Num | English |
| animAye, do that be fun_00000005?delay
animYe be here for some bean brew?pageBreakDon't ye just stand there, though!delay
Why don't ye take a seat here? |
| animAye, be that me lad, fun_00000005?delay
animDo ye come here often?pageBreakanimHeh heh hehdelay.delay.delay.delay Do this be yer usual
bean haunt? |
| animYe know it be true!delay The best beans
for bean brew are colorBlue Mountaincolor!pageBreakanimdelayI just be likin' the name o' themdelay.delay.delay.delay
animYar, they be soundin' like a real
manly sort o' bean. |
| animI like me bean brew with the colorregular
amount colorof milk in it. animAll good things
in moderation, yar? |
| animI colordon't colorput any sugar in me bean
brew. Yar, that'd be silly!pageBreakanimMen be naturally born animsugarless. |
| |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00000009 |
| fun_00020009 |
| |
| i10_16 |
| animIt be springtime, delayfun_00000005.delay
Yar, the season for new love!delay
animWhy not find yerself a nice lass? |
| animDrinkin' hot coffee on purposedelay.delay.delay.delay
On a hot daydelay.delay.delay.delay animYar! That be what
makes us men, ye knowdelay.delay.delay.delay?delay animdelayH-h-hot! |
| animThis be the season for toasty bean
brew amongst the warmth o' yer
closest friends and suchdelay.delay.delay.delay
animThat's me soggy thought, anyway! |
| animdelayYe know,delay drinkin' bean brew on a
cold day like today really helps ye
feel it throughout yer whole body.
animPart o' operating a ferry be the
rough, icy days of winter, ye know?pageBreakanimBut no matter how rough it gets,delay
I gotta stick it out for me family! |
| i10_8 |
| animWhen ye offer a ferry servicedelay.delay.delay.delay
ye gotta be ready to leave
whenever yer customers want!
animThat be why I drink a lot o' bean
brew so I don't be gettin' sleepy.pageBreakanimBut sometimes I get too much
caffeine in me system and get
what we call the sea jittersdelay.delay.delay.delay
animDealing with that be part o' bein'
a man o' the sea! |
| animI get really excited for rainy days!pageBreakanimEven this bean brew tastes extra
special todaydelay.delay.delay.delayanimfun_0001000Cfun_0007000Cdelay animYar, ain't that right,delay
colorBrewstercolor?fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cdelay.delay.delay.delayI pride myself on consistencydelay.delay.delay.delayfun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CanimThat's why ye be a prodelay.delay.delay.delay |
| animThe ferryman can't take a day off,delay
even if it be snowin'delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimBut seeing the happy faces on me
customersdelay.delay.delay.delay Yar, it makes it all
worth it!
Blows me tiredness right away!
animEspecially when they be givin' me
a nice fancy tip! animYar har har! |
| animdelayCherry blossoms, huhdelay.delay.delay.?delay I met me
wife when the cherry blossoms
were floatin' through the air.
animEr, wait.delay Was it snowingdelay.delay.delay.delay?delay animYar,delay if I
can't remember, she'll be screamin'
like a sea banshee, she will! |
| i10_13 |
| animYe know what I always liked?
Lizards. They be like little scaly
monsters! That's just like me!
animAye, I can be sweet and such, but
in me heart animI be an awful tyrant.
animLeast me wife and girl love me.
animMe mum? animYar, she loves me, too,
but it be different. animYe know how
parents be. animYar har har! |
| animYe know how fish be all wet and
scaly? animThey be like lizards o' the
sea, 'cept they don't breathe fire.
animGar?!delay animYe say ye never be seein' a
fire-breathin' lizard in yer life?!
Ye be missin' out!
animIf it were up to me, an' someday
it may well be, animI'd tell ye to get out
and explore the world! animYar har har! |
| animYar, in all me years o' rowin' 'round
the seas, I never be runnin' into a
true member o' the merfolk.
animAye, people be tellin' me I need to
look harrrrder,delay animbut why is it me own
fault that merfolk be hatin' me?!
Yar! THEY be the snooty ones!
animMerfolk? animMore like mersnobs!
animThey can be keepin' their distance! |
| animHave ye ever seen what sort o'
coconuts grow on an island that
already grows cocoa trees?
animYar, ye'd think they'd be gettin'
along and makin' great big hunks
o' chocolate fruits and such...
animBut nar!delay animThey be too prideful to
give ol' Kapp'n his chocolaty dues!
animIt be a right shame... |
| animYe hear much about this fancy new
3D technology and such? animYar, it be
the greatest thing ever!
animMe wife, she be sayin', animfun_0004000D"I love bein'
able to see this new dimension!
Why didn't we find it sooner?!"fun_0005000D
animI can't answer her, animbut I can't help
but feel bad for me pirate chums.pageBreakanimAye, the eye patches be makin' it
harrrd to see the 3D visuals. |
| fun_0018000A |
| animWhat's up with ye?delay animYou've got a
pretty stylish mop on yer head.
animdelayIf only me hair be like yersdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| fun_0018000A |
| animYar! Ye animbe havin' a pretty stylish
hairstyle, ye know?pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.delayanimWait—ain't ye a guy?!delay
animI thought ye were a girl! |
| animdelayWhat I wouldn't give to have that
much hair on me headdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| Idelay did a lot o' different jobs afore
starting this one, ye know.pageBreakanimdelayI drove a bus,delay drove a taxi,delay and even
rowed a boat for a while.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimThat were a rough jobdelay.delay.delay.delay animI'd have to
go back and forth many times,delay
even if it were rainy or windydelay.delay.delay.delay
animYar, I suppose that be about what
I be doin' now.pageBreakanimIt's all for me customers, though!delay
animEspecially for the extra tips!fun_00010007
delay.delay.delay.delayanimYar, I mean for me family! |
| I may not look like it,delay but I be the
proud papa of a wee lass me wife
and I named colorLeilacolor.
animdelayWhen she were tiny,delay she'd often tell
me how much she loved her papa.delay
She were as adorable as a clam!
animBut nowadaysdelay if I tell her we be
alike,delay she starts to cryin'delay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimdelayYar, daughters should come with
instructional manualsdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| Me wife actually comes from a
good upbringing. None o' this rough
sea life in her background!
animShe gets royally mad if I be sayin'
something like "by Poseidon's curly
leghairs!" when I be mad.
anim"Say 'oops, that's frustrating' when
you feel angry," she says to medelay.delay.delay.delaypageBreakanimApparently,delay usin' sea lingo ain't be
so classy at weddings. animdelayYar, women
be hard to understand sometimesdelay.delay.delay.delay |
| fun_0001000Cfun_0007000CanimAye, delaycolorBrewstercolor,delay could ye make me a
cup o' bean brew? animAnd sling in a
salty cucumber!
animAye, that'll give it a taste of
the sea!fun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0007000Cdelay.delay.delay.delayI don't put anything extra
or unnecessary in my coffeedelay.delay.delay.delayfun_0009000C |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CdelayanimYar, he be a prodelay.delay.delay.delay |
| fun_0000000Cfun_0005000CdelayanimYar, he be a prodelay.delay.delay.delay |