Num | English |
| Hello, and welcome to the
colorcheckpointcolor for bustling
reactionListen well, string!
When you want to visit
another town...
Or if, perhaps, you have
a friend come visit you
here in string...
I'd very much appreciate
it if you'd please let me
know in advance! I insist!
You see, armed with that
information, I can open
the gate for you! |
| Greetings, string!pressButton
I see you're working away
with due diligence!
reactionThere appears to be some
unfinished business to
tend to before you
can use the colorcheckpointcolor.
We appreciate your
understandingpause and
cooperation in this matter! |
| A good morning to you!pressButton
You're up rather bright
and early, I see. Very
commendable!reaction |
| A very good day to you!pressButton
I see you're making the
most of the day!reaction |
| A good evening to you!pressButton
As the day nears its end,
try to watch your step!
Fatigue is a bold criminal!reaction |
| A fine evening to you!pressButton
You're working rather
late... I salute your
exemplary dedication!reaction |
| capitalizeLetterstring, your resident
information is pausecurrently
being processed!
As soon as it's clear, we
can open the colorcheckpoint
colorfor you.pause We certainly
appreciate your patience! |
| At any rate,pause is there
something I can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Close the gate!
Where am I?
Oh, nothing. |
| At any rate,pause is there
something I can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Invite guests!
Friend code!
Where am I?
Oh, nothing. |
| Is that so!pause Very good.
Please let me know if
there is anything I can do
for you in the future! |
| Listen well! This is the
colorcheckpoint colorfor bustling
reactionWhen you get the urge to
visit another town,
Or if, perhaps, you have
a friend come visit you
here in string...
I would appreciate your
letting me know, so I can
expedite the gate-opening
Also, if you visit a friend's
town via Nintendo WFC, you
might meet some of your
friend's friends there.
You'll be able to talk to them
via text chat and Mic Chat,
so please keep this in mind.
Efficiency is our utmost
concern here! |
| Oh?pause Would you like to
halt the colorNintendo WFC
colorsession and return home?colorfun_07
Not yet! |
| When you go home, we'd
truly appreciate it if you'd
take a moment to alert us
to your intention! |
| Understood!pause reactionI will take
care of that, of course.
It will take just a brief
moment!fun_06 |
| .pause.pause.pauseMy sincerest apologies,pause
I am unable to make
preparations, as therepause is a
conversation in progress...
or something! |
| Well then, string...pause
We wish you a good day!fun_06 |
| What's this?! pausecapitalizeLetterstringpause.pause.pause.pressButton
reactionI see that youpause do not
have anyone on your
colorfriend rostercolor yet.
You need to register some
friendspause to your colorfriend
rostercolorpause before you can
invite anyone over! |
| I understand!pause I shall start
the gate-opening process
at once so that you can
host guests! |
| Without further ado,pause I will
open the gate!fun_06 |
| pausecapitalizeLetterstring,pausereaction it appears
that a friend of yours
already has his or her
gate open.
reactionKnowing this, do you still
want to open your gate?fun_07
Open the gate!
Never mind... |
| Understood!pause Then without
further ado,pause I will open
the gate! Hoo-rah!fun_06 |
| Understood!pause I will now
search for a town with an
open gate... Please wait
for a moment... |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| colorNintendo WFC User
Information colorfrom the
colorWii systemcolor you are using
has been saved!
I present you, string,
with your colorfriend codecolor:
reactionShare this with your
friendspause and have them
register you to their
colorfriend rosterscolor! |
| |
| Is there anything else I
can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out.
Invite guests.
Friend code!
Where am I?
Oh, nothing. |
| pauseCertainly not, string!pressButton
reactionIt's against policy to
close the gatepause when there
is a visitor in town! |
| Very well then.pause I will
close the gate at once!
reactionIf you need anything at
all, do not hesitate to call
upon me! |
| |
| .pause.pause.pausereactionpauseWhat's this?pause I see that
you have not yet been
issued a colorfriend codecolor!
What an oversight!color
reactioncolorYou and your friend must
pauseregister each other's
colorfriend codescolor to your
respective colorfriend rosterscolor!color
colorThat way, you can come
and go to one another's
towns and play together
over colorNintendo WFCcolor!
Well then, colorpausereactioncolorwould you like
to be issued a colorfriend
code colorover colorNintendo WFCcolor?fun_07
I want one!
Uh, come again?
No, thanks. |
| |
| capitalizeLetterstring, your colorfriend
code coloris as follows:
reactionExchange colorfriend codes colorwith
your friends and register
each other to your
respective colorfriend rosterscolor!
And then...pauseyou will be
able to play together in
each other's towns! |
| Without further ado, pauseI will
now make preparations to
issue you a colorfriend codecolor! |
| |
| |
| Listen well, string.
Your colorfriend codecolor is...pause
colorfun_03colorーcolorfun_03colorーcolorfun_03color! |
| capitalizeLetterstring, it's vital that
the colorWii system coloryou are
using can connect to the
As long as it can do that,
you can even play with
far-off friends over
colorNintendo WFCcolor.
You need a friend code
in order to play with
faraway friends over
colorNintendo WFCcolor, of course.
