

Last release date: 2024-12-05 01:23:38

Species NPC
Birthday24 September
Favorite saying ""A pearl of wisdom is worth more than a diamond.""
DnM DnM+ AC e+
Other appearances
MovieHHD aF PC
en flagen flag EnglishBlathers
ko flag 한국어부엉
ja flag 日本語フータ
es flagesus flag EspañolSócrates
fr flagfrus flag FrançaisThibou
de flag DeutschEugen
it flag ItalianoBlatero
nl flag Ned.Blathers
ru flag русскийБлезерс
zh flag 简体中文傅达
tw flag 繁鱧中文傅達
🌐 Favorite saying ▼
Blathers is an owl in the Animal Crossing series who first appeared in Doubutsu no Mori+. He is the curator of the museum, accepting donations of fish, bugs, sea creatures, and art. He is knowledgeable, usually giving information on anything donated to the museum. As an owl, he sleeps during the daylight hours, but the player can still donate by talking to him and waking him up. His English name comes from blather, meaning voluble talk, referring to his lengthy explanations of items donated to the museum.

Blathers has a sister named Celeste who first appears in Wild World, and later joins him in City Folk, New Leaf, and New Horizons. She works in the museum with him in the former three games.

New Horizons

Animal Crossing: New Horizons Blathers Pics

Pocket Camp

Animal Crossing Pocket Camp Blathers Pics

amiibo Festival

New Leaf

Animal Crossing: New Leaf Blathers Pics
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Blathers Camping car Exterior
Animal Crossing: New Leaf Blathers Camping car Inside
Autocamp ProfileAs a camping aficionado who
hates bugs, Blathers doesn't
spend a lot of time outside his
van. Shut the door—you're
letting mosquitoes in!

City Folk

Animal Crossing: City Folk Blathers Pics

Wild World

Animal Crossing: Wild World Blathers Pics

Animal Crossing

Animal Crossing Blathers Pics

Happy Home Designer


amiibo 202j Blathersamiibo 202e Blathers
- Series 3
Star SignLibra
Birthday24 September
amiibo 406j Blathersamiibo 406e Blathers
- Series 5
Star SignLibra
Birthday24 September


eCard 007j BlatherseCard 007e Blathers
#007 부엉-Series 1
SexMale ♂
Star SignLibra
ProfileAs museum curator, this night owl fills his brain with fascinating facts. Just be prepared for a lecture whenever you talk to him. He'd be a great game-show contestant if he could just stay awake.

amiibo Figure

amiibo Figure Blathers

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