

Last release date: 2025-02-08 08:02:41

Personality Peppy
Sex Female ♀
Birthday20 February
Star SignPisces Pisces
Initial phrasefrappe
Favorite saying""Frosting is just the icing on the cake.""
Favorite Color
figure skater
the fourth daughter of five siblings
jumping rope
She loves leaving footprints
in freshly fallen snow. She
once tried to do the same
thing with a puddle of
freezing water, but it didn't
work out so well.
DnM DnM+ AC e+
Other appearances
🌐 Name & Initial phrase
🌐NameInitial phrase
en flagen flag EnglishSprinklefrappe
ko flag 한국어크리미꽁꽁
ja flag 日本語フラッペヒヤリ
es flagesus flag EspañolRizoldaesmoquin
fr flagfrus flag FrançaisLauriemon glaçon
de flag DeutschSvenjabibib
it flag ItalianoBrinaunz unz
nl flag Ned.Sprinklefrappé
ru flag русскийСпринклпенка
zh flag 简体中文冰莎凉爽
tw flag 繁鱧中文冰莎涼爽
🌐 Favorite saying ▼
Appear GamesVillagers's AppearanceDressUmbrellas
Animal Crossing:
New Horizons
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Sprinklesnowy sweater snowy sweater
patterned vinyl umbrella patterned vinyl umbrella
Animal Crossing
New Leaf
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Sprinkleicy shirt icy shirt
petal parasol petal parasol
Animal Crossing
Happy Home Designer
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Sprinkleicy shirt icy shirt
Sprinkle is a Peppy Penguin in the Animal Crossing series. She first appeared in Animal Crossing: New Leaf and has appeared in all subsequent games. She is the only Peppy Penguin the series. Her Japanese name is based on the frozen dessert made with shaved ice, known as the frappé. Her English name is based on pieces of confectionery which are used to decorate cold desserts such as ice cream.

In New Horizons, Sprinkle has the play hobby and can run around with her arms extended at any time, rather than only outside Resident Services during a scripted activity with a group of villagers.


Sprinkle is a penguin with a cream body and face, as well as an aquamarine tuft of hair, which resembles an ice cream swirl. She has small black eyes with one eyelash for each eye. She has small yellow tints on her cheeks and yellow feet.

New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Sprinkle Pics


20 February



Initial phrase

Sprinkle""Frosting is just the icing on the cake.""
Conversation type🗣️A
Greetings_type 🙇Chaotic
Hobby 😻Play
Sociability 👭
Style ✨Cute
Color 🎨Light blue/White
Sprinkle icon
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Sprinkle Pics
Default clothingDefault umbrella
snowy sweater
snowy sweater
patterned vinyl umbrella
patterned vinyl umbrella
Handheld items
Bag 💼Paper Paper
Book 📖Comic Comic
Food 🥪Lollipop Lollipop
Drink 🧃Soda can Soda can
Popsicle 🍦Ramune-soda Ramune-soda
Initial NookPhone 📱 Beige Beige
Final NookPhone 📱Checkered 1 - Fabric 8 Checkered 1 - Fabric 8
Other default clothing
During rain (if not using umbrella): Dotted raincoat (Blue) Dotted raincoat (Blue) & rain hat (Blue) rain hat (Blue)
During snow: Peacoat (Navy blue) Peacoat (Navy blue) & snowy knit cap (White) snowy knit cap (White)
Sleepwear and if sick: PJ outfit (Blue) PJ outfit (Blue) & terry-cloth nightcap (Light blue) terry-cloth nightcap (Light blue)
While exercising: Athletic jacket (Red) Athletic jacket (Red)
While doing yoga: Tank (White) Tank (White)
While sunbathing: Triangle shades Triangle shades
Fishing Tourney: Athletic jacket (Red) Athletic jacket (Red)
Bug-Off: Athletic jacket (Red) Athletic jacket (Red) & straw hat (Brown) straw hat (Brown)
Bunny Day: Sky-egg outfit Sky-egg outfit & sky-egg shell sky-egg shell
Halloween: Flashy animal costume (White) Flashy animal costume (White) & flashy pointy-ear animal hat (White) flashy pointy-ear animal hat (White)
Turkey Day: Straw boater (Monotone) Straw boater (Monotone)
Turkey Day (chef): Chef's outfit (Red) Chef's outfit (Red) & chef's hat chef's hat
Toy Day: Santa hat Santa hat
Countdown: Satin dress (Blue) Satin dress (Blue)
Birthday & Wedding Season photoshoot: Satin dress (Blue) Satin dress (Blue) & giant ribbon (White) giant ribbon (White)

