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ยฅ 4800 ยฅ 39000 $ 49.99
Animal Crossing: Wild World is the sequel to "Animal Crossing (outside Japan)" and was released for the DS.
The game sold over 11.75 million copies worldwide, making it one of the most successful DS titles. Animal Crossing: Wild World made the Animal Crossing series very popular outside of Japan.
Compared to the previous part of the series, the locations of some buildings, visitors, holidays and neighborhoods have been slightly removed and the Animal Crossing: Wild World reappears after the game. However, Animal Crossing: Wild World was the first to provide the ability to visit another player's village through a Wi-Fi connection.
The game was so popular in Japan that it was made into a movie.
Animal Crossing: Wild World was later re-released for the Virtual Console on the Wii U. In the original game, DS or Wi-Fi connectivity is not available in the Virtual Console version.
Various goods for the Animal Crossing series were also released.
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