Memories: Stardust Mage's Apprentice Index+Required ItemsMemoriesIndex+Required ItemsMemories Stardust mage Mallary is taking on a request to make stars with the help of her pupil Rod! Mallary Rod Lionel Catalogs: Stardust Magic Fortune Cookie : Mallary's witch cookie Required Itemsstardust-magic gazebo Memories 🌐Name EnglishStardust Mage's Apprentice 한국어별 내리는 숲의 천재 마법사 日本語星降る森の天才魔法使い EspañolAprendiendo magia estelar con Mirta FrançaisUn apprenti très motivé DeutschMarinas Zauberlehrling ItalianoApprendista di magia stellare 繁鱧中文流星森林的天才魔法師