It is quite simple... You
simply register each
other's friend codes to
yourcolor friend rosterscolor.
reactionThen the system will
authenticate that you are,
in fact, friends! Hoo-rah! |
| ...So, pausereactionwould you like a
colorfriend codecolor?fun_07
Tell me again.
No, thanks. |
| |
| Certainly not, pausestring!pressButton
reactionWhile there is a visitor in
town, it is against
regulations to leave! |
| Hold on, pausestringpause.pause.pause.pressButton
reactionI see that you do not
have anyone on your
colorfriend roster coloryet.
You need to register some
friends from towns that
you want to visitpause to your
colorfriend rostercolor! |
| So, you would rather
venture outpausereaction than have
friends visit you?fun_07
That's right!
Maybe not... |
| I will nowpause search for a
town with an open gate...
Please wait a moment... |
| colorNintendo WFC User
Information colorfrom the
colorWii systemcolor you
are using has been saved!
I present you, string,
with your colorfriend codecolor:
reactionHave your friends register
this number to their colorfriend
rosterscolor, pauseand then pay them a
visit! |
| |
| Many thanks for your
patience!pause Allow me to
present the list of towns
you can visit! |
| Please have a safe and
enjoyable journey!fun_06 |
| Oh?pausereaction Am I to understand
you have decided against
venturing out? |
| .pause.pause.pauseMy sincerest apologies,pause
It appears that the town
you tried to visit did not
have its gate open!
Unless the gate to that
town is open, you cannot
visit it! |
| Oh, pausestring!
That town pausealready has
three visitors.pause I am sorry,
but I cannot let you visit
such a crowded town! |
| For some unfathomable
reason, you cannot visit
that town right now.
Unless I am mistaken,
someone else must be
trying to enter at the
exact same time.
Please wait a moment
before trying to visit
that town again.fun_07
Try again!
Quit. |
| For some curious reason,
there is no response.
There's a possibility that
that person has already
disconnected from
colorNintendo WFCcolor...
It is also possible that you
have been removed from
that person's colorfriend rostercolor.
Try again.
Never mind. |
| .pause.pause.pauseMy sincerest apologies,pause
You cannot enter because
there seems to be a
conversation in progress.fun_07
Try again!
I'll try later. |
| .pause.pause.pauseI'm terribly sorry,pause
This is very strange, but
for some unfathomable
reason, you cannot visit
that town right now.fun_07
Try again!
Maybe later. |
| Is that so?pause reactionWell,pause if you
need anything, do not
hesitate to ask! |
| Is there something I can
do for you at this time?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Close the gate!
Where am I?
Nothing. |
| Is there anything else I
can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Invite guests.
Friend code.
Where am I?
Nope. |
| .pause.pause.pausereactionpauseWhat's this?pausereaction You have
not yet been issued a
colorfriend codecolor?
colorreactionIn order to venture out
over colorNintendo WFCcolor, you
need to be issued a
colorfriend codecolor, string!
Then you and a friend
must register each other's
colorfriend codescolor!
Knowing that,reaction would you
like to be issued a friend
code overcolor Nintendo WFCcolor?fun_07
Yes, please!
No, thanks. |
| Affirmative!pause I shall now
make preparations to
issue you a colorfriend codecolor! |
| So, you want to go
somewhere?pressButtonreaction Well then, I
will need you to fill out
some forms first! |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Oh?pause Are you ready to go
Maybe not... |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Would you prefer to
venture out of town reactionvia
colorNintendo Wi-Fi Connectioncolor
or via the colorpauseDS Suitcasecolor?fun_07
Nintendo WFC.
DS Suitcase.
Never mind. |
| If you transfer your
data to a colorNintendo DScolor,
string, pauseyou can
venture out via thatcolor DScolor!
reactionHowever, pauseonce you are
through, you must return,
You will lose all of your
many assets, string!pause
So, please! Do not forget
to return.
On that note, pausereactioncan I begin
Never mind. |
| Very well then! Please
turn the colorNintendo DS
coloron pauseand then activate
colorDS Download Playcolor!fun_07
Maybe not... |
| Please download the
colorDS Suitcase colorpauseon the
colorNintendo DS colorscreen! |
| My sincerest apologies!pressButton
I was unable to find a colorDScolor
that can receive the data. fun_07
Try again!
Never mind. |
| My earnest apologies!pressButton
I'm afraid an error seems
to have occurred during
the process.fun_07
Try again!
Forget it. |
| Thank you for your
patience!pause On that note,pause
have a pleasant journey!fun_06 |
| Thank you for waiting!pause
Well then, string...pause
Enjoy your trip!fun_06 |
| When you are ready to
return, please visit the
colorcheckpointcolor!fun_06 |
| colorNow communicating!
Please wait a moment.fun_06 |
| Do you want to quit?fun_07
Quit. |
| If you want to quit,pause you can
do so by pressing fun_01 on thecolor
Wii Remote colorto cancel!colorfun_06 |
| Well then, please turn on
thecolor Nintendo DScolorpause's power
and tap colorDS Download Playcolor!fun_07
Maybe not... |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| colorNow connecting to
Nintendo WFC. Please
wait a moment.fun_06 |
| colorI will now search for a
town with an open gate.
Please wait a moment...fun_06 |
| colorSubmitting an inquiry to
fun_04... Please wait
a moment...fun_06 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| NPC_gatekeeperA.gmm |
| Hello, and welcome to the
colorcheckpointcolor for bustling
reactionListen well, string!
