Num | English |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| The waiting's almost over!
We're finally down to the
last hour of the year!
I can't believe it's almost
over,pause string! |
| There's only one hour left
until the new year.
capitalizeLetterstring,pause if you
have anything to do before
the big event, this is your
last chance, pausestring! |
| It's almost the new year!pause
I'm so excited!pause I think I
might scream!pausereaction Eeeeeek,
pausestring! Eeeek! |
| It's like we're all together
here, waiting to welcome
the new year, and it's
almost here!
At the same time, it feels
like it's still too soon to
say good-bye to the old
year, pausestring! |
| I'm looking forward to the
New Year's fireworks show,pause
string! |
| I can't believe it!pause
We've passed the 30-
minute mark, pausestring.
I don't know why, but I'm
getting kind of nervouspause.pause.pause. |
| Even as we stand here,
pausestring, pausethe new
year is slowly getting
closer and closerpause.pause.pause. |
| capitalizeLetterstring, aren't you
even a little nervous or
anything,pause string? |
| What am I going to dopause.pause.pause.pause
reactionI'm starting to get sleepy,pause
But it's not much longer
now, pauseso I've gotta stick it
out! I know I can do it! |
| So, pausestringpause.pause.pause.pressButton
Have you taken care of
everything you wanted to
this year, pausestring? |
| There's less thanpause five
minutes to gopause.pause.pause.pause!pause Oh!pause My
heart is pounding so fast,
pausestring!pause Eeeee! |
| You can feelpause the tension in
the airpause.pause.pause.pause It's like the new
year is holding its breath,reaction
waiting for its big debut! |
| You know what you're
supposed to say once the
colorcountdown colorstarts, right,pause
string? |
| What to do, pausestring?!pause
What to do, pausestring?!pause
There's only a little bit left! |
| We've got less than five
minutes to go until the
colorcountdowncolor begins, people!color
If you have to go to the
bathroom, now's your last
chance, pausestring! |
| Ohpause.pause.pause.pausestring!pause
There's less than a minute
left! I can't stand it! |
| I've spent so long chatting
away with everyone that I
almost lost track of time,
pausestring! |
| Hey, string,pause is your
watch accurate?pause Are you
sure, string?! |
| My heart is pounding so
hard that I feel like it
might burst,pause string! |
| What to do!pause What to do!pause
It's almost time,pause
string! I think I'm
going to start panicking! |
| Happy New Year,
string!pause Happy
New Year,pause string! |
| And just like that, we've
made the leap into a new
year,pause string! |
| I hope I can ring in the
new year next year in this
town againpause.pause.pause.
reactionBut pauseI guess it's too early to
say.pause The year is so young,
so full of potential and
promise,pause string. |
| It is now officially fun_03, sopause
don't make mistakes when
you have to write the
date,pause string! |
| I'm glad I was able to ring
in the new year with you
here in string. Happy
New Year,pause string! |
| I hope that this new year is
another happy and healthy
one, pausestring. |
| capitalizeLetterstring,pause have you
made the rounds and
wished everyone a happy
new year yet? |
| I wonder what kind of year
this year is going to bepause.pause.pause.pause
reactionI don't know, but I'm really
looking forward to finding
out,pause string! |
| Phewpause.pause.pause.pausestring!pause
Can you believe it's fun_03
already? I wonder when I'll
get used to the sound of it! |
| Don't tell anyone,pause but this
year doesn't feel any
different from the last one
yet, pausestring. |
| Happypause New Year!pressButton
The curtain has been raised
on fun_03, pausestring! |
| Happy New Year!pause
capitalizeLetterstring! |
| Happy New Year,pause
string! |
| FU_Ev_Countdown.gmm |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| The waiting's almost over!
We're finally down to the
last hour of the year!
I can't believe it's almost
over,pause string! |
| There's only one hour left
until the new year.
capitalizeLetterstring,pause if you
have anything to do before
the big event, this is your
last chance, pausestring! |
| It's almost the new year!pause
I'm so excited!pause I think I
might scream!pausereaction Eeeeeek,
pausestring! Eeeek! |
| It's like we're all together
here, waiting to welcome
the new year, and it's
almost here!
At the same time, it feels
like it's still too soon to
say good-bye to the old
year, pausestring! |
| I'm looking forward to the
New Year's fireworks show,pause
string! |
| I can't believe it!pause
We've passed the 30-
minute mark, pausestring.
