
Diálogo : [Presumido] ZK_Q12_Req

Animal Crossing: New Leaf
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NumEspañol (NA)


fun_0003000Efun_00080005,delay ¿tienes pensado
aventurarte en otros pueblos hoy?pageBreakanimNecesito firmas para mi petición
"fun_00010012", pero
animno he tenido suerte por aquí.
animSi no te importa,delay ¿podrías recoger
firmas en otros pueblos?fun_0005000F
No puedo, perdona


animLlevo un tiempo recogiendo firmas
de apoyo para una petición, pero
de momento no tengo mucha suerte.
animNo hay gente dispuesta a apoyar
algo con un título tan radical como
animSin embargo, ¡me niego a darme por
vencido!fun_00010007 Por eso te quería pedir un
favor si sales hoy del pueblodelay.delay
animDime,delay anim¿te importaría recoger firmas
en otros pueblos,delay fun_00080005?fun_0005000F
¡Cuenta conmigo!
Lo siento, no puedo


animVaya...delay Bueno, te entiendo.anim ¡Una
petición así de innovadora tira para
atrás al más pintado!


animHum,delay el futuro de mi petición
"fun_00010012" está
cada vez más negrodelay.delay.delay.


animVaya, se ve que el gran público no
está preparado aún para mi petición


anim¡¿Lo dices en serio?! delay¡Ni te imaginas
lo que significa para mí,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimTienen que ser firmas de vecinos
colorde otro pueblocolor.delay delaySolo necesito
colorfun_00060004 fun_0009000Ecolor para presentar la petición.
anim¡Huy, casi se me olvidaba!delay animAquí
tienes la hoja para recogerlas.
Es importante que todas estén ahí.


animHa? You'll do it for me?delay animI was sure
you'd say no!pageBreakanimIn that case,delay could you please find
colorfun_00060004 boys from outside fun_00050005color
who are willing to sign the petition?
animHere. delayMake sure people sign on this
paper and ONLY this paper.


animAh, I'm so happy!delay It's good to have
someone as supportive as you on
the team!
animWell then,delay could you find colorfun_00060004 males
colorfrom other towns to sign?pageBreakanimOh, but I don't want just any boys.delay
animI only want signatures from colorboys
who really understand my stylecolordelay.delay.delay.delay
animAs for the signatures,delay please collect
them on this paper and ONLY this
paper, all right,delay fun_00070005?



anim¡Cuento contigo, no me falles!


anim¡Buena suerte!


anim¡Confío en ti! ¡Tú puedes!









animOh my goodness, delaythat'll be so great,delay
fun_00080005!pageBreakanimCould you go get signatures from
colorfun_00060004 people colorfrom other towns?pageBreakanimThis time,delay just focus on colorpeople who
look like dogscolordelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007 animHere's the signature
paper.delay Don't lose it!


animAwesome.delay that'll be super helpful,delay
fun_00080005!pageBreakanimCould you go get signatures from
colorfun_00060004 people colorfrom other towns?pageBreakanimRight now, I just need signatures
from colorpeople who look like catscolordelay.delay.delay.delayfun_00010007
animOh, and have them sign on this!


animOh cool,delay that'll help my petition out
so much,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimCould you go get signatures from
colorfun_00060004 people colorfrom other towns?pageBreakanimRight now,delay please focus on colorpeople
who look like squirrelscolordelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 animAnd have
them sign on this paper here!


animAwesome.delay That'll be really helpful,delay
fun_00080005!pageBreakanimCould you go get signatures from
colorfun_00060004 people colorliving in other towns?pageBreakanimThis time,delay just focus on colorpeople who
look like rabbitscolordelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 animAnd have them
sign on this paper right here!


animGroovy.delay That'll be extra helpful for
my petition,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimCould you go get signatures from
colorfun_00060004 people colorthat live in other towns?pageBreakanimThis moment,delay I only need signatures
from colorpeople who look like duckscolordelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007
animHave them sign on this paper here!


animAwesome.delay That'll be super helpful,delay
fun_00080005!pageBreakanimCould you go get signatures from
colorfun_00060004 people colorfrom other towns?pageBreakanimRight nowdelay I only need colorpeople who
look like micecolordelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 animPlease have them
sign on this signature paper here!


animAwesome.delay It really helps my petition
out a lot,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimCould you go get signatures from
colorfun_00060004 people colorfrom other towns?pageBreakanimThis time,delay just focus on colorpeople who
look like frogscolordelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 animPlease collect the
signatures on this paper as well!


animAwesome.delay That'll be really helpful,delay
fun_00080005!pageBreakanimCould you go get signatures from
colorfun_00060004 people colorliving in other towns?pageBreakanimRight now,delay I only need signatures
from colorpeople who look like horsescolordelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007
animAnd have them sign on this, please!


animAwesome.delay That'll be a huge help,delay
fun_00080005!pageBreakanimCould you go get signatures from
colorfun_00060004 people colorliving in other towns?pageBreakanimThis time,delay please focus on colorpeople
who look like bear cubscolordelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 animAnd have
them use this signature paper too!


animAwesome.delay That'd be ridiculously
helpful for my petition,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimCould you go get signatures from
colorfun_00060004 people colorfrom other towns?pageBreakanimFor now,delay please focus on colorpeople
who look like penguinscolordelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 animAnd have
them sign on this signature paper!


animAwesome.delay That'd be ridiculously
helpful for my petition,delay fun_00080005!pageBreakanimCould you go get signatures from
colorfun_00060004 people colorfrom other towns?pageBreakanimFor now,delay please focus on colorpeople
who look like penguinscolordelay.delay.delay.fun_00010007 animAnd have
them sign on this signature paper!


🎈Páginas populares🎈

🎈Páginas populares🎈

Animal Crossing Info
Animal Crossing Info