Num | English |
| Hey,delay you know what people animare
saying about you lately?fun_00010007 animThat you're
kind of fun_0002000Efun_000A0005?
Well,delay I don't think they're too far
off the mark there,delay fun_00070005! |
| Hey,delay did you hear that fun_00000011
made a birthday wish for, ahem,
animIt wouldn't surprise me if that wish
comes true someday,delay fun_00070005! |
| animAh!delay That reminds me—next monthdelay
animis fun_00000011's birthday, isn't it?!pageBreakanim.delay.delay.delayAm I animjumping the gun just a little
bit? Oh well!delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| animOh!delay It's almost fun_00000011's
birthday, isn't it?!pageBreakanimI wonder what kinda present I
should get for fun_0005000Edelay.delay.delay. |
| animOh no!delay fun_0003000Efun_00000011's birthdaydelay
is tomorrow, isn't it?!pageBreakanimI reminded myself a while back, butdelay
I completely forgot!delay animGreat. Now I
gotta go find a presentdelay.delay.delay. |
| animToday's fun_00000011's birthday!delay
Did you already go celebrate with
fun_0005000E, or are you heading there now? |
| That reminds me—I haven't seen
animfun_00000011 at all lately.delay I wonder
what's up.
animI wonder if fun_0005000E forgot fun_0005000E the
mayor, since we don't really treat
fun_0005000E animlike the mayor... |
| animThat reminds me—I haven't seen
fun_00000011 at all lately.delay animI wonder
how fun_0005000E been doingdelay.delay.delay. |
| animAh!delay I ran into animfun_00000011 today!pageBreakYou two are so similar that it's easy
to mistake one of you for the other!delay
animAll you humans look alike!delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
| animYou know that fun_00000011's super-
special birthday wish was, animuhdelay,
animIf it's something you can help with,delay
why won't you help fun_0005000E a bit? |
| animThat reminds me! Next month on
the fun_000F0004 animis fun_00000011's birthday!pageBreakIf you can make room in your
schedule to come celebrate with
fun_0005000E, I'm sure fun_0005000E be happy! |
| animThat reminds me—it's almost
fun_00000011's birthday!delay animI'm pretty
sure it's on animfun_000E0004 fun_000F0004!
animIf you can make time for it,delay why
don't you come over to celebrate
with fun_0005000E for a bit? |
| animOh yeah,delay tomorrow's fun_00000011's
birthday, right?pageBreakWhy don't you come over and
celebrate with fun_0005000E,delay fun_00070005? |
| animThat reminds me! Today is
fun_00000011's birthday!delaypageBreakanimDid you come to celebrate
with fun_0005000E too? |
| That reminds me! I recently had a
dream involving fun_00000011 from
over in fun_00020011.
animfun_0005000E kinda had this
persona about fun_0005000Edelay.delay.delay. |
| That reminds me! I recently had a
dream involving fun_00000011 from
over in fun_00020011.
Seemed like fun_0002000Efun_00040011
to me,delay animand even in my dreams, fun_0005000E
looked like fun_0005000E was doing welldelay.delay.delay. |
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| animHo!delay animWell then, congratulations!pageBreakIt's pretty impressive you set that
goal and worked to see it come
true!fun_00010007 animThat's so like you,delay fun_00080005! |
| animHo!delay animIt's pretty impressive even just
to come a little closer to having
that wish come true!
animDon't give up yet,delay fun_00080005!delay
I'm cheering for you,delay fun_00070005! |
| animHah!delay You don't say!delay animWell,delay it really
wouldn't be fun if it came true too
easily, would it?
animYou should take your time working
on it!delay All's well that ends well, you
know!delay animGAHAHA!delayanim |
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