I don't know why, but I'm
getting kind of nervouspause.pause.pause. |
| Even as we stand here,
pausestring, pausethe new
year is slowly getting
closer and closerpause.pause.pause. |
| capitalizeLetterstring, aren't you
even a little nervous or
anything,pause string? |
| What am I going to dopause.pause.pause.pause
reactionI'm starting to get sleepy,pause
But it's not much longer
now, pauseso I've gotta stick it
out! I know I can do it! |
| So, pausestringpause.pause.pause.pressButton
Have you taken care of
everything you wanted to
this year, pausestring? |
| There's less thanpause five
minutes to gopause.pause.pause.pause!pause Oh!pause My
heart is pounding so fast,
pausestring!pause Eeeee! |
| You can feelpause the tension in
the airpause.pause.pause.pause It's like the new
year is holding its breath,reaction
waiting for its big debut! |
| You know what you're
supposed to say once the
colorcountdown colorstarts, right,pause
string? |
| What to do, pausestring?!pause
What to do, pausestring?!pause
There's only a little bit left! |
| We've got less than five
minutes to go until the
colorcountdowncolor begins, people!color
If you have to go to the
bathroom, now's your last
chance, pausestring! |
| Ohpause.pause.pause.pausestring!pause
There's less than a minute
left! I can't stand it! |
| I've spent so long chatting
away with everyone that I
almost lost track of time,
pausestring! |
| Hey, string,pause is your
watch accurate?pause Are you
sure, string?! |
| My heart is pounding so
hard that I feel like it
might burst,pause string! |
| What to do!pause What to do!pause
It's almost time,pause
string! I think I'm
going to start panicking! |
| Happy New Year,
string!pause Happy
New Year,pause string! |
| And just like that, we've
made the leap into a new
year,pause string! |
| I hope I can ring in the
new year next year in this
town againpause.pause.pause.
reactionBut pauseI guess it's too early to
say.pause The year is so young,
so full of potential and
promise,pause string. |
| It is now officially fun_03, sopause
don't make mistakes when
you have to write the
date,pause string! |
| I'm glad I was able to ring
in the new year with you
here in string. Happy
New Year,pause string! |
| I hope that this new year is
another happy and healthy
one, pausestring. |
| capitalizeLetterstring,pause have you
made the rounds and
wished everyone a happy
new year yet? |
| I wonder what kind of year
this year is going to bepause.pause.pause.pause
reactionI don't know, but I'm really
looking forward to finding
out,pause string! |
| Phewpause.pause.pause.pausestring!pause
Can you believe it's fun_03
already? I wonder when I'll
get used to the sound of it! |
| Don't tell anyone,pause but this
year doesn't feel any
different from the last one
yet, pausestring. |
| Happypause New Year!pressButton
The curtain has been raised
on fun_03, pausestring! |
| Happy New Year!pause
capitalizeLetterstring! |
| Happy New Year,pause
string! |
| FU_Ev_Countdown.gmm |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| The waiting's almost over!
We're finally down to the
last hour of the year!
I can't believe it's almost
over,pause string! |
| There's only one hour left
until the new year.
capitalizeLetterstring,pause if you
have anything to do before
the big event, this is your
last chance, pausestring! |
| It's almost the new year!pause
I'm so excited!pause I think I
might scream!pausereaction Eeeeeek,
pausestring! Eeeek! |
| It's like we're all together
here, waiting to welcome
the new year, and it's
almost here!
At the same time, it feels
like it's still too soon to
say good-bye to the old
year, pausestring! |
| I'm looking forward to the
New Year's fireworks show,pause
string! |
| I can't believe it!pause
We've passed the 30-
minute mark, pausestring.
I don't know why, but I'm
getting kind of nervouspause.pause.pause. |
| Even as we stand here,
pausestring, pausethe new
year is slowly getting
closer and closerpause.pause.pause. |
| capitalizeLetterstring, aren't you
even a little nervous or
anything,pause string? |
| What am I going to dopause.pause.pause.pause
reactionI'm starting to get sleepy,pause
But it's not much longer
now, pauseso I've gotta stick it
out! I know I can do it! |
| So, pausestringpause.pause.pause.pressButton
Have you taken care of
everything you wanted to
this year, pausestring? |
| There's less thanpause five
minutes to gopause.pause.pause.pause!pause Oh!pause My
heart is pounding so fast,
pausestring!pause Eeeee! |
| You can feelpause the tension in
the airpause.pause.pause.pause It's like the new
year is holding its breath,reaction
waiting for its big debut! |
| You know what you're
supposed to say once the
colorcountdown colorstarts, right,pause
string? |
| What to do, pausestring?!pause
What to do, pausestring?!pause
There's only a little bit left! |
| We've got less than five
minutes to go until the
colorcountdowncolor begins, people!color
If you have to go to the
bathroom, now's your last
chance, pausestring! |
| Ohpause.pause.pause.pausestring!pause
There's less than a minute
left! I can't stand it! |
| I've spent so long chatting
away with everyone that I
almost lost track of time,
pausestring! |
| Hey, string,pause is your
watch accurate?pause Are you
sure, string?! |
| My heart is pounding so
hard that I feel like it
might burst,pause string! |
| What to do!pause What to do!pause
It's almost time,pause
string! I think I'm
going to start panicking! |
| Happy New Year,
string!pause Happy
New Year,pause string! |
| And just like that, we've
made the leap into a new
year,pause string! |
| I hope I can ring in the
new year next year in this
town againpause.pause.pause.
