Num | English |
| i10_7 |
| i10_7 |
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| fun_00050009 |
| fun_00050009 |
| animWhat a drag! I gotta head home
tomorrow.delay animSilver lining?delayanim I'm gonna
pack for my move!delay fun_0003000Efun_00070005!
animdelayI just cannot, like, WAIT for my
fun_00050005 debut!delayanim This town is not
gonna know what hit it! |
| animdelayOhmigosh!delayanim No way!delay Someone JUST
asked me to move here too!pageBreakanimNow I, like, know it was my fate to
move to fun_00050005!delaypageBreakThat reminds me, animdelayyou have to let
meanim read your horoscope when I get
back.delayanim What's your sign?! |
| animYeah? delayWhat's up?fun_0006000F
Let's talk.
You should live here!
Enjoy your vacation! |
| animThanks!delayanim If there's one thing I know
how to do delayanimit's have a good time.
delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
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| animHEY!delay OK, so aren't you just so
excited to be here, delayfun_00070005?pageBreakanimThis town is totally me!delay Y'know,
delayI just feel like I've lived here my
whole life or something.delay.delay.delay |
| animOh?delay This is, like, your home? animHuh.delay
Lucky you!delaypageBreakanimYou know, delayI really feel like I coulddelay
make a name for myself in a town
like this.
animI'm clearly destined for fame. The
only question is, when?!delayanim |
| I used to think that sleeping in a car
was, like,anim a terrible idea!delaypageBreakBut now I totally get its charm.
animdelayRoughing it is SO important for
character building. delayfun_0003000Efun_00070005! |
| animAt first I was, likedelay.delay.delay.animdelay"this van is
criminally small."delayanim But then I was,
like, anim"think positive!"delay
animIt's WAY easier to clean!delayanim
color(Of course, now I have to actually
clean itdelay.delay.delay.)color |
| animdelayHonestly, delayI'm not the most
confident driver.delay It's hard to admit,delay
but the backseat is really my jam.
delayanimI would, like,delay a hundred percent
LOVE to get a chauffeur. You
animNo? delayHeehee.delayanim Let me know if you
change your mind, fun_00070005! |
| animPlease tell me delaymy car isn't
a complete eyesore!delay I really tried
my best.pageBreakanimdelayI knew I should've bought that
gold-plated fun_000F0005 instead. |
| animHey!delay Do you want to see my
driver's license?delay animI have it. Don't
laugh, OKdelay.delay.delay.?delay
animThe picture's kinda blurry. delayI was so
excited, I couldn't stop moving
for the photo!anim |
| animWhy am I even here?delayanim Can I answer
your questiondelay with a question.delay.delay.delay?pageBreakanimWhy are YOU even here?!fun_00010007anim
I'm kidding! delayHeehee!delayanim |
| animI'm so brilliant!delay I've been using
all this extra time in the car to
completely reinvent my voice.pageBreakJust listen—animshe shells sea sellsdelay.delay.delay.delay
animShe sellsdelay she-sells by the seashore!delay
animDoesn't it sound so good?
animI heard multitaskingdelay is one of the
most important things you could
ever master. Right, delayfun_00070005? |
| animdelayPhew!delay Ohmigosh! I just had, like,
THE scariest moment of my life.pageBreakanimI was driving into the campground,delay
and those trees—they totally came
out of nowhere!
animI thought one was going to literally
spring up inside my van.delaypageBreakanimBut it's fine!delay It's fine!fun_00010007anim If there's one
thing I'm known for, delayit's my ability
to overcome any challenge! |
| animIsn't it totally unbelievable that I'm
here,delay fun_00070005? pageBreakanimBut when Mother Nature calls to
you, delayyou do NOT ignore her, you
know?pageBreakSo this is what happened.delayanim I was just,
like, driving in my car, delayand I heard
this strange voiceanimdelay calling to me.
animIt was saying, "Your fate is in
fun_00050005!delay Be one with the fates,
and go there!"delay
animdelayanimOhmigosh! I just realized!delay This is
gonna make, like, such a beautiful
passage in my memoir.delay |
| animIsn't it totally unbelievable that I'm
here,delay fun_00070005? pageBreakanimBut when Mother Nature calls to
you, delayyou do NOT ignore her, you
know?pageBreakSo this is what happened.delayanim I was just,
like, driving in my car, delayand I heard
this strange voiceanimdelay calling to me.
animIt was saying, "Your fate is in
fun_00050005!delay Be one with the fates,
and go there!"delay
animdelayanimOhmigosh! I just realized!delay This is
gonna make, like, such a beautiful
passage in my memoir.delay |