends, but
there's a little thing called
privacy, right? |
| animWe might be good friends, but
you shouldn't pry into my
personal stuff, fun_00080005! |
| animBut at least you admitted what you
did. delayI'll get over it, fun_00070005. |
| animOh well. I guess it's not THAT big
of a deal. delayAt least you told me
what you did. So thanks. |
| animJust don't do anything like that
ever again, OK? |
| animSince you DID deliver it after all,
I should probably still thank you. |
| fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011, you
know? animI'll ask for your help again
sometime. |
| fun_0003000Efun_0002000Efun_00030011, you
know? animI'll ask for your help again
sometime. |