

Last release date: 2025-02-08 08:02:07

Personality Jock
[1] [1] Prior to New Leaf [1] Prior to New Leaf

[2] [2] New Leaf onwards [2] New Leaf onwards
Sex Male ♂
Birthday16 September
Star SignVirgo Virgo
Initial phrasegreenhorn
Favorite saying""Beauty is pretty!""
Favorite Color
the third son of four brothers
There's a rumor going
around that Ed's a recluse,
but don't believe it. He
just refuses to leave the
house on a bad-hair day.
It might be time for him to
try a new look...
[Doubutsu no Mori]
Ed is a real dandy. He has the best wardrobe and the most beautiful home in town. That boy was born with a clothing designer's heart and an interior designer's soul.
DnM DnM+ AC e+
Other appearances
🌐 Name & Initial phrase
🌐NameInitial phrase
en flagen flag EnglishEdgreenhorn
ko flag 한국어꺼벙게슴츠레
ja flag 日本語キザノホマレじゃない
es flagesus flag EspañolCrinaldojo-joy
fr flagfrus flag FrançaisÉdouardtagada
de flag DeutschHermanngreenhorn
it flag ItalianoCodinopirulì
nl flag Ned.Edju
ru flag русскийЭдновичок
zh flag 简体中文马誉不是啦
tw flag 繁鱧中文馬譽不是啦
🌐 Favorite saying ▼
Appear GamesVillagers's AppearanceDressUmbrellas
Animal Crossing:
New Horizons
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Edcollarless shirt collarless shirt
vinyl umbrella vinyl umbrella
Animal Crossing
New Leaf
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Edlite polka tee lite polka tee
flame umbrella flame umbrella
Animal Crossing
Happy Home Designer
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Edlite polka tee lite polka tee
Animal Crossing
City Folk
City Folk Ed
Animal CrossingAnimal Crossing Ed
Ed is a Horse in the Animal Crossing series. He first appeared in Doubutsu no Mori with a Jock personality, and beginning in Animal Crossing: New Leaf, he has a Smug personality. He appears in all games to date except Animal Crossing: Wild World. His English name is likely a reference to the American television series Mister Ed, whose eponymous main character was a talking horse. His English catchphrase, "greenhorn," is a slang word to refer to amateurs, relating to both his original Jock personality and his current Smug personality.

In New Horizons, Ed has the nature hobby and may be found reading a book pertaining to an item he is studying, which can be either flowers, bugs, fish, or fossils.


Ed is a teal horse with yellow hair covering his right eye, and a white muzzle. He has purple eyeshadow and long eyelashes. He has a tuft of blond fur at the end of his skinny teal tail. In Doubutsu no Mori and Animal Crossing, he has round nostrils; however, in Animal Crossing: City Folk and onward, his nostrils are shaped like long rounded triangulars.

New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Ed Pics


16 September



Initial phrase

Ed""Beauty is pretty!""
Conversation type🗣️B
Greetings_type 🙇Chaotic
Hobby 😻Nature
Sociability 👭
Style ✨Gorgeous
Color 🎨Black/Gray
Ed icon
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Ed Pics
Default clothingDefault umbrella
collarless shirt
collarless shirt
vinyl umbrella
vinyl umbrella
Handheld items
Bag 💼Veggie-print Veggie-print
Book 📖Gardening/Bug/Fish/Fossil Gardening/Bug/Fish/Fossil
Food 🥪Chocolate donut Chocolate donut
Drink 🧃Tea can or yellow mug Tea can or yellow mug
Popsicle 🍦Orange Orange
Initial NookPhone 📱 Black Black
Final NookPhone 📱Cool - Fabric 1 Cool - Fabric 1
Other default clothing
During rain (if not using umbrella): Raincoat (Black) Raincoat (Black) & outdoor hat (Purple) outdoor hat (Purple)
During snow: Short peacoat (Black) Short peacoat (Black) & knit hat (Black) knit hat (Black)
Sleepwear and if sick: Pajama dress (Gray) Pajama dress (Gray)
While exercising: Athletic jacket (Black) Athletic jacket (Black)
While doing yoga: Tank (Black) Tank (Black)
While sunbathing: Triangle shades Triangle shades
Fishing Tourney: Athletic jacket (Black) Athletic jacket (Black)
Bug-Off: Athletic jacket (Black) Athletic jacket (Black)
Bunny Day: Earth-egg outfit Earth-egg outfit & earth-egg shell earth-egg shell
Halloween: Vampire costume (Black) Vampire costume (Black) & top hat (Black) top hat (Black)
Turkey Day: Straw boater (Dark brown) Straw boater (Dark brown)
Turkey Day (chef): Chef's outfit (Black) Chef's outfit (Black) & chef's hat chef's hat
Toy Day: Santa hat Santa hat
Countdown: Waistcoat (Black) Waistcoat (Black)
Birthday & Wedding Season photoshoot: Waistcoat (Black) Waistcoat (Black) & top hat (Black) top hat (Black)

