Memories: The Savvy Stylings of Alice Index+Required ItemsMemoriesIndex+Required ItemsMemories Bluebear can't seem to get her hair to cooperate, so she's seeking help from a professional stylist. Alice Bluebear Jacques Catalogs: natural salon Fortune Cookie : Alice's salon cookie Required Itemsnatural salon counter Memories The Savvy Stylings of Alice 🌐Name EnglishThe Savvy Stylings of Alice 한국어멜버른에게 맡겨줘! 日本語メルボルンにおまかせ! Español¡Y yo con estos pelos! FrançaisUne coupe au poil ! DeutschKonnys Sinn für Style ItalianoUn diavolo per capello! 繁鱧中文交給莫兒吧!