

Last release date: 2025-02-08 08:02:00

Personality Cranky
Sex Male ♂
Birthday5 June
Star SignGemini Gemini
Initial phraseten-hut
Favorite saying""What you can't see can't hurt you.""
Favorite Color
the second son of five brothers
playing jacks
As he's emerged unscathed
from countless scuffles,
Camofrog's clearly got a
talent for stealth. One
time, when playing hide-
and-seek, he went missing
for days.
[Doubutsu no Mori]
Camofrog has fond memories of the covert missions of his past. Unfortunately, no one is sure if they ever actually took place. He claims all his missions were classified, but most people just think they were classified "total fantasy."
DnM DnM+ AC e+
Other appearances
🌐 Name & Initial phrase
🌐NameInitial phrase
en flagen flag EnglishCamofrogten-hut
ko flag 한국어충성와이
ja flag 日本語フルメタルわい
es flagesus flag EspañolComandorecluta
fr flagfrus flag FrançaisMilostaïaut
de flag DeutschTarnoquak-quak
it flag ItalianoCramboattacroak
nl flag Ned.Camofroggeef acht
ru flag русскийКамофрогшагом-квак
zh flag 简体中文迷仔
tw flag 繁鱧中文迷仔
🌐 Favorite saying ▼
Appear GamesVillagers's AppearanceDressUmbrellas
Animal Crossing:
New Horizons
Animal Crossing: New Horizons CamofrogMVP tee MVP tee
vinyl umbrella vinyl umbrella
Animal Crossing
New Leaf
Animal Crossing: New Leaf CamofrogMVP tee MVP tee
bat umbrella bat umbrella
Animal Crossing
Happy Home Designer
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer CamofrogMVP tee MVP tee
Animal Crossing
City Folk
City Folk Camofrog
Animal Crossing
Wild World
Wild World Camofrog
Animal CrossingAnimal Crossing Camofrog
Camofrog is a Cranky Frog villager in the Animal Crossing series who appears in all games to date. His English name relates to his appearance—a frog with a camouflage pattern as his skin. His English catchphrase, "ten-hut," is a United States Army term meaning "come to attention"; this also relates to his appearance, as camouflage is frequently used in army uniforms. His favorite sayings, "You can't see me," and "What you can't see can't hurt you," also come from his camouflaged appearance.

In New Horizons, Camofrog has the music hobby and may sing anywhere without the need of a stereo.


Camofrog is, as the name suggests, a frog with skin patterned in a traditional camouflage pattern: a mixture of green, brown, and beige. He has large, rounded eyes with small black pupils and a curly, smiling mouth. Camofrog bears a passing resemblance to Sly, an alligator villager that also has a camouflaged appearance.

New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Camofrog Pics


5 June



Initial phrase

Camofrog""What you can't see can't hurt you.""
Conversation type🗣️B
Greetings_type 🙇Royal
Hobby 😻Music
Sociability 👭
Style ✨Cool
Color 🎨Blue/White
Camofrog icon
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Camofrog Pics
Default clothingDefault umbrella
MVP tee
MVP tee
vinyl umbrella
vinyl umbrella
Handheld items
Bag 💼Paper Paper
Book 📖Music Music
Food 🥪Lollipop Lollipop
Drink 🧃Soda can Soda can
Popsicle 🍦Ramune-soda Ramune-soda
Initial NookPhone 📱 Black Black
Final NookPhone 📱Cool - Fabric 15 Cool - Fabric 15
Other default clothing
During rain (if not using umbrella): Raincoat (Black) Raincoat (Black) & rain hat (Black) rain hat (Black)
During snow: Down jacket (Blue) Down jacket (Blue) & knit hat (Blue) knit hat (Blue)
Sleepwear and if sick: PJ outfit (Navy blue) PJ outfit (Navy blue)
While exercising: Athletic jacket (Blue) Athletic jacket (Blue)
While doing yoga: Tank (Navy blue) Tank (Navy blue)
While sunbathing: Triangle shades Triangle shades
Fishing Tourney: Athletic jacket (Blue) Athletic jacket (Blue) & denim cap (Blue) denim cap (Blue)
Bug-Off: Athletic jacket (Blue) Athletic jacket (Blue) & denim cap (Blue) denim cap (Blue)
Bunny Day: Water-egg outfit Water-egg outfit & water-egg shell water-egg shell
Halloween: Mummy outfit Mummy outfit & impish horns (White) impish horns (White)
Turkey Day: Straw boater (Monotone) Straw boater (Monotone)
Turkey Day (chef): Chef's outfit (Blue) Chef's outfit (Blue) & chef's hat chef's hat
Toy Day: Santa hat Santa hat
Countdown: Tweed jacket (Blue) Tweed jacket (Blue) & star shades (Purple) star shades (Purple)
Birthday & Wedding Season photoshoot: Tweed jacket (Blue) Tweed jacket (Blue) & star shades (Purple) star shades (Purple)

