Memories: Mint's Tip-Top Tea Shop Index+Required ItemsMemoriesIndex+Required ItemsMemories Candi's having a rough day, so Mint shows her the power of a great cup of tea. Mint Candi Catalogs: Herbal Tea Shop Fortune Cookie : Mint's tea-shop cookie Required Itemstea-shop loft Memories Mint's Tip-Top Tea Shop 🌐Name EnglishMint's Tip-Top Tea Shop 한국어당신에게 어울리는 한 잔 日本語あなたにピッタリの一杯を EspañolEl herbolario de Menta FrançaisUn thé bien réconfortant DeutschMarikas schickes Teecafé ItalianoUn tè alla... Mentulla 繁鱧中文調製一杯專屬於你的茶