Memories: Dotty's Sophisticated Tea Party Index+Required ItemsMemoriesIndex+Required ItemsMemories To be more like the mature folks she admires, Dotty decides to have a sophisticated tea party. Dotty Tasha Bruce Catalogs: Gothic Tea Party Fortune Cookie : Dotty's tea-party cookie Required Itemsroyal-rabbit treats Memories Dotty's Sophisticated Tea Party 🌐Name EnglishDotty's Sophisticated Tea Party 한국어서머의 어른스러운 다과회 日本語マーサの大人のお茶会 EspañolLa fiesta del té de Katia FrançaisLe goûter chic de Dorothée DeutschLuxus-Teekränzchