

Last release date: 2025-02-08 08:02:26

Personality Smug
Sex Male ♂
Birthday19 May
Star SignTaurus Taurus
Initial phrasewhiffa
Favorite saying""Keep your nose clean.""
Favorite Color
the eldest brother of twins
He's not overbearing. He's
just passionate! Let the
flamenco rhythm wash over
you, and move your body to
the music... What are you
doing? Move already!
DnM DnM+ AC e+
Other appearances
🌐 Name & Initial phrase
🌐NameInitial phrase
en flagen flag EnglishOlafwhiffa
ko flag 한국어안토니오무쵸
ja flag 日本語アントニオムーチョ
es flagesus flag EspañolOlaffruf
fr flagfrus flag FrançaisBlairtartarin
de flag DeutschOlafmwahaaa
it flag ItalianoEttoreswish
nl flag Ned.Olaftoet
ru flag русскийОлафуф-уф
zh flag 简体中文安东尼欧啦
tw flag 繁鱧中文安東尼歐啦
🌐 Favorite saying ▼
Appear GamesVillagers's AppearanceDressUmbrellas
Animal Crossing:
New Horizons
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Olafsuit of lights suit of lights
spider umbrella spider umbrella
Animal Crossing
New Leaf
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Olafmatador's jacket matador's jacket
flame umbrella flame umbrella
Animal Crossing
Happy Home Designer
Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Olafmatador's jacket matador's jacket
Olaf is a Smug Anteater in the Animal Crossing series. He first appeared in Animal Crossing: New Leaf and has appeared in all subsequent games. He is the only Smug Anteater in the series. His English name may come from "olfactory," referring to the large nose of his species.

In New Horizons, Olaf has the education hobby and can be seen wearing rimmed glasses, reading a novel while outside, and using a magnifying glass when near certain objects.


Olaf is a dark tan anteater. He has black hair with a small part of it hanging down into the upper right corner of his face. He has a cyan color to the inside of his ears. His feet are a bit darker than his overall skin tone and his tail is white.

New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Olaf Pics


19 May



Initial phrase

Olaf""Keep your nose clean.""
Conversation type🗣️A
Greetings_type 🙇Greeting
Hobby 😻Education
Sociability 👭Middel
Style ✨Elegant
Color 🎨Red/Black
Olaf icon
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Olaf Pics
Default clothingDefault umbrella
suit of lights
suit of lights
spider umbrella
spider umbrella
Handheld items
Bag 💼Veggie-print Veggie-print
Book 📖Novel Novel
Food 🥪Chocolate donut Chocolate donut
Drink 🧃Tea can or yellow mug Tea can or yellow mug
Popsicle 🍦Orange Orange
Initial NookPhone 📱 Red Red
Final NookPhone 📱Cool - Fabric 14 Cool - Fabric 14
Other default clothing
During rain (if not using umbrella): Raincoat (Red) Raincoat (Red) & outdoor hat (Blue) outdoor hat (Blue)
During snow: Short peacoat (Black) Short peacoat (Black) & knit hat (Red) knit hat (Red)
Sleepwear and if sick: Pajama dress (Berry red) Pajama dress (Berry red)
While exercising: Athletic jacket (Red) Athletic jacket (Red)
While doing yoga: Tank (Red) Tank (Red)
While sunbathing: Triangle shades Triangle shades
Fishing Tourney: Athletic jacket (Red) Athletic jacket (Red)
Bug-Off: Athletic jacket (Red) Athletic jacket (Red)
Bunny Day: Earth-egg outfit Earth-egg outfit & earth-egg shell earth-egg shell
Halloween: Flashy animal costume (Red) Flashy animal costume (Red) & impish horns (Red) impish horns (Red)
Turkey Day: Straw boater (Dark brown) Straw boater (Dark brown)
Turkey Day (chef): Chef's outfit (Red) Chef's outfit (Red) & chef's hat chef's hat
Toy Day: Santa hat Santa hat
Countdown: Waistcoat (Black) Waistcoat (Black)
Birthday & Wedding Season photoshoot: Waistcoat (Black) Waistcoat (Black) & top hat (Black) top hat (Black)