Happy Home Paradise DLC exclusive clothing
As a student for the school: School uniform with necktie (Navy blue) School uniform with necktie (Navy blue)
As the teacher for the school: Checkered sweater vest (Light brown) Checkered sweater vest (Light brown) & rimmed glasses (Black) rimmed glasses (Black)
As the cashier/employee for the restaurant: Café uniform (Black) Café uniform (Black)
As the chef/apprentice for the restaurant: Chef's outfit (Blue) Chef's outfit (Blue)
As a staff for the café: Diner apron (Blue) Diner apron (Blue)
As the receptionist for the hospital: Nurse's jacket (White) Nurse's jacket (White)
As the doctor for the hospital: Doctor's coat (Red necktie) Doctor's coat (Red necktie)
As a patient for the hospital: PJ outfit (Navy blue) PJ outfit (Navy blue)
As the shop manager for the apparel shop: Staff uniform (Blue) Staff uniform (Blue)
While practicing hula: Pineapple aloha shirt (Blue) Pineapple aloha shirt (Blue) & hibiscus hairpin (White) hibiscus hairpin (White)
While floating in the ocean: Horizontal-striped wet suit (Blue) Horizontal-striped wet suit (Blue) & retro shades (Yellow) retro shades (Yellow)
During DJ KK's concert: Paradise Planning event tee (Purple) Paradise Planning event tee (Purple) & tropical turban (Purple) tropical turban (Purple) & neon shades (Lime & purple) neon shades (Lime & purple)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Camofrog House Exterior
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Camofrog House Interior
🛏🪑birdbath birdbath
tree standee tree standee
birdcage birdcage
camp stove camp stove
smoker smoker
lantern lantern
pro tape recorder pro tape recorder
log stool log stool
log round table log round table
camping cot camping cot
simple DIY workbench simple DIY workbench
Wallpaperjungle wall jungle wall
Flooringcamo flooring camo flooring
🎵K.K. Safari K.K. Safari

┗ Happy Home Paradise

💬I want a vacation home where I can be one with nature.
Client's visionA Natural Getaway
Required itemssleeping bag sleeping bagcampfire campfirewild log bench wild log bench
🎵Forest Life Forest Life
Unlocked items+

Pocket Camp

Camofrog acpc icon Camofrog acpc icon
Camofrog Pics
Camofrog Loading Screen : Profile
BirthdayPersonalityInitial phrase
5 JuneCrankyten-hut
ProfileAs he's emerged unscathed
from countless scuffles,
Camofrog's clearly got a
talent for stealth. One
time, when playing hide-
and-seek, he went missing
for days.
Theme CoolCool
Primary rewardWood
Date unlocked2022.05.10.
How to inviteBlathers's Treasure Trek
Friendship rewards
Level 7itemimg1 MVP Tee
Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 9Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 15itemimg2 Pile of Pipes
Level 20itemimg3 Camofrog's pic
Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 25 -Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone

Happy Home Designer

BirthdayPersonalityInitial phrase
5 JuneCrankyten-hut
DressMVP tee MVP tee
Umbrellasbat umbrella bat umbrella
Interior Design Request
💬I want a place where I canfeel at one with nature.
🖼️Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Camofrog House Interior
Client's visionA nature sanctuary.
Required items trellis
Leaf Bed
🎵 K.K. Calypso
Unlocked items+

New Leaf

Camofrog icon
Camofrog New Leaf
Camofrog Pics
Coffee PreferencesBlue Mountain / The regular amount / 2 spoonfuls
Favorite StyleRock-n'-Roll
Disliked StyleCute
Favorite ColorBlue
Halloweenmummy mask
April Fool's Day
Birthday5 June Gemini(Gemini)
Favorite saying""What you can't see can't hurt you.""
Familythe second son of five brothers
Specialtyplaying jacks
Camofrog Exterior
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Camofrog Interior
boxing mat
mountain bike
ringside table
folding chair
folding chair
office locker
tape deck
air conditioner
Wallpapershanty wall shanty wall
Flooringpaintball floor paintball floor
🎵K.K. Rock K.K. Rock

City Folk


Wild World

Camofrog Wild World
Animal Crossing: Wild World Camofrog House Interior

Animal Crossing

Camofrog Animal Crossing
Camofrog Animal Crossing
Animal Crossing Camofrog House Exterior
Animal Crossing Camofrog House Interior


Camofrog 183 amiiboCamofrog 183 amiibo
- Series 2
Star SignGemini
Birthday5 June
Dice value5


Camofrog e-card FrontCamofrog e-card Back
#100 충성-Series 2
SexMale ♂
Star SignGemini
DressMVP shirt
Initial phraseten-hut
ProfileCamofrog has fond memories of the covert missions of his past. Unfortunately, no one is sure if they ever actually took place. He claims all his missions were classified, but most people just think they were classified ""total fantasy.""
TranslationCamofrog has fond memories of the covert missions of his past. Unfortunately, no one is sure if they ever actually took place. He claims all his missions were classified, but most people just think they were classified "total fantasy."

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