Num | Italiano |
| animSto cercando di pubblicizzare
delayuna causa molto, delaymolto
importante, fun_00080005.
animMi faresti la cortesia di raccogliere
firme per la mia petizionedelay
animHo bisogno di queste firme entro
oggidelay.delay.delay.delay e devono essere di abitanti
di altre città.delay animMi aiuti, per favore?fun_0005000F
Certo, ti aiuto io!
No. |
| animOh, delaydevo assolutamente chiederti
di aiutarmi, fun_00080005.pageBreakanimMi servono firme per una petizione
entro domani e qui in città
ho chiesto già a tutti.
animPotresti raccogliere firme nelle
altre città? La petizione si chiama
Sì! Certamente!
Neanche per idea. |
| animNon mi aiuterai? delayBeh, allora
dovrò vedermela da sola.delay.delay.delay
Grazie lo stesso, fun_00080005. |
| animMa come? delayÈ una causa importante!fun_00010007
animBeh, forse non la pensi come me.delay.delay.delay |
| animNon posso crederci.delay.delay.delay Ero sicura che
saresti statfun_0006000E dalla mia parte. delayBeh,
scusa per il disturbo, fun_00080005. |
| animTi ringrazio tantissimo, fun_00080005.delay
Dovrai raccogliere colorfun_00060004 firmecolor
dagli abitanti di coloraltre cittàcolor.
animTieni, ecco il modulo. |
| animThank you so much. You'll need to
get colorfun_00060004colorcolor signaturescolor from colorother townscolor.pageBreakanimOh, I almost forgot. delayGet only
signatures from colorgirlscolor. delayHere's
the sheet, fun_00080005. |
| animWonderful! delayYou'll have to get
colorfun_00060004colorcolor signaturescolor from colorother townscolor.pageBreakanimOh, I nearly forgot. delayGet only
signatures from colorgirls like mecolor.delay
Hmm? delayWhat do I mean?
animYou know.delay.delay.delaythose who don't settle
for less than the very best!delay
Here's the sheet. |
| |
| animOttimo, fun_00080005.
Spero che vada tutto bene! |
| animNon vedo l'ora di vedere
quel modulo tutto riempito! |
| animMi fido ciecamente
di te, fun_00080005! |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| animAren't we impressive, taking on the
world! delayYou'll need to hunt down
colorfun_00060004colorcolor signaturescolor from colorother townscolor.pageBreakanimOh, also! delayThey should all come from
colordogscolor, all right? delayHere's the
sheet, fun_00080005. |
| animLook at us, taking on the world!delay
You'll need to chase down
colorfun_00060004colorcolor signaturescolor from colorother townscolor.pageBreakanimOh, also! delayThe signatures should all
come from colorcatscolor, OK? delayHere's
the sheet, fun_00080005. |
| animWonderful! We're going to make a
real difference. delayNow, you'll need
colorfun_00060004colorcolor signaturescolor from colorother townscolor.pageBreakanimOne more thing! delayThey should all
come from colorsquirrelscolor. delayHere's
the sheet, fun_00080005. |
| animI'm so delighted! delayWe're going to
really hop to it and make a
difference, fun_00070005.
animYou'll need to get colorfun_00060004colorcolor signaturescolor
from colorother townscolor. delayOh, and they
should all be from colorrabbitscolor.
animHere's the sheet, fun_00080005. |
| animWell, I'm glad you're behind me on
this, fun_00080005. delayanimAs they say, birds
of a feather flock together.delay.delay.delay
animNow, delayto business! delayYou'll need to get
colorfun_00060004colorcolor signaturescolor from colorother townscolor.pageBreakanimOne more thing! delayThey should all
come from colorduckscolor. delayHere's the
sheet, fun_00080005. |
| animLook at us! delayThere's no problem
too big to tackle. Now, you'll need
colorfun_00060004colorcolor signaturescolor from colorother townscolor.pageBreakanimOh, also! delayThey should all come from
colormicecolor, all right? delaySo here's the
sheet, fun_00080005. |
| animExcellent! We're going to make a
real difference. delayNow, you'll need
colorfun_00060004colorcolor signaturescolor from colorother townscolor.pageBreakanimOh, I forgot to mention.delay.delay.delaythe
signatures really should be from
colorfrogscolor, don't you think?
animHere's your sheet, fun_00080005. |
| animMy, aren't we something? Now,
you'll need colorfun_00060004colorcolor signaturescolor, fun_00080005,
all from colorother townscolor.pageBreakanimOne more thing. delayThe signatures
should all come from colorhorsescolor.delay
Here's your sheet, fun_00080005. |
| animLook at us, making a difference!delay
Now, you'll need to chase down
colorfun_00060004colorcolor signaturescolor from colorother townscolor.pageBreakanimOh, also! delayThey should all come
from colorbearscolor, all right? delayHere's the
sheet, fun_00080005. |
| animWell, aren't we impressive, making
a real difference! delayNow, you'll need
colorfun_00060004colorcolor signaturescolor from colorother townscolor.pageBreakanimOh, and I think that we want only
colorpenguincolor signatures, all right?delay
Here's your sheet, fun_00080005. |
| animWell, aren't we impressive, making
a real difference! delayNow, you'll need
colorfun_00060004colorcolor signaturescolor from colorother townscolor.pageBreakanimOh, and I think that we want only
colorpenguincolor signatures, all right?delay
Here's your sheet, fun_00080005. |