Memories: The Purrfect Pastry Shop Index+Required ItemsMemoriesIndex+Required ItemsMemories Diana is drawn by a sweet scent to tasty treats at a kitty bakery! Felicity Olive Diana Catalogs: Kitty Bakery Fortune Cookie : Felicity's kitty cookie Required Itemskitty-bakery counter Memories The Purrfect Pastry Shop 🌐Name EnglishThe Purrfect Pastry Shop 한국어완벽한 쿠키 가게 日本語ステキなクッキー屋さん EspañolMiaurienda en la confitería FrançaisLa pâtisserie Miaou DeutschEine Bäckerei für die Katz ItalianoLa pasticceria purrrfetta 繁鱧中文漂亮餅乾店