When you want to visit
another town...
Or if, perhaps, you have
a friend come visit you
here in string...
I'd very much appreciate
it if you'd please let me
know in advance! I insist!
You see, armed with that
information, I can open
the gate for you! |
| Greetings, string!pressButton
I see you're working away
with due diligence!
reactionThere appears to be some
unfinished business to
tend to before you
can use the colorcheckpointcolor.
We appreciate your
understandingpause and
cooperation in this matter! |
| A good morning to you!pressButton
You're up rather bright
and early, I see. Very
commendable!reaction |
| A very good day to you!pressButton
I see you're making the
most of the day!reaction |
| A good evening to you!pressButton
As the day nears its end,
try to watch your step!
Fatigue is a bold criminal!reaction |
| A fine evening to you!pressButton
You're working rather
late... I salute your
exemplary dedication!reaction |
| capitalizeLetterstring, your resident
information is pausecurrently
being processed!
As soon as it's clear, we
can open the colorcheckpoint
colorfor you.pause We certainly
appreciate your patience! |
| At any rate,pause is there
something I can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Close the gate!
Where am I?
Oh, nothing. |
| At any rate,pause is there
something I can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Invite guests!
Friend code!
Where am I?
Oh, nothing. |
| Is that so!pause Very good.
Please let me know if
there is anything I can do
for you in the future! |
| Listen well! This is the
colorcheckpoint colorfor bustling
reactionWhen you get the urge to
visit another town,
Or if, perhaps, you have
a friend come visit you
here in string...
I would appreciate your
letting me know, so I can
expedite the gate-opening
Also, if you visit a friend's
town via Nintendo WFC, you
might meet some of your
friend's friends there.
You'll be able to talk to them
via text chat and Mic Chat,
so please keep this in mind.
Efficiency is our utmost
concern here! |
| Oh?pause Would you like to
halt the colorNintendo WFC
colorsession and return home?colorfun_07
Not yet! |
| When you go home, we'd
truly appreciate it if you'd
take a moment to alert us
to your intention! |
| Understood!pause reactionI will take
care of that, of course.
It will take just a brief
moment!fun_06 |
| .pause.pause.pauseMy sincerest apologies,pause
I am unable to make
preparations, as therepause is a
conversation in progress...
or something! |
| Well then, string...pause
We wish you a good day!fun_06 |
| What's this?! pausecapitalizeLetterstringpause.pause.pause.pressButton
reactionI see that youpause do not
have anyone on your
colorfriend rostercolor yet.
You need to register some
friendspause to your colorfriend
rostercolorpause before you can
invite anyone over! |
| I understand!pause I shall start
the gate-opening process
at once so that you can
host guests! |
| Without further ado,pause I will
open the gate!fun_06 |
| pausecapitalizeLetterstring,pausereaction it appears
that a friend of yours
already has his or her
gate open.
reactionKnowing this, do you still
want to open your gate?fun_07
Open the gate!
Never mind... |
| Understood!pause Then without
further ado,pause I will open
the gate! Hoo-rah!fun_06 |
| Understood!pause I will now
search for a town with an
open gate... Please wait
for a moment... |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| colorNintendo WFC User
Information colorfrom the
colorWii systemcolor you are using
has been saved!
I present you, string,
with your colorfriend codecolor:
reactionShare this with your
friendspause and have them
register you to their
colorfriend rosterscolor! |
| |
| Is there anything else I
can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out.
Invite guests.
Friend code!
Where am I?
Oh, nothing. |
| pauseCertainly not, string!pressButton
reactionIt's against policy to
close the gatepause when there
is a visitor in town! |
| Very well then.pause I will
close the gate at once!
reactionIf you need anything at
all, do not hesitate to call
upon me! |
| |
| .pause.pause.pausereactionpauseWhat's this?pause I see that
you have not yet been
issued a colorfriend codecolor!
What an oversight!color
reactioncolorYou and your friend must
pauseregister each other's
colorfriend codescolor to your
respective colorfriend rosterscolor!color
colorThat way, you can come
and go to one another's
towns and play together
over colorNintendo WFCcolor!
Well then, colorpausereactioncolorwould you like
to be issued a colorfriend
code colorover colorNintendo WFCcolor?fun_07
I want one!
Uh, come again?
No, thanks. |
| |
| capitalizeLetterstring, your colorfriend
code coloris as follows:
reactionExchange colorfriend codes colorwith
your friends and register
each other to your
respective colorfriend rosterscolor!
And then...pauseyou will be
able to play together in
each other's towns! |
| Without further ado, pauseI will
now make preparations to
issue you a colorfriend codecolor! |
| |
| |
| Listen well, string.
Your colorfriend codecolor is...pause
colorfun_03colorーcolorfun_03colorーcolorfun_03color! |
| capitalizeLetterstring, it's vital that
the colorWii system coloryou are
using can connect to the
As long as it can do that,
you can even play with
far-off friends over
colorNintendo WFCcolor.
You need a friend code
in order to play with
faraway friends over
colorNintendo WFCcolor, of course.