reactionBut pauseI guess it's too early to
say.pause The year is so young,
so full of potential and
promise,pause string. |
| It is now officially fun_03, sopause
don't make mistakes when
you have to write the
date,pause string! |
| I'm glad I was able to ring
in the new year with you
here in string. Happy
New Year,pause string! |
| I hope that this new year is
another happy and healthy
one, pausestring. |
| capitalizeLetterstring,pause have you
made the rounds and
wished everyone a happy
new year yet? |
| I wonder what kind of year
this year is going to bepause.pause.pause.pause
reactionI don't know, but I'm really
looking forward to finding
out,pause string! |
| Phewpause.pause.pause.pausestring!pause
Can you believe it's fun_03
already? I wonder when I'll
get used to the sound of it! |
| Don't tell anyone,pause but this
year doesn't feel any
different from the last one
yet, pausestring. |
| Happypause New Year!pressButton
The curtain has been raised
on fun_03, pausestring! |
| Happy New Year!pause
capitalizeLetterstring! |
| Happy New Year,pause
string! |
| FU_Ev_Countdown.gmm |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| fun_08 |
| The waiting's almost over!
We're finally down to the
last hour of the year!
I can't believe it's almost
over,pause string! |
| There's only one hour left
until the new year.
capitalizeLetterstring,pause if you
have anything to do before
the big event, this is your
last chance, pausestring! |
| It's almost the new year!pause
I'm so excited!pause I think I
might scream!pausereaction Eeeeeek,
pausestring! Eeeek! |
| It's like we're all together
here, waiting to welcome
the new year, and it's
almost here!
At the same time, it feels
like it's still too soon to
say good-bye to the old
year, pausestring! |
| I'm looking forward to the
New Year's fireworks show,pause
string! |
| I can't believe it!pause
We've passed the 30-
minute mark, pausestring.
I don't know why, but I'm
getting kind of nervouspause.pause.pause. |
| Even as we stand here,
pausestring, pausethe new
year is slowly getting
closer and closerpause.pause.pause. |
| capitalizeLetterstring, aren't you
even a little nervous or
anything,pause string? |
| What am I going to dopause.pause.pause.pause
reactionI'm starting to get sleepy,pause
But it's not much longer
now, pauseso I've gotta stick it
out! I know I can do it! |
| So, pausestringpause.pause.pause.pressButton
Have you taken care of
everything you wanted to
this year, pausestring? |
| There's less thanpause five
minutes to gopause.pause.pause.pause!pause Oh!pause My
heart is pounding so fast,
pausestring!pause Eeeee! |
| You can feelpause the tension in
the airpause.pause.pause.pause It's like the new
year is holding its breath,reaction
waiting for its big debut! |
| You know what you're
supposed to say once the
colorcountdown colorstarts, right,pause
string? |
| What to do, pausestring?!pause
What to do, pausestring?!pause
There's only a little bit left! |
| We've got less than five
minutes to go until the
colorcountdowncolor begins, people!color
If you have to go to the
bathroom, now's your last
chance, pausestring! |
| Ohpause.pause.pause.pausestring!pause
There's less than a minute
left! I can't stand it! |
| I've spent so long chatting
away with everyone that I
almost lost track of time,
pausestring! |
| Hey, string,pause is your
watch accurate?pause Are you
sure, string?! |
| My heart is pounding so
hard that I feel like it
might burst,pause string! |
| What to do!pause What to do!pause
It's almost time,pause
string! I think I'm
going to start panicking! |
| Happy New Year,
string!pause Happy
New Year,pause string! |
| And just like that, we've
made the leap into a new
year,pause string! |
| I hope I can ring in the
new year next year in this
town againpause.pause.pause.
reactionBut pauseI guess it's too early to
say.pause The year is so young,
so full of potential and
promise,pause string. |
| It is now officially fun_03, sopause
don't make mistakes when
you have to write the
date,pause string! |
| I'm glad I was able to ring
in the new year with you
here in string. Happy
New Year,pause string! |
| I hope that this new year is
another happy and healthy
one, pausestring. |
| capitalizeLetterstring,pause have you
made the rounds and
wished everyone a happy
new year yet? |
| I wonder what kind of year
this year is going to bepause.pause.pause.pause
reactionI don't know, but I'm really
looking forward to finding
out,pause string! |
| Phewpause.pause.pause.pausestring!pause
Can you believe it's fun_03
already? I wonder when I'll
get used to the sound of it! |
| Don't tell anyone,pause but this
year doesn't feel any
different from the last one
yet, pausestring. |
| Happypause New Year!pressButton
The curtain has been raised
on fun_03, pausestring! |
| Happy New Year!pause
capitalizeLetterstring! |
| Happy New Year,pause
string! |
| Happy New Year,pause
string! |