Memories: Kabuki and the Festival Crows Index+Required ItemsMemoriesIndex+Required ItemsMemories Joey wanders off from the group while visiting the festival with his friends, Caroline and Renée. Kabuki Caroline Renée Joey Catalogs: Lantern Shrine Fortune Cookie : Kabuki's torii cookie Required Itemslantern-shrine gate Memories 🌐Name EnglishKabuki and the Festival Crows 한국어가북희와 축제 지킴이 日本語かぶきちとお祭りの守り手 EspañolEl festival de los farolillos FrançaisLes corbeaux du festival DeutschFest der Laternen und Krähen ItalianoKabuki e i corvi aiutanti 繁鱧中文戈伍紀與祭典守望者