Memories: The Great Room-Key Pursuit Index+Required ItemsMemoriesIndex+Required ItemsMemories Expert hotelier Lopez is the host with the most, putting the guests first no matter what! Lopez Plucky Midge Deli Catalogs: Art Deco Hotel Fortune Cookie : Lopez's hotelier cookie Required Itemsart deco elevator Memories The Great Room-Key Pursuit 🌐Name EnglishThe Great Room-Key Pursuit 한국어호텔 종업원의 프로 정신 日本語ホテルマンのプロ意識 EspañolUn recepcionista muy dedicado FrançaisLa clé égarée DeutschDie große Schlüssel-Jagd ItalianoLa chiave perduta 繁鱧中文飯店服務員的專業素養