Happy Home Paradise DLC exclusive clothing
As a student for the school: School uniform with necktie (Navy blue) School uniform with necktie (Navy blue)
As the teacher for the school: Checkered sweater vest (Light brown) Checkered sweater vest (Light brown) & rimmed glasses (Black) rimmed glasses (Black)
As the cashier/employee for the restaurant: Café uniform (Red) Café uniform (Red)
As the chef/apprentice for the restaurant: Chef's outfit (Red) Chef's outfit (Red)
As a staff for the café: Diner apron (Red) Diner apron (Red)
As the receptionist for the hospital: Nurse's jacket (Blue) Nurse's jacket (Blue)
As the doctor for the hospital: Doctor's coat (Red necktie) Doctor's coat (Red necktie)
As a patient for the hospital: Pajama dress (Berry red) Pajama dress (Berry red)
As the shop manager for the apparel shop: Staff uniform (Yellow) Staff uniform (Yellow)
While practicing hula: Hula top (Red) Hula top (Red) & hibiscus hairpin (Red) hibiscus hairpin (Red)
While floating in the ocean: Horizontal-striped wet suit (Red) Horizontal-striped wet suit (Red) & pilot shades (Black) pilot shades (Black)
During DJ KK's concert: DJ KK logo tee (Neon orange) DJ KK logo tee (Neon orange) & neon shades (Orange & lime) neon shades (Orange & lime)
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Olaf House Exterior
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Olaf House Interior
🛏🪑billiard table billiard table
whirlpool bath whirlpool bath
double sofa double sofa
bathrobe bathrobe
antique chair antique chair
antique console table antique console table
antique clock antique clock
antique bed antique bed
bathroom towel rack bathroom towel rack
studio wall spotlight studio wall spotlight
Wallpaperblack-brick wall black-brick wall
Flooringsimple red flooring simple red flooring
🎵K.K. Milonga K.K. Milonga

┗ Happy Home Paradise

💬I'd like to sleep under a top- tier view of the night sky.
Client's visionA Stellar Estate
Required itemswhirlpool bath whirlpool bathantique bed antique bed
🎵K.K. Jazz K.K. Jazz
Unlocked items+

Pocket Camp

Olaf acpc icon Olaf acpc icon
Olaf Pics
Olaf Loading Screen : Profile
BirthdayPersonalityInitial phrase
19 MaySmugwhiffa
ProfileHe's not overbearing. He's
just passionate! Let the
flamenco rhythm wash over
you, and move your body to
the music... What are you
doing? Move already!
Theme CivicCivic
Primary rewardPaper
Date unlocked2023.06.07.
How to inviteBlathers's Treasure Trek
Friendship rewards
Level 7itemimg1 Matador's jacket
Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 9Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 15itemimg2 Gorgeous stool
Level 20itemimg3 Olaf's pic
Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone
Level 25 -Sparkle_StonesSparkle Stone

Happy Home Designer

BirthdayPersonalityInitial phrase
19 MaySmugwhiffa
Dressmatador's jacket matador's jacket
Umbrellasflame umbrella flame umbrella
Interior Design Request
💬I want to sleep in a luxurious room with a gorgeous view of the night sky.
🖼️Animal Crossing: Happy Home Designer Olaf House Interior
Client's visionA million-Bell view.
Required items Whirlpool Bath
Gorgeous Bed
🎵 K.K. Flamenco
Unlocked items+

New Leaf

Olaf icon
Olaf New Leaf
Olaf Pics
Coffee PreferencesBlend / None at all / None at all
Favorite StyleOfficial
Disliked StyleModern
Favorite ColorRed
Halloweenmonster mask
April Fool's Day
Birthday19 May Taurus(Taurus)
Favorite saying""Keep your nose clean.""
Familythe eldest brother of twins
Olaf Exterior
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Olaf Interior
🛏🪑whirlpool bath
billiard table
rope partition
sleek sofa
coat hanger
Wallpapersleek wall sleek wall
Flooringchessboard rug chessboard rug
🎵K.K. Milonga K.K. Milonga


Olaf 348 amiiboOlaf 348 amiibo
- Series 4
Star SignTaurus
Birthday19 May
Dice value1

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