It is quite simple... You
simply register each
other's friend codes to
yourcolor friend rosterscolor.
reactionThen the system will
authenticate that you are,
in fact, friends! Hoo-rah! |
| ...So, pausereactionwould you like a
colorfriend codecolor?fun_07
Tell me again.
No, thanks. |
| |
| Certainly not, pausestring!pressButton
reactionWhile there is a visitor in
town, it is against
regulations to leave! |
| Hold on, pausestringpause.pause.pause.pressButton
reactionI see that you do not
have anyone on your
colorfriend roster coloryet.
You need to register some
friends from towns that
you want to visitpause to your
colorfriend rostercolor! |
| So, you would rather
venture outpausereaction than have
friends visit you?fun_07
That's right!
Maybe not... |
| I will nowpause search for a
town with an open gate...
Please wait a moment... |
| colorNintendo WFC User
Information colorfrom the
colorWii systemcolor you
are using has been saved!
I present you, string,
with your colorfriend codecolor:
reactionHave your friends register
this number to their colorfriend
rosterscolor, pauseand then pay them a
visit! |
| |
| Many thanks for your
patience!pause Allow me to
present the list of towns
you can visit! |
| Please have a safe and
enjoyable journey!fun_06 |
| Oh?pausereaction Am I to understand
you have decided against
venturing out? |
| .pause.pause.pauseMy sincerest apologies,pause
It appears that the town
you tried to visit did not
have its gate open!
Unless the gate to that
town is open, you cannot
visit it! |
| Oh, pausestring!
That town pausealready has
three visitors.pause I am sorry,
but I cannot let you visit
such a crowded town! |
| For some unfathomable
reason, you cannot visit
that town right now.
Unless I am mistaken,
someone else must be
trying to enter at the
exact same time.
Please wait a moment
before trying to visit
that town again.fun_07
Try again!
Quit. |
| For some curious reason,
there is no response.
There's a possibility that
that person has already
disconnected from
colorNintendo WFCcolor...
It is also possible that you
have been removed from
that person's colorfriend rostercolor.
Try again.
Never mind. |
| .pause.pause.pauseMy sincerest apologies,pause
You cannot enter because
there seems to be a
conversation in progress.fun_07
Try again!
I'll try later. |
| .pause.pause.pauseI'm terribly sorry,pause
This is very strange, but
for some unfathomable
reason, you cannot visit
that town right now.fun_07
Try again!
Maybe later. |
| Is that so?pause reactionWell,pause if you
need anything, do not
hesitate to ask! |
| Is there something I can
do for you at this time?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Close the gate!
Where am I?
Nothing. |
| Is there anything else I
can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Invite guests.
Friend code.
Where am I?
Nope. |
| .pause.pause.pausereactionpauseWhat's this?pausereaction You have
not yet been issued a
colorfriend codecolor?
colorreactionIn order to venture out
over colorNintendo WFCcolor, you
need to be issued a
colorfriend codecolor, string!
Then you and a friend
must register each other's
colorfriend codescolor!
Knowing that,reaction would you
like to be issued a friend
code overcolor Nintendo WFCcolor?fun_07
Yes, please!
No, thanks. |
| Affirmative!pause I shall now
make preparations to
issue you a colorfriend codecolor! |
| So, you want to go
somewhere?pressButtonreaction Well then, I
will need you to fill out
some forms first! |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Oh?pause Are you ready to go
Maybe not... |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Would you prefer to
venture out of town reactionvia
colorNintendo Wi-Fi Connectioncolor
or via the colorpauseDS Suitcasecolor?fun_07
Nintendo WFC.
DS Suitcase.
Never mind. |
| If you transfer your
data to a colorNintendo DScolor,
string, pauseyou can
venture out via thatcolor DScolor!
reactionHowever, pauseonce you are
through, you must return,
You will lose all of your
many assets, string!pause
So, please! Do not forget
to return.
On that note, pausereactioncan I begin
Never mind. |
| Very well then! Please
turn the colorNintendo DS
coloron pauseand then activate
colorDS Download Playcolor!fun_07
Maybe not... |
| Please download the
colorDS Suitcase colorpauseon the
colorNintendo DS colorscreen! |
| My sincerest apologies!pressButton
I was unable to find a colorDScolor
that can receive the data. fun_07
Try again!
Never mind. |
| My earnest apologies!pressButton
I'm afraid an error seems
to have occurred during
the process.fun_07
Try again!
Forget it. |
| Thank you for your
patience!pause On that note,pause
have a pleasant journey!fun_06 |
| Thank you for waiting!pause
Well then, string...pause
Enjoy your trip!fun_06 |
| When you are ready to
return, please visit the
colorcheckpointcolor!fun_06 |
| colorNow communicating!
Please wait a moment.fun_06 |
| Do you want to quit?fun_07
Quit. |
| If you want to quit,pause you can
do so by pressing fun_01 on thecolor
Wii Remote colorto cancel!colorfun_06 |
| Well then, please turn on
thecolor Nintendo DScolorpause's power
and tap colorDS Download Playcolor!fun_07
Maybe not... |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| colorNow connecting to
Nintendo WFC. Please
wait a moment.fun_06 |
| colorI will now search for a
town with an open gate.
Please wait a moment...fun_06 |
| colorSubmitting an inquiry to
fun_04... Please wait
a moment...fun_06 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| NPC_gatekeeperA.gmm |
| Hello, and welcome to the
colorcheckpointcolor for bustling
reactionListen well, string!
When you want to visit
another town...
Or if, perhaps, you have
a friend come visit you
here in string...
I'd very much appreciate
it if you'd please let me
know in advance! I insist!
You see, armed with that
information, I can open
the gate for you! |
| Greetings, string!pressButton
I see you're working away
with due diligence!
reactionThere appears to be some
unfinished business to
tend to before you
can use the colorcheckpointcolor.
We appreciate your
understandingpause and
cooperation in this matter! |
| A good morning to you!pressButton
You're up rather bright
and early, I see. Very
commendable!reaction |
| A very good day to you!pressButton
I see you're making the
most of the day!reaction |
| A good evening to you!pressButton
As the day nears its end,
try to watch your step!
Fatigue is a bold criminal!reaction |
| A fine evening to you!pressButton
You're working rather
late... I salute your
exemplary dedication!reaction |
| capitalizeLetterstring, your resident
information is pausecurrently
being processed!
As soon as it's clear, we
can open the colorcheckpoint
colorfor you.pause We certainly
appreciate your patience! |
| At any rate,pause is there
something I can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Close the gate!
Where am I?
Oh, nothing. |
| At any rate,pause is there
something I can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Invite guests!
Friend code!
Where am I?
Oh, nothing. |
| Is that so!pause Very good.
Please let me know if
there is anything I can do
for you in the future! |
| Listen well! This is the
colorcheckpoint colorfor bustling
reactionWhen you get the urge to
visit another town,
Or if, perhaps, you have
a friend come visit you
here in string...
I would appreciate your
letting me know, so I can
expedite the gate-opening
Also, if you visit a friend's
town via Nintendo WFC, you
might meet some of your
friend's friends there.
You'll be able to talk to them
via text chat and Mic Chat,
so please keep this in mind.
Efficiency is our utmost
concern here! |
| Oh?pause Would you like to
halt the colorNintendo WFC
colorsession and return home?colorfun_07
Not yet! |
| When you go home, we'd
truly appreciate it if you'd
take a moment to alert us
to your intention! |
| Understood!pause reactionI will take
care of that, of course.
It will take just a brief
moment!fun_06 |
| .pause.pause.pauseMy sincerest apologies,pause
I am unable to make
preparations, as therepause is a
conversation in progress...
or something! |
| Well then, string...pause
We wish you a good day!fun_06 |
| What's this?! pausecapitalizeLetterstringpause.pause.pause.pressButton
reactionI see that youpause do not
have anyone on your
colorfriend rostercolor yet.
You need to register some
friendspause to your colorfriend
rostercolorpause before you can
invite anyone over! |
| I understand!pause I shall start
the gate-opening process
at once so that you can
host guests! |
| Without further ado,pause I will
open the gate!fun_06 |
| pausecapitalizeLetterstring,pausereaction it appears
that a friend of yours
already has his or her
gate open.
reactionKnowing this, do you still
want to open your gate?fun_07
Open the gate!
Never mind... |
| Understood!pause Then without
further ado,pause I will open
the gate! Hoo-rah!fun_06 |
| Understood!pause I will now
search for a town with an
open gate... Please wait
for a moment... |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| colorNintendo WFC User
Information colorfrom the
colorWii systemcolor you are using
has been saved!
I present you, string,
with your colorfriend codecolor:
reactionShare this with your
friendspause and have them
register you to their
colorfriend rosterscolor! |
| |
| Is there anything else I
can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out.
Invite guests.
Friend code!
Where am I?
Oh, nothing. |
| pauseCertainly not, string!pressButton
reactionIt's against policy to
close the gatepause when there
is a visitor in town! |
| Very well then.pause I will
close the gate at once!
reactionIf you need anything at
all, do not hesitate to call
upon me! |
| |
| .pause.pause.pausereactionpauseWhat's this?pause I see that
you have not yet been
issued a colorfriend codecolor!
What an oversight!color
reactioncolorYou and your friend must
pauseregister each other's
colorfriend codescolor to your
respective colorfriend rosterscolor!color
colorThat way, you can come
and go to one another's
towns and play together
over colorNintendo WFCcolor!
Well then, colorpausereactioncolorwould you like
to be issued a colorfriend
code colorover colorNintendo WFCcolor?fun_07
I want one!
Uh, come again?
No, thanks. |
| |
| capitalizeLetterstring, your colorfriend
code coloris as follows:
reactionExchange colorfriend codes colorwith
your friends and register
each other to your
respective colorfriend rosterscolor!
And then...pauseyou will be
able to play together in
each other's towns! |
| Without further ado, pauseI will
now make preparations to
issue you a colorfriend codecolor! |
| |
| |
| Listen well, string.
Your colorfriend codecolor is...pause
colorfun_03colorーcolorfun_03colorーcolorfun_03color! |
| capitalizeLetterstring, it's vital that
the colorWii system coloryou are
using can connect to the
As long as it can do that,
you can even play with
far-off friends over
colorNintendo WFCcolor.
You need a friend code
in order to play with
faraway friends over
colorNintendo WFCcolor, of course.
