Memories: Muffy and the Eerie Encounter Index+Required ItemsMemoriesIndex+Required ItemsMemories Booooo! Muffy plays a ghoulish gag on her friends, but how does she explain what happens next? Muffy Beau Poppy Catalogs: bewitched Fortune Cookie : Muffy's creepy cookie Required Itemshexed witch's mirror Memories Muffy and the Eerie Encounter 🌐Name EnglishMuffy and the Eerie Encounter 한국어프릴과 신비한 거울 日本語フリルとふしぎな鏡 EspañolDe fantasmal en peor FrançaisCharlène et l'étrange rencontre DeutschMarions unheimliche Begegnung ItalianoMorena e lo specchio misterioso 繁鱧中文彭澎與不可思議鏡子