Num | Français (NA) |
| animTu n'as pas prévu de te rendre dans
une autre ville, par hasard?pageBreakanimJe m'explique...delay J'ai commencé une
pétition sur un thème qui m'est
cher :delay fun_00010012.
animMais je compte bien mobiliser les
habitants des autres villes aussi!delay
Tu pourrais prospecter pour moi?
Par contre, j'en ai besoin pour la
fin de la journée... Après, il sera
trop tard!fun_0005000F
Comme si c'était fait.
Non aux pétitions! |
| animTu as entendu la dernière?delay
Une pétition a été lancée :delay
animNaturellement, j'ai immédiatement
adhéré à cette noble cause. delayEt là,
il me manque quelques signatures.
animD'où mon idée :delay tu vas dans une
autre ville, et tu en trouves pour
moi!delay Génial, non?
animC'est une occasion unique de faire
enfin bouger les choses!delay Alors, tu
soutiens notre cause?
animPar contre, j'en ai besoin pour la
fin de la journée... Après, il sera
trop tard!fun_0005000F
On signe où?
« Cause » toujours... |
| animBah, je m'en doutais, delaymais merci
quand même. |
| animAh...? Ah bon. Tant pis... |
| animJe vais me débrouiller toute seule :delay
cette cause est la mienne, et mienne
sera la lutte qu'elle exige. delayEn avant! |
| animBravo, tu as pris la bonne décision!delay
Je vais te donner une feuille pour
recueillir les signatures.
animEn un mot, voilà le topo : delaytu peux
faire signer colorn'importe quel habitant
d'une autre villecolor, fun_00070005.pageBreakanimEt une fois que tu as recueilli les
colorfun_00060004color signatures nécessaires, tu reviens
me voir.delay Fastoche, non? |
| animYes!delay Thank you so much!pageBreakanimPlease collect colorfun_00060004color signaturesdelay
animfrom colorthe girls in the town you're
going tocolor.delaypageBreakanimAnd I'll give you a formdelay for them
to sign!delay animThanks again for your help!
delayI'm counting on you! |
| animOh, delaythank goodness!fun_00010007 animI need
signatures fromdelay colorseriouscolor, colorstudious
colorcolorgirls in the other towncolor,delay OK?pageBreakanimI think colorfun_00060004 signatures colorshould be
plenty.delay Can you do that?fun_00010007 animHere's a
form for the signatures.delay Thanks! |
| |
| animNe perds pas de temps! Je compte
sur toi! |
| animBravo! File comme le vent et porte
haut les couleurs de notre cause! |
| animTu es fun_0006000E!anim |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| animThank you!fun_00010007 animFor this petition, please
get signatures fromdelay colordogs in other
delayThink you can get colorfun_00060004color signaturesdelay
total?fun_00010007 animOh, and here's the form for
the signatures! |
| animThank you so much!pageBreakanimWe have to get signatures from
anyone in the other town delay
who is a colorcatcolor.
delayThink you can get colorfun_00060004color signatures for
me?fun_00010007 animOh, and here's the form for
the signatures! |
| animThis is going to help so much!delay
animWe have to get signatures from
colorsquirrels colorin other towns.
delayAnd we need to get colorfun_00060004color signatures,
OK?fun_00010007 animOh, and here's the form for
the signatures! |
| animThis is going to help so much!delay
animPlease get signatures from
colorrabbits colorin other towns.
delayAnd I need colorfun_00060004color signatures, OK?fun_00010007
animOh, and here's the form for the
signatures! |
| animThis is going to help so much!delay
animPlease get signatures from
colorducks colorin other towns.
delayAnd I need colorfun_00060004color signatures, OK?fun_00010007
animOh, and here's the form for the
signatures! |
| animThanks so much for helping me out!delay
animPlease get signatures from
colormice colorin other towns.
delayAnd I need colorfun_00060004color signatures, OK?fun_00010007
animOh, and here's the form for the
signatures! |
| animThanks so much for helping me out!delay
animPlease get signatures from
colorfrogs colorin other towns.
delayAnd I need colorfun_00060004color signatures, OK?fun_00010007
animOh, and here's the form for the
signatures! |
| animThanks so much for helping me out!delay
animPlease get signatures from
colorhorses colorin other towns.
delayAnd I need colorfun_00060004color signatures, OK?fun_00010007
animOh, and here's the form for the
signatures! |
| animThanks so much for helping me out!delay
animPlease get signatures from
colorbears colorin other towns.
delayAnd I need colorfun_00060004color signatures, OK?fun_00010007
animOh, and here's the form for the
signatures! |
| animYou're the best for doing this!delay
animPlease get signatures from
colorpenguins colorin other towns.
delayAnd I need colorfun_00060004color signatures, OK?fun_00010007
animOh, and here's the form for the
signatures! |
| animYou're the best for doing this!delay
animPlease get signatures from
colorpenguins colorin other towns.
delayAnd I need colorfun_00060004color signatures, OK?fun_00010007
animOh, and here's the form for the
signatures! |