Happy Home Paradise DLC exclusive clothing
As a student for the school: School uniform with necktie (Navy blue) School uniform with necktie (Navy blue)
As the teacher for the school: Checkered sweater vest (Light brown) Checkered sweater vest (Light brown) & rimmed glasses (Black) rimmed glasses (Black)
As the cashier/employee for the restaurant: Café uniform (Black) Café uniform (Black)
As the chef/apprentice for the restaurant: Chef's outfit (Red) Chef's outfit (Red)
As a staff for the café: Diner apron (Pink) Diner apron (Pink)
As the receptionist for the hospital: Nurse's jacket (Blue) Nurse's jacket (Blue)
As the doctor for the hospital: Doctor's coat (Red necktie) Doctor's coat (Red necktie)
As a patient for the hospital: PJ outfit (Blue) PJ outfit (Blue)
As the shop manager for the apparel shop: Staff uniform (Blue) Staff uniform (Blue)
While practicing hula: Pineapple aloha shirt (Blue) Pineapple aloha shirt (Blue) & hibiscus hairpin (White) hibiscus hairpin (White)
While floating in the ocean: Leaf-print wet suit (Light blue) Leaf-print wet suit (Light blue) & retro shades (Blue) retro shades (Blue)
During DJ KK's concert: Tropical cut-and-sew tank (Blue) Tropical cut-and-sew tank (Blue) & tropical turban (Red) tropical turban (Red) & neon shades (Light blue & pink) neon shades (Light blue & pink)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Sprinkle House Exterior
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Sprinkle House Interior
🛏🪑frozen arch frozen arch
frozen pillar frozen pillar
frozen pillar frozen pillar
shell partition shell partition
shell partition shell partition
shell fountain shell fountain
shell bed shell bed
shell lamp shell lamp
shell wreath shell wreath
shell speaker shell speaker
Wallpaperice wall ice wall
Flooringice flooring ice flooring
🎵K.K. Marathon K.K. Marathon

┗ Happy Home Paradise

💬I'll melt if I'm not surrounded by snow and ice.
Client's visionCastle of Cold
Required itemsfrozen sculpture frozen sculpturefrozen tree frozen treefrozen-drink machine frozen-drink machine
🎵K.K. Sonata K.K. Sonata
Unlocked items+

Pocket Camp Complete

Sprinkle acpc icon Sprinkle acpc icon
Sprinkle Pics
Sprinkle Pocket Camp Complete
Sprinkle Loading Screen : Profile
BirthdayPersonalityInitial phrase
20 FebruaryPeppyfrappe
ProfileShe loves leaving footprints
in freshly fallen snow. She
once tried to do the same
thing with a puddle of
freezing water, but it didn't
work out so well.
Theme CuteCute
Primary rewardCotton
Date unlocked2018.01.06.
How to inviteRequired Friendship Level: 5
item1_img Snowman Lamp
item2_img Alpine Rug
item3_img Snowman Wardrobe
item4_img Snowman Table
item5_img Snowman Sofa
Friendship rewards
Level 7itemimg1 Icy Shirt
Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 9Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 15itemimg2 Snow Machine
Level 20itemimg3 Sprinkle's Pic
Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 25 -Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone

Starring in Pocket Camp Complete Memories

The Lonesome Queen
NameThe Lonesome Queen
AppearSprinkle Sprinkle
Eloise Eloise
Fang Fang
DescriptionEloise and Fang find something
unexpected in a strange castle
made of ice.
Fortune CookieSprinkle's crystal cookie Sprinkle's crystal cookie
Required Itemsice-palace balcony ice-palace balcony
CatalogsIce Palace

Supporting role in Pocket Camp Complete Memories

The Princess in the Clouds
NameThe Princess in the Clouds
AppearCleo Cleo
Sprinkle Sprinkle
DescriptionA princess living in the clouds is
tired of her everyday life, when
something magical happens...
Fortune CookieCleo's lofty cookie Cleo's lofty cookie
Required Itemslofty cloud castle lofty cloud castle
CatalogsLofty Cloud Kingdom

Happy Home Designer

BirthdayPersonalityInitial phrase
20 FebruaryPeppyfrappe
Dressicy shirt icy shirt
Umbrellaspetal parasol petal parasol
Interior Design Request
💬I\'m not happy unless I\'m freezing cold, so my house needs to be nice and icy!
🖼️Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Sprinkle House Interior
Client's visionA frozen world to play in.
Required items Ice Sofa
Snow Machine
🎵 K.K. Sonata
Ice Exterior Ice Door Ice Door Ice Wall
Unlocked items+

New Leaf

Sprinkle icon
Sprinkle New Leaf
Sprinkle Pics
Coffee PreferencesKilimanjaro / The regular amount / 2 spoonfuls
Favorite StyleCute
Disliked StyleIconic
Favorite ColorSkyblue
Halloweenskeleton hood
April Fool's Day
Birthday20 February Pisces(Pisces)
Favorite saying""Frosting is just the icing onthe cake.""
Dreamfigure skater
Familythe fourth daughter of five siblings
Specialtyjumping rope
Sprinkle Exterior
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Sprinkle Interior
🛏🪑large alpine table
hi-fi stereo
alpine sofa
minimalist table
claw-foot tub
rubber tree
alpine lamp
washing machine
bathroom sink
aroma pot
tea set
minimalist clock
display shelf
Wallpaperalpine wall alpine wall
Flooringkitchen tile kitchen tile
🎵Café K.K. Café K.K.


Sprinkle 176 amiiboSprinkle 176 amiibo
- Series 2
Star SignPisces
Birthday20 February
Dice value6

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