
Feather Fantasia


Feather Fantasia

Action Challenge

Level 1

Action Challenge


1 x pearlplume

300 Bells

2 x pearlplume

300 Bells

4 x pearlplume

300 Bells

6 x pearlplume

300 Bells

9 x pearlplume

300 Bells

Complete 1 Challenges of this level

1 Bells map

Complete 2 Challenges of this level

button-down dress button-down dress

Complete 3 Challenges of this level

3 Leaf Ticket

Complete 4 Challenges of this level

feather swirl feather swirl

Complete all Challenges of this level

1 reissue material

Level 2

Action Challenge


10 x pearlplume

600 Bells

12 x pearlplume

600 Bells

14 x pearlplume

600 Bells

16 x pearlplume

600 Bells

20 x pearlplume

600 Bells

Complete 1 Challenges of this level

feather swirl feather swirl

Complete 2 Challenges of this level

feather swirl feather swirl

Complete 3 Challenges of this level

3 Leaf Ticket

Complete 4 Challenges of this level

feather swirl feather swirl

Complete all Challenges of this level

1 reissue material

Level 3

Action Challenge


22 x pearlplume

900 Bells

25 x pearlplume

900 Bells

28 x pearlplume

900 Bells

32 x pearlplume

900 Bells

36 x pearlplume

900 Bells

Complete 1 Challenges of this level

feather swirl feather swirl

Complete 2 Challenges of this level

1 Bells map

Complete 3 Challenges of this level

3 Leaf Ticket

Complete 4 Challenges of this level

1 reissue material

Complete all Challenges of this level

1 lotsa Leaf Tickets map

Level 4

Action Challenge


40 x pearlplume

1.200 Bells

45 x pearlplume

1.200 Bells

50 x pearlplume

1.200 Bells

55 x pearlplume

1.200 Bells

60 x pearlplume

1.200 Bells

Complete 1 Challenges of this level

1 reissue material

Complete 2 Challenges of this level

feather swirl feather swirl

Complete 3 Challenges of this level

1 buncha Bells map

Complete 4 Challenges of this level

feather swirl feather swirl

Complete all Challenges of this level

3 Leaf Ticket

Level 5

Action Challenge


63 x pearlplume

1.500 Bells

65 x pearlplume

1.500 Bells

70 x pearlplume

1.500 Bells

75 x pearlplume

1.500 Bells

80 x pearlplume

1.500 Bells

Complete 1 Challenges of this level

1 buncha Bells map

Complete 2 Challenges of this level

feather swirl feather swirl

Complete 3 Challenges of this level

1 reissue material

Complete 4 Challenges of this level

button-down dress button-down dress

Complete all Challenges of this level

3 Leaf Ticket

Level 6

Action Challenge


82 x pearlplume

2.000 Bells

84 x pearlplume

2.000 Bells

86 x pearlplume

2.000 Bells

88 x pearlplume

2.000 Bells

90 x pearlplume

2.000 Bells

Complete 1 Challenges of this level

1 reissue material map

Complete 2 Challenges of this level

1 sparkle stone map

Complete 3 Challenges of this level

1 reissue material map

Complete 4 Challenges of this level

HH material map HH material map

Complete all Challenges of this level

ornate gazebo ornate gazebo

Gracie's Haute Hello

Feather Fantasia
  • campaign period: 05.31.2019 - 06.10.2019
  • campaign period: 06.04.2019 - 06.10.2019
  • Catalogs: lily chapel

Bubble Bonanza

Feather Fantasia

Fishing Tourney (Aquarium)

Feather Fantasia

Rose Goals

Feather Fantasia

  • campaign period: 06.16.2019 - 06.19.2019



Level 1

(1 x red rose seeds)

1000 Bells

(1 x white rose seeds)

1000 Bells

(5 x red rose seeds)

1000 Bells

(5 x white rose seeds)

1000 Bells

Harvest 10 Flowers

1000 Bells

Complete 3 Challenges of this level

3 Leaf Ticket

Complete all Challenges of this level

1 sparkle stone map

Level 2

(10 x red rose seeds)

1000 Bells

(10 x white rose seeds)

1000 Bells

Crossbreed flowers with each other.

1000 Bells

Crossbreed flowers 5 times.

1000 Bells

Plant the following: pink rose seeds

1000 Bells

Complete 3 Challenges of this level

3 Leaf Ticket

Complete all Challenges of this level

1 sparkle stone map

Level 3

Plant the following 5 times: pink rose seeds

1000 Bells

Plant the following 10 times: pink rose seeds

1000 Bells

Plant the following 20 times: pink rose seeds

1000 Bells

Harvest a pink rose 10 times.

1000 Bells

Harvest a pink rose 30 times.

1000 Bells

Complete 3 Challenges of this level

1 sparkle stones

Complete all Challenges of this level

1 Colton's gilded cookie

Bring on the Bells Goals

Feather Fantasia
  • campaign period: 06.24.2019 - 06.27.2019



Level 1

Receive 100 Bells.

1 Bells map

Receive 1000 Bells.

1 Bells map

Receive 5000 Bells.

1 Bells map

Receive 10000 Bells.

1 Bells map

Receive 30000 Bells.

1 buncha Bells map

Complete 3 Challenges of this level

3 Leaf Ticket

Complete all Challenges of this level

3 Leaf Ticket

Level 2

Receive 50000 Bells.

1 Bells map

Receive 60000 Bells.

1 Bells map

Receive 80000 Bells.

1 Bells map

Receive 100000 Bells.

1 Bells map

Receive 120000 Bells.

1 buncha Bells map

Complete 3 Challenges of this level

3 Leaf Ticket

Complete all Challenges of this level

3 Leaf Ticket

Level 3

Receive 150000 Bells.

1 Bells map

Receive 200000 Bells.

1 Bells map

Receive 250000 Bells.

1 buncha Bells map

Receive 320000 Bells.

1 buncha Bells map

Receive 400000 Bells.

1 buncha Bells map

Complete 3 Challenges of this level

3 Leaf Ticket

Complete all Challenges of this level

1 Stella's sleepy cookie


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