It is quite simple... You
simply register each
other's friend codes to
yourcolor friend rosterscolor.
reactionThen the system will
authenticate that you are,
in fact, friends! Hoo-rah! |
| ...So, pausereactionwould you like a
colorfriend codecolor?fun_07
Tell me again.
No, thanks. |
| |
| Certainly not, pausestring!pressButton
reactionWhile there is a visitor in
town, it is against
regulations to leave! |
| Hold on, pausestringpause.pause.pause.pressButton
reactionI see that you do not
have anyone on your
colorfriend roster coloryet.
You need to register some
friends from towns that
you want to visitpause to your
colorfriend rostercolor! |
| So, you would rather
venture outpausereaction than have
friends visit you?fun_07
That's right!
Maybe not... |
| I will nowpause search for a
town with an open gate...
Please wait a moment... |
| colorNintendo WFC User
Information colorfrom the
colorWii systemcolor you
are using has been saved!
I present you, string,
with your colorfriend codecolor:
reactionHave your friends register
this number to their colorfriend
rosterscolor, pauseand then pay them a
visit! |
| |
| Many thanks for your
patience!pause Allow me to
present the list of towns
you can visit! |
| Please have a safe and
enjoyable journey!fun_06 |
| Oh?pausereaction Am I to understand
you have decided against
venturing out? |
| .pause.pause.pauseMy sincerest apologies,pause
It appears that the town
you tried to visit did not
have its gate open!
Unless the gate to that
town is open, you cannot
visit it! |
| Oh, pausestring!
That town pausealready has
three visitors.pause I am sorry,
but I cannot let you visit
such a crowded town! |
| For some unfathomable
reason, you cannot visit
that town right now.
Unless I am mistaken,
someone else must be
trying to enter at the
exact same time.
Please wait a moment
before trying to visit
that town again.fun_07
Try again!
Quit. |
| For some curious reason,
there is no response.
There's a possibility that
that person has already
disconnected from
colorNintendo WFCcolor...
It is also possible that you
have been removed from
that person's colorfriend rostercolor.
Try again.
Never mind. |
| .pause.pause.pauseMy sincerest apologies,pause
You cannot enter because
there seems to be a
conversation in progress.fun_07
Try again!
I'll try later. |
| .pause.pause.pauseI'm terribly sorry,pause
This is very strange, but
for some unfathomable
reason, you cannot visit
that town right now.fun_07
Try again!
Maybe later. |
| Is that so?pause reactionWell,pause if you
need anything, do not
hesitate to ask! |
| Is there something I can
do for you at this time?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Close the gate!
Where am I?
Nothing. |
| Is there anything else I
can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Invite guests.
Friend code.
Where am I?
Nope. |
| .pause.pause.pausereactionpauseWhat's this?pausereaction You have
not yet been issued a
colorfriend codecolor?
colorreactionIn order to venture out
over colorNintendo WFCcolor, you
need to be issued a
colorfriend codecolor, string!
Then you and a friend
must register each other's
colorfriend codescolor!
Knowing that,reaction would you
like to be issued a friend
code overcolor Nintendo WFCcolor?fun_07
Yes, please!
No, thanks. |
| Affirmative!pause I shall now
make preparations to
issue you a colorfriend codecolor! |
| So, you want to go
somewhere?pressButtonreaction Well then, I
will need you to fill out
some forms first! |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Oh?pause Are you ready to go
Maybe not... |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Would you prefer to
venture out of town reactionvia
colorNintendo Wi-Fi Connectioncolor
or via the colorpauseDS Suitcasecolor?fun_07
Nintendo WFC.
DS Suitcase.
Never mind. |
| If you transfer your
data to a colorNintendo DScolor,
string, pauseyou can
venture out via thatcolor DScolor!
reactionHowever, pauseonce you are
through, you must return,
You will lose all of your
many assets, string!pause
So, please! Do not forget
to return.
On that note, pausereactioncan I begin
Never mind. |
| Very well then! Please
turn the colorNintendo DS
coloron pauseand then activate
colorDS Download Playcolor!fun_07
Maybe not... |
| Please download the
colorDS Suitcase colorpauseon the
colorNintendo DS colorscreen! |
| My sincerest apologies!pressButton
I was unable to find a colorDScolor
that can receive the data. fun_07
Try again!
Never mind. |
| My earnest apologies!pressButton
I'm afraid an error seems
to have occurred during
the process.fun_07
Try again!
Forget it. |
| Thank you for your
patience!pause On that note,pause
have a pleasant journey!fun_06 |
| Thank you for waiting!pause
Well then, string...pause
Enjoy your trip!fun_06 |
| When you are ready to
return, please visit the
colorcheckpointcolor!fun_06 |
| colorNow communicating!
Please wait a moment.fun_06 |
| Do you want to quit?fun_07
Quit. |
| If you want to quit,pause you can
do so by pressing fun_01 on thecolor
Wii Remote colorto cancel!colorfun_06 |
| Well then, please turn on
thecolor Nintendo DScolorpause's power
and tap colorDS Download Playcolor!fun_07
Maybe not... |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| colorNow connecting to
Nintendo WFC. Please
wait a moment.fun_06 |
| colorI will now search for a
town with an open gate.
Please wait a moment...fun_06 |
| colorSubmitting an inquiry to
fun_04... Please wait
a moment...fun_06 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| NPC_gatekeeperA.gmm |
| Hello, and welcome to the
colorcheckpointcolor for bustling
reactionListen well, string!