Happy Home Paradise DLC exclusive clothing
As a student for the school: School uniform with necktie (Navy blue) School uniform with necktie (Navy blue)
As the teacher for the school: Checkered sweater vest (Light brown) Checkered sweater vest (Light brown) & rimmed glasses (Black) rimmed glasses (Black)
As the cashier/employee for the restaurant: Café uniform (Black) Café uniform (Black)
As the chef/apprentice for the restaurant: Chef's outfit (Black) Chef's outfit (Black)
As a staff for the café: Diner apron (Black) Diner apron (Black)
As the receptionist for the hospital: Nurse's jacket (Blue) Nurse's jacket (Blue)
As the doctor for the hospital: Doctor's coat (Black necktie) Doctor's coat (Black necktie)
As a patient for the hospital: Pajama dress (Gray) Pajama dress (Gray)
As the shop manager for the apparel shop: Staff uniform (Yellow) Staff uniform (Yellow)
While practicing hula: Hula top (Red) Hula top (Red) & hibiscus hairpin (Red) hibiscus hairpin (Red)
While floating in the ocean: Horizontal-striped wet suit (Black) Horizontal-striped wet suit (Black) & retro shades (Gray) retro shades (Gray)
During DJ KK's concert: DJ KK logo tee (Neon orange) DJ KK logo tee (Neon orange) & neon shades (Orange & lime) neon shades (Orange & lime)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Ed House Exterior
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Ed House Interior
🛏🪑fireplace fireplace
retro stereo retro stereo
double sofa double sofa
anthurium plant anthurium plant
antique console table antique console table
antique bed antique bed
shower booth shower booth
retro radiator retro radiator
pendulum clock pendulum clock
Ed's photo Ed's photo
Wallpaperblue delicate-blooms wall blue delicate-blooms wall
Flooringrosewood flooring rosewood flooring
🎵K.K. Ballad K.K. Ballad

┗ Happy Home Paradise

💬I want a place to host my friends for dinner parties.
Client's visionDinner-Party Central
Required itemskitchen island kitchen islandtable setting table settingtable with cloth table with cloth
🎵K.K. Cruisin' K.K. Cruisin'
Unlocked items+

Pocket Camp

Ed acpc icon Ed acpc icon
Ed Pics
Ed Loading Screen : Profile
BirthdayPersonalityInitial phrase
16 SeptemberSmuggreenhorn
ProfileThere's a rumor going
around that Ed's a recluse,
but don't believe it. He
just refuses to leave the
house on a bad-hair day.
It might be time for him to
try a new look...
Theme ModernModern
Primary rewardSteel
Date unlocked2023.01.10.
How to inviteBlathers's Treasure Trek
Friendship rewards
Level 7itemimg1 Lite polka tee
Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 9Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 15itemimg2 Flower bouquet
Level 20itemimg3 Ed's pic
Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 25 -Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone

Supporting role in Pocket Camp Memories

A Glowing Idea
NameA Glowing Idea
AppearBaabara Baabara
Tammy Tammy
Ed Ed
DescriptionBaabara wants to bring more
folks to a park that's dark and
lonely at night. She has an idea...
Fortune CookieBaabara's fantasia cookie Baabara's fantasia cookie
Required Itemsglowing park gazebo glowing park gazebo
CatalogsGlowing Fantasia

Happy Home Designer

BirthdayPersonalityInitial phrase
16 SeptemberSmuggreenhorn
Dresslite polka tee lite polka tee
Umbrellasflame umbrella flame umbrella
Interior Design Request
💬I want a room for hosting impromptu dinner parties for my hungry friends.
🖼️Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Ed House Interior
Client's visionA spontaneous dinner party.
Required items Kitchen Island
Flower Bouquet
🎵 K.K. Cruisin\'
Unlocked items+

New Leaf

Ed icon
Ed New Leaf
Ed Pics
Coffee PreferencesBlue Mountain / The regular amount / 2 spoonfuls
Favorite StyleFlashy
Disliked StyleHistorical
Favorite ColorBlack
Halloweenbug mask
April Fool's Day
Birthday16 September Virgo(Virgo)
Favorite saying""Beauty is pretty!""
Familythe third son of four brothers
Ed Exterior
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Ed Interior
🛏🪑classic bed
classic vanity
classic buffet
cream sofa
high-end stereo
minimalist lamp
rocking horse
pop-up book
Wallpaperkitschy wall kitschy wall
Flooringcheckered tile checkered tile
🎵K.K. Ballad K.K. Ballad

City Folk


Animal Crossing

Ed Animal Crossing
Ed Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing Ed House Exterior
Animal Crossing Ed House Interior


Ed 163 amiiboEd 163 amiibo
- Series 2
Star SignVirgo
Birthday16 September
Dice value1


Ed e-card FrontEd e-card Back
#238 꺼벙-Series 4
SexMale ♂
Star SignVirgo
Dressrickrack shirt
Initial phrasegreenhorn
ProfileEd is a real dandy. He has the best wardrobe and the most beautiful home in town. That boy was born with a clothing designer's heart and an interior designer's soul.
TranslationEd is a real dandy. He has the best wardrobe and the most beautiful home in town. That boy was born with a clothing designer's heart and an interior designer's soul.

[1] Prior to New Leaf[2] New Leaf onwards

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