


The Cabin is one of the locations on the map in Pocket Camp. Once you reach level Level 15, you can customize the Cabin to your liking. Up to eight different Camper can visit as guests at the same time.

From level Level 20 onwards, you can enable the guest register in the Cabin. You can lock a specific number of campers to prevent them from being automatically changed.

The ground floor of the Cabin, built by Cyrus, already comes equipped with furniture gifted by Isabelle when you take over. The Cabin has a size of 8x12 squares, and you can place 68 items. Regardless of the number of guests in your Cabin, you must leave eight squares as standing space for your guests. You can choose which squares to leave empty.

When you approach the staircase in the entrance area, a menu opens allowing you to change floors. You unlock the first floor at level Level 50 and the second floor at level Level 65. All floors have the same size and capacity as the ground floor. You can set whether campers automatically follow you to a different floor. Even if they don't follow automatically, you can manually call them to the floor you are on using a button.

To have special characters like K.K. move into your Cabin, you need to acquire an extra item or possess a special that belongs to that character. Note that these items are only available for a limited time, and only four characters can appear in your Cabin, regardless of the number of character-related items you have placed.


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