When you want to visit
another town...
Or if, perhaps, you have
a friend come visit you
here in string...
I'd very much appreciate
it if you'd please let me
know in advance! I insist!
You see, armed with that
information, I can open
the gate for you! |
| Greetings, string!pressButton
I see you're working away
with due diligence!
reactionThere appears to be some
unfinished business to
tend to before you
can use the colorcheckpointcolor.
We appreciate your
understandingpause and
cooperation in this matter! |
| A good morning to you!pressButton
You're up rather bright
and early, I see. Very
commendable!reaction |
| A very good day to you!pressButton
I see you're making the
most of the day!reaction |
| A good evening to you!pressButton
As the day nears its end,
try to watch your step!
Fatigue is a bold criminal!reaction |
| A fine evening to you!pressButton
You're working rather
late... I salute your
exemplary dedication!reaction |
| capitalizeLetterstring, your resident
information is pausecurrently
being processed!
As soon as it's clear, we
can open the colorcheckpoint
colorfor you.pause We certainly
appreciate your patience! |
| At any rate,pause is there
something I can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Close the gate!
Where am I?
Oh, nothing. |
| At any rate,pause is there
something I can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Invite guests!
Friend code!
Where am I?
Oh, nothing. |
| Is that so!pause Very good.
Please let me know if
there is anything I can do
for you in the future! |
| Listen well! This is the
colorcheckpoint colorfor bustling
reactionWhen you get the urge to
visit another town,
Or if, perhaps, you have
a friend come visit you
here in string...
I would appreciate your
letting me know, so I can
expedite the gate-opening
Also, if you visit a friend's
town via Nintendo WFC, you
might meet some of your
friend's friends there.
You'll be able to talk to them
via text chat and Mic Chat,
so please keep this in mind.
Efficiency is our utmost
concern here! |
| Oh?pause Would you like to
halt the colorNintendo WFC
colorsession and return home?colorfun_07
Not yet! |
| When you go home, we'd
truly appreciate it if you'd
take a moment to alert us
to your intention! |
| Understood!pause reactionI will take
care of that, of course.
It will take just a brief
moment!fun_06 |
| .pause.pause.pauseMy sincerest apologies,pause
I am unable to make
preparations, as therepause is a
conversation in progress...
or something! |
| Well then, string...pause
We wish you a good day!fun_06 |
| What's this?! pausecapitalizeLetterstringpause.pause.pause.pressButton
reactionI see that youpause do not
have anyone on your
colorfriend rostercolor yet.
You need to register some
friendspause to your colorfriend
rostercolorpause before you can
invite anyone over! |
| I understand!pause I shall start
the gate-opening process
at once so that you can
host guests! |
| Without further ado,pause I will
open the gate!fun_06 |
| pausecapitalizeLetterstring,pausereaction it appears
that a friend of yours
already has his or her
gate open.
reactionKnowing this, do you still
want to open your gate?fun_07
Open the gate!
Never mind... |
| Understood!pause Then without
further ado,pause I will open
the gate! Hoo-rah!fun_06 |
| Understood!pause I will now
search for a town with an
open gate... Please wait
for a moment... |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| colorNintendo WFC User
Information colorfrom the
colorWii systemcolor you are using
has been saved!
I present you, string,
with your colorfriend codecolor:
reactionShare this with your
friendspause and have them
register you to their
colorfriend rosterscolor! |
| |
| Is there anything else I
can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out.
Invite guests.
Friend code!
Where am I?
Oh, nothing. |
| pauseCertainly not, string!pressButton
reactionIt's against policy to
close the gatepause when there
is a visitor in town! |
| Very well then.pause I will
close the gate at once!
reactionIf you need anything at
all, do not hesitate to call
upon me! |
| |
| .pause.pause.pausereactionpauseWhat's this?pause I see that
you have not yet been
issued a colorfriend codecolor!
What an oversight!color
reactioncolorYou and your friend must
pauseregister each other's
colorfriend codescolor to your
respective colorfriend rosterscolor!color
colorThat way, you can come
and go to one another's
towns and play together
over colorNintendo WFCcolor!
Well then, colorpausereactioncolorwould you like
to be issued a colorfriend
code colorover colorNintendo WFCcolor?fun_07
I want one!
Uh, come again?
No, thanks. |
| |
| capitalizeLetterstring, your colorfriend
code coloris as follows:
reactionExchange colorfriend codes colorwith
your friends and register
each other to your
respective colorfriend rosterscolor!
And then...pauseyou will be
able to play together in
each other's towns! |
| Without further ado, pauseI will
now make preparations to
issue you a colorfriend codecolor! |
| |
| |
| Listen well, string.
Your colorfriend codecolor is...pause
colorfun_03colorーcolorfun_03colorーcolorfun_03color! |
| capitalizeLetterstring, it's vital that
the colorWii system coloryou are
using can connect to the
As long as it can do that,
you can even play with
far-off friends over
colorNintendo WFCcolor.
You need a friend code
in order to play with
faraway friends over
colorNintendo WFCcolor, of course.
