Num | English |
| animOh yeah,delay thanks for delivering that
thing to fun_00010011,delay fun_00070005. |
| animSo what was fun_00010011's
Let me tell you!
Don't remember. |
| animSo did fun_00010011 like it?fun_0005000F
Well, actually...
Don't remember. |
| animHow could you forget something
like that?fun_00010007 animWere you paying any
attention at all,delay fun_00070005? |
| animfun_000B0007Whaaat?!delay You opened it?fun_00010007
animBut I spent all that time wrapping it. |
| animfun_000B0007Whaaat?!delay You opened it?
fun_00010007animAnd fun_00010011 didn't even notice?!pageBreakanimMandelay.delay.delay.delay I bet fun_0008000E thinks I'm such a
slob nowdelay.delay.delay. |
| animI'm so gladdelay that you came!fun_00010007
Thanks for making that delivery
for me, fun_00080005. |
| animOh,delay so fun_00010011 hasn't tried it on
yet.fun_00010007 animMaybe fun_0008000E was so happy that
fun_0008000E got shy, fun_00070005. |
| animI guess fun_00010011 didn't like it.fun_00010007
Man, I really thought fun_0008000E'd be into
it. |
| animI guess fun_00010011 didn't like it.fun_00010007
animA huh huh huh!delay I'm just the worst
at picking out presents.delayanim |
| animfun_00010011 thought it was just fine,
huh?fun_00010007 animButdelay isn't that just another way
of saying "just right"? |
| animSo fun_00010011 did like it!delay Yeah,
I think I have a good idea about
what fun_0008000E's into,delay fun_00070005.delayanim |
| animSo fun_00010011 liked it!delay animHah!delay I knew
I was right to trust my gut! |
| animOh, really?delay fun_00010011 liked it?delay Who
knew fun_0008000E had good taste? |
| Thanks for making that delivery
to fun_00010011!fun_00010007 animI really couldn't get
up the courage to go apologizedelay.delay.delay.pageBreakanimSodelay you were a big help,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animThanks so much for making that
delivery to fun_00010011!fun_00010007 So, um,
delayanimwas fun_0008000E still mad?fun_0005000F
So, about that...
Don't remember. |
| animThanks so much for making that
delivery to fun_00010011!fun_00010007 So, um,
delayanimwas fun_0008000E still mad?fun_0005000F
So, about that...
Well, kinda... |
| animWhat?delay But I was really hoping to
make up with fun_00010011! |
| animOh, yeah?delay I guess fun_00010011 will
forgive me now, huh?fun_00010007 animWhew!delay I'm
really relieved that we're making up. |
| animfun_000B0007What?!delay You opened it?fun_00010007 animBut now how
am I supposed to patch things up,delay
fun_00070005? |
| animfun_000B0007What?!delay You opened the package?fun_00010007
animAnddelay fun_00010011 didn't even notice
you'd done it?!
fun_0008000E must think I'm a total slob who
couldn't even be bothered to
wrap a present.
animOh no!delay How am I gonna patch
things up now? |
| animThanks for making that delivery to
fun_00010011!delay You're a lifesaver,delay
fun_00070005! |
| animIf I'd held on to that any longer,
I think fun_00010011 probably would
have exploded with rage.delay Like this.
animfun_000A0007"Aaaaarrrrgghhhhhfun_000A0007delay.delay.delay.delay animsizedelayfun_000B0007KABLAM!"delayanimsizepageBreakanimThat would've been scary.delay Yeah, it's
a good thing you returned it. |
| I was holding on to that thing for
a pretty long time.delay Did fun_00010011
say anything about that?fun_0005000F
Don't remember. |
| animUgh,delay you're even spacier than I am,delay
fun_00080005!pageBreakanimYou've probably got stuff at home
that you're forgetting to give back
yourself! |
| animOh,delay I'm so relieved she's not mad!delay
She doesn't get mad very often,delayanim
but when she does,delay watch out! |
| animOh, really?delay Whew,delay fun_00070005.fun_00010007
animI mean, if she called me out on that,
everyone in town would know.
animAnd then no one would EVER lend
anything to me! |
| animReally?delay She liked the wrapping job?fun_00010007
animMaybe I've finally figured out how
to wrap presents! |
| animOh,delay great!delay animWhen she gets mad,delay it's
like an earthquake! |
| animI'm glad he wasn't mad!delay animOf course,
he's so chill, he probably never, ever
gets mad. |
| animOh, great,delay so he wasn't mad?fun_00010007
animIt's hard to tell sometimes, 'cause
his regular speaking voice is so loud. |
| animThat's great!delay I thought he would
have yelled something like,delay anim
fun_000B0007"You're late!" |
| animScatterbrained?!delay Next time I see
him,delay I'm gonna try to remember to
give him a piece of my mind! |
| animThanks for making that delivery!delay
Did fun_00010011 say anything about
Don't remember. |
| animHuh?!delay How could you forget?delay
Were you even listening?pageBreakanimWell, whatever.delay animThe important thing
is that you delivered it!delay Thanks. |
| animSeriously?!delay fun_00010011 already
bought another one?pageBreakanimMan, I can't believe I dropped the
ball like that. |
| animOh, good!delay I'm so glad fun_00010011
was happy. |
| animOh, right.delay Thanks for delivering that
thing to fun_00010011! |
| animOh yeah.delay Thanks a bunch for
making that delivery to fun_00010011! |
| animSo delayhow'd it go?fun_0005000F
It went like this...
I don't remember. |
| animWhat was fun_00010011's reaction?fun_0005000F
I don't remember. |
| animSodelay was fun_00010011 happy?fun_0005000F
Here's how it went...
Don't remember. |
| animfun_000B0007What?!delay You opened it?!fun_00010007 animI can't
believe you'd do that!delay Was
fun_00010011 mad? |
| animHow could you forget something
like that?delay Were you paying any
attention at all? |
| animAw, mandelay.delay.delay.delay Now I'll never know what
was in that package! |
| animfun_000B0007What?delay The package was a present
for you,delay fun_00080005?!pageBreakanimThat's a crazy coincidence!delay
Well, I'm happy for you! |
| animHuh?delay fun_00010011 gave you
a present?!pageBreakanimAw, man.delay I like presents too!delay
I should have made the delivery
myself! |
| animWhat?!delay So fun_00010011 had already
bought a new one?fun_00010007 animI guess I was too
slow.delay Darn! |
| animHuh?!delay So it was a present for you,delay
fun_00080005?!fun_00010007 animOh, man. Sorry I asked
you to deliver it then.
animBut I guess it did kind ofdelay all work
out in the end,delay fun_00070005. |
| Oh, really?delay animThat's great you got
a thank-you gift for your delivery,
fun_00080005! |
| animI guess fun_00010011 must have liked
it if fun_0008000E changed right into it!delay
Good to hear! |
| animOh, fun_00010011 wasn't into it?delay And
after I went to all that trouble...delay
What a bummer,delay fun_00070005. |
| animOh, fun_00010011 wasn't into it?delay And
after I went to all that trouble...delay
What a bummer,delay fun_00070005. |