Num | English |
002 | i10_7 |
003 | i10_7 |
004 | |
005 | |
006 | fun_00030009 |
007 | fun_00030009 |
008 | |
009 | |
011 | animAhoy there,delay landlubber. delayI daresaydelay.delay.delay. |
012 | animAhoy there,delay landlubber. delayI daresaydelay.delay.delay. |
013 | animNow I know ye think I'm the finest |
014 | Aye,delayanim this landlubbin' vehicle be |
015 | Yarr. delayanimTootin' into the breeze ain't |
016 | animDo ye hear that?pageBreakdelay.delay.delay.Ah, delayit's just the whisperin' o' the |
017 | animAye, delaywe could've used a lad with |
017 | animAye, delaywe could've used a lad with |