It is quite simple... You
simply register each
other's friend codes to
yourcolor friend rosterscolor.
reactionThen the system will
authenticate that you are,
in fact, friends! Hoo-rah! |
| ...So, pausereactionwould you like a
colorfriend codecolor?fun_07
Tell me again.
No, thanks. |
| |
| Certainly not, pausestring!pressButton
reactionWhile there is a visitor in
town, it is against
regulations to leave! |
| Hold on, pausestringpause.pause.pause.pressButton
reactionI see that you do not
have anyone on your
colorfriend roster coloryet.
You need to register some
friends from towns that
you want to visitpause to your
colorfriend rostercolor! |
| So, you would rather
venture outpausereaction than have
friends visit you?fun_07
That's right!
Maybe not... |
| I will nowpause search for a
town with an open gate...
Please wait a moment... |
| colorNintendo WFC User
Information colorfrom the
colorWii systemcolor you
are using has been saved!
I present you, string,
with your colorfriend codecolor:
reactionHave your friends register
this number to their colorfriend
rosterscolor, pauseand then pay them a
visit! |
| |
| Many thanks for your
patience!pause Allow me to
present the list of towns
you can visit! |
| Please have a safe and
enjoyable journey!fun_06 |
| Oh?pausereaction Am I to understand
you have decided against
venturing out? |
| .pause.pause.pauseMy sincerest apologies,pause
It appears that the town
you tried to visit did not
have its gate open!
Unless the gate to that
town is open, you cannot
visit it! |
| Oh, pausestring!
That town pausealready has
three visitors.pause I am sorry,
but I cannot let you visit
such a crowded town! |
| For some unfathomable
reason, you cannot visit
that town right now.
Unless I am mistaken,
someone else must be
trying to enter at the
exact same time.
Please wait a moment
before trying to visit
that town again.fun_07
Try again!
Quit. |
| For some curious reason,
there is no response.
There's a possibility that
that person has already
disconnected from
colorNintendo WFCcolor...
It is also possible that you
have been removed from
that person's colorfriend rostercolor.
Try again.
Never mind. |
| .pause.pause.pauseMy sincerest apologies,pause
You cannot enter because
there seems to be a
conversation in progress.fun_07
Try again!
I'll try later. |
| .pause.pause.pauseI'm terribly sorry,pause
This is very strange, but
for some unfathomable
reason, you cannot visit
that town right now.fun_07
Try again!
Maybe later. |
| Is that so?pause reactionWell,pause if you
need anything, do not
hesitate to ask! |
| Is there something I can
do for you at this time?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Close the gate!
Where am I?
Nothing. |
| Is there anything else I
can do for you?fun_07
I wanna go out!
Invite guests.
Friend code.
Where am I?
Nope. |
| .pause.pause.pausereactionpauseWhat's this?pausereaction You have
not yet been issued a
colorfriend codecolor?
colorreactionIn order to venture out
over colorNintendo WFCcolor, you
need to be issued a
colorfriend codecolor, string!
Then you and a friend
must register each other's
colorfriend codescolor!
Knowing that,reaction would you
like to be issued a friend
code overcolor Nintendo WFCcolor?fun_07
Yes, please!
No, thanks. |
| Affirmative!pause I shall now
make preparations to
issue you a colorfriend codecolor! |
| So, you want to go
somewhere?pressButtonreaction Well then, I
will need you to fill out
some forms first! |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Oh?pause Are you ready to go
Maybe not... |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| Would you prefer to
venture out of town reactionvia
colorNintendo Wi-Fi Connectioncolor
or via the colorpauseDS Suitcasecolor?fun_07
Nintendo WFC.
DS Suitcase.
Never mind. |
| If you transfer your
data to a colorNintendo DScolor,
string, pauseyou can
venture out via thatcolor DScolor!
reactionHowever, pauseonce you are
through, you must return,
You will lose all of your
many assets, string!pause
So, please! Do not forget
to return.
On that note, pausereactioncan I begin
Never mind. |
| Very well then! Please
turn the colorNintendo DS
coloron pauseand then activate
colorDS Download Playcolor!fun_07
Maybe not... |
| Please download the
colorDS Suitcase colorpauseon the
colorNintendo DS colorscreen! |
| My sincerest apologies!pressButton
I was unable to find a colorDScolor
that can receive the data. fun_07
Try again!
Never mind. |
| My earnest apologies!pressButton
I'm afraid an error seems
to have occurred during
the process.fun_07
Try again!
Forget it. |
| Thank you for your
patience!pause On that note,pause
have a pleasant journey!fun_06 |
| Thank you for waiting!pause
Well then, string...pause
Enjoy your trip!fun_06 |
| When you are ready to
return, please visit the
colorcheckpointcolor!fun_06 |
| colorNow communicating!
Please wait a moment.fun_06 |
| Do you want to quit?fun_07
Quit. |
| If you want to quit,pause you can
do so by pressing fun_01 on thecolor
Wii Remote colorto cancel!colorfun_06 |
| Well then, please turn on
thecolor Nintendo DScolorpause's power
and tap colorDS Download Playcolor!fun_07
Maybe not... |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| colorNow connecting to
Nintendo WFC. Please
wait a moment.fun_06 |
| colorI will now search for a
town with an open gate.
Please wait a moment...fun_06 |
| colorSubmitting an inquiry to
fun_04... Please wait
a moment...fun_06 |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |
| |