

Last release date: 2025-02-08 08:01:59

Personality Lazy
Sex Male ♂
Birthday30 June
Star SignCancer Cancer
Initial phraseeat it
Favorite saying""One nap leads to another.""
Favorite Color
movie director
the youngest of triplets
climbing trees
His latest idea is to use a
3D printer to make giant
blocks and build a house
out of them. We can't help
but wonder what Tom Nook
would have to say to that.
[Doubutsu no Mori+]
Broccoli-kun loves blocks and will build anything with them! He's not satisfied with a toy house, so it looks like he's going to build a real house this time!
DnM DnM+ AC e+
Other appearances
🌐 Name & Initial phrase
🌐NameInitial phrase
en flagen flag EnglishBroccoloeat it
ko flag 한국어브로콜리앗차
ja flag 日本語ブロッコリーピコ
es flagesus flag EspañolBrócolidientes
fr flagfrus flag FrançaisStevenflim-flam
de flag DeutschFritziknabba
it flag ItalianoFrancosquikko
nl flag Ned.Broccolosmakelijk
ru flag русскийБрокколоням-ням
zh flag 简体中文茜蓝微微
tw flag 繁鱧中文茜藍微微
🌐 Favorite saying ▼
Appear GamesVillagers's AppearanceDressUmbrellas
Animal Crossing:
New Horizons
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Broccoloraglan shirt raglan shirt
frog umbrella frog umbrella
Animal Crossing
New Leaf
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Broccolokiddie tee kiddie tee
gelato umbrella gelato umbrella
Animal Crossing
Happy Home Designer
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Broccolokiddie tee kiddie tee
Animal Crossing
City Folk
City Folk Broccolo
Animal CrossingAnimal Crossing Broccolo
Broccolo is a Lazy Mouse in the Animal Crossing series. He first appeared in Doubutsu no Mori e+ and has appeared in all subsequent games except Animal Crossing: Wild World. His English name and English catchphrase, "eat it," may refer to the vegetable broccoli. It may also relate to his Lazy personality, as villagers with this personality are known to have a fondness of food.

In New Horizons, Broccolo has the play hobby and can run around with his arms extended at any time, rather than only outside Resident Services during a scripted activity with a group of villagers.


Broccolo is a blue mouse with straight brown hair and large ears with pink inside of them. When surprised, his eyes turn yellow.

New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Broccolo Pics


30 June



Initial phrase

eat it
Broccolo""One nap leads to another.""
Conversation type🗣️B
Greetings_type 🙇Greeting
Hobby 😻Play
Sociability 👭Middel
Style ✨Simple
Color 🎨Colorful/Yellow
Broccolo icon
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Broccolo Pics
Default clothingDefault umbrella
raglan shirt
raglan shirt
frog umbrella
frog umbrella
Handheld items
Bag 💼Classy Classy
Book 📖Comic Comic
Food 🥪Sandwich Sandwich
Drink 🧃Smoothie or coffee cup Smoothie or coffee cup
Popsicle 🍦Chocolate Chocolate
Initial NookPhone 📱 Red Red
Final NookPhone 📱Playful - Fabric 19 Playful - Fabric 19
Other default clothing
During rain (if not using umbrella): Raincoat (Red) Raincoat (Red) & rain hat (Red) rain hat (Red)
During snow: Peacoat (Red) Peacoat (Red) & snowy knit cap (Red) snowy knit cap (Red)
Sleepwear and if sick: PJ outfit (Red) PJ outfit (Red) & terry-cloth nightcap (Cream) terry-cloth nightcap (Cream)
While exercising: Athletic jacket (Red) Athletic jacket (Red)
While doing yoga: Tank (Red) Tank (Red)
While sunbathing: Triangle shades Triangle shades
Fishing Tourney: Athletic jacket (Red) Athletic jacket (Red) & denim cap (Light blue) denim cap (Light blue)
Bug-Off: Athletic jacket (Red) Athletic jacket (Red) & explorer's hat (Avocado) explorer's hat (Avocado)
Bunny Day: Stone-egg outfit Stone-egg outfit & stone-egg shell stone-egg shell
Halloween: Flashy animal costume (Orange) Flashy animal costume (Orange) & flashy round-ear animal hat (Orange) flashy round-ear animal hat (Orange)
Turkey Day: Straw boater (Brown) Straw boater (Brown)
Turkey Day (chef): Chef's outfit (Yellow) Chef's outfit (Yellow) & chef's hat chef's hat
Toy Day: Santa hat Santa hat
Countdown: Tailcoat (White) Tailcoat (White)
Birthday & Wedding Season photoshoot: Tailcoat (White) Tailcoat (White) & top hat (Red) top hat (Red)

Happy Home Paradise DLC exclusive clothing
As a student for the school: School uniform with necktie (Navy blue) School uniform with necktie (Navy blue)
As the teacher for the school: Checkered sweater vest (Light brown) Checkered sweater vest (Light brown) & rimmed glasses (Black) rimmed glasses (Black)
As the cashier/employee for the restaurant: Café uniform (Red) Café uniform (Red)
As the chef/apprentice for the restaurant: Chef's outfit (Yellow) Chef's outfit (Yellow)
As a staff for the café: Diner apron (Yellow) Diner apron (Yellow)
As the receptionist for the hospital: Nurse's jacket (Blue) Nurse's jacket (Blue)
As the doctor for the hospital: Doctor's coat (Red necktie) Doctor's coat (Red necktie)
As a patient for the hospital: PJ outfit (Green) PJ outfit (Green)
As the shop manager for the apparel shop: Staff uniform (Yellow) Staff uniform (Yellow)
While practicing hula: Pineapple aloha shirt (Yellow) Pineapple aloha shirt (Yellow) & hibiscus hairpin (Yellow) hibiscus hairpin (Yellow)
While floating in the ocean: Leaf-print wet suit (Yellow) Leaf-print wet suit (Yellow) & pilot shades (Gold) pilot shades (Gold)
During DJ KK's concert: Tropical cut-and-sew tank (Orange) Tropical cut-and-sew tank (Orange) & tropical turban (Green) tropical turban (Green)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Broccolo House Exterior
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Broccolo House Interior
🛏🪑elephant slide elephant slide
wooden-block bench wooden-block bench
wooden-block chest wooden-block chest
wooden simple bed wooden simple bed
wooden-block wall clock wooden-block wall clock
toy box toy box
painting set painting set
cute music player cute music player
wooden-block stool wooden-block stool
wooden low table wooden low table
Mom's cushion Mom's cushion
Mom's plushie Mom's plushie
blue dotted rug blue dotted rug
Wallpaperblue playroom wall blue playroom wall
Flooringpastel puzzle flooring pastel puzzle flooring
🎵I Love You I Love You

┗ Happy Home Paradise

💬What's better than bread? The wheat it came from!
Client's visionA Wheat-Harvest Home
Required itemswheat field wheat fieldbrick oven brick ovenscarecrow scarecrow
🎵K.K. Fusion K.K. Fusion
Unlocked items+

Pocket Camp

Broccolo acpc icon Broccolo acpc icon
Broccolo Pics
Broccolo Pocket Camp
Broccolo Loading Screen : Profile
BirthdayPersonalityInitial phrase
30 JuneLazyeat it
ProfileHis latest idea is to use a
3D printer to make giant
blocks and build a house
out of them. We can't help
but wonder what Tom Nook
would have to say to that.
Theme HipHip
Primary rewardCotton
Date unlocked2018.03.23.
How to inviteRequired Friendship Level: 5
item1_img Dracaena
item2_img Egg Clock
item3_img Egg Rug
item4_img Egg Table
item5_img Egg Bench
Friendship rewards
Level 7itemimg1 Kiddie Tee
Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 9Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 15itemimg2 Tricycle
Level 20itemimg3 Broccolo's Pic
Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 25 -Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Loading Screen : A Note from
브로콜리 A Note from
A Note from Broccolo
Ever had a picnic? They're great.
You just sit outdoors...and you eat!
That's it! Isn't that amazing?!

Starring in Pocket Camp Memories

Campsite Marching Band
NameCampsite Marching Band
AppearBroccolo Broccolo
Maple Maple
DescriptionDrum, trumpet, flute...and
Broccolo for a conductor!
What a band!
Fortune CookieBroccolo's band cookie Broccolo's band cookie
Required Itemsmarching-band stage marching-band stage
Catalogsmarching band

Supporting role in Pocket Camp Memories

Teddy's Jungle Hideaway
NameTeddy's Jungle Hideaway
AppearTeddy Teddy
Keaton Keaton
Broccolo Broccolo
Charlise Charlise
DescriptionTeddy found an unusual spot
hidden in the trees and it seems
he knows just what to do...
Fortune CookieTeddy's hideout cookie Teddy's hideout cookie
Required Itemsjungle hideout jungle hideout
CatalogsSecret Hideout
Kitty's Chocolate Twist
NameKitty's Chocolate Twist
AppearKitty Kitty
Broccolo Broccolo
DescriptionKitty wants to create a signature
chocolate dessert for her shop.
What will she come up with?
Fortune CookieKitty's chocolate cookie Kitty's chocolate cookie
Required Itemsroyal chocolatier display royal chocolatier display
CatalogsRoyal Chocolatier
Almost the Ocean
NameAlmost the Ocean
AppearZell Zell
Broccolo Broccolo
Daisy Daisy
DescriptionZell and friends are recreating
the deep-sea scenery of their
recent scuba-diving trip at home!
Fortune CookieZell's aquarium cookie Zell's aquarium cookie
Required Itemsreef aquarium reef aquarium
CatalogsFunky Aquarium
The Mystical Mirror Says...
NameThe Mystical Mirror Says...
AppearApple Apple
Broccolo Broccolo
DescriptionApple asks a mirror, "Who's the
greatest pop star of them all?"
And...the mirror talked back?!
Fortune CookieApple's glazier cookie Apple's glazier cookie
Required Itemsstained-glass fountain stained-glass fountain
Catalogsstained-glass garden

Happy Home Designer

BirthdayPersonalityInitial phrase
30 JuneLazyeat it
Dresskiddie tee kiddie tee
Umbrellasgelato umbrella gelato umbrella
Interior Design Request
💬My rooms need to be decorated with lots of beautiful insects.
🖼️Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Broccolo House Interior
Client's visionA bug house.
Required items Firefly Lamp
Mini Butterfly Table
Ladybug Chair
🎵 K.K. Fusion
Unlocked items+

New Leaf

Broccolo icon
Broccolo New Leaf
Broccolo Pics
Coffee PreferencesBlend / The regular amount / 2 spoonfuls
Favorite StyleFlashy
Disliked StyleIconic
Favorite ColorColorful
Halloweenwerewolf hood
April Fool's Day
Birthday30 June Cancer(Cancer)
Favorite saying""One nap leads to another.""
Dreammovie director
Familythe youngest of triplets
Specialtyclimbing trees
Broccolo Exterior
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Broccolo Interior
🛏🪑backyard pool
kiddie couch
pineapple bed
tennis table
kiddie stereo
juicy-apple TV
pear wardrobe
pear dresser
Baby bear
kiddie wall clock
Wallpapercitrus wall citrus wall
Flooringplayroom rug playroom rug
🎵K.K. Ragtime K.K. Ragtime

City Folk

Broccolo City Folk

Animal Crossing

Broccolo Animal Crossing
Broccolo Animal Crossing
Broccolo Animal Crossing
Broccolo Animal Crossing
Broccolo Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing Broccolo House Exterior
Animal Crossing Broccolo House Interior


Broccolo 149 amiiboBroccolo 149 amiibo
- Series 2
Star SignCancer
Birthday30 June
Dice value6


Broccolo e-card FrontBroccolo e-card Back
#055 ブロッコリー (Broccoli)-Series 3
SexMale ♂
Dressブロックのふくkiddie tee
Star Sign蟹座Cancer
Initial phraseピコpiko
Profileブロック大好きブロッコリーくんは、ブロックでなんでもつくっちゃいます!おもちゃの家では飽き足らず、今度はホンモノの家をつくるみたい!Broccoli-kun loves blocks and will build anything with them! He's not satisfied with a toy house, so it looks like he's going to build a real house this time!
Favorite saying一芸は道に通ずるOne trick leads to the road(A person who masters one thing will find a good way to apply it well in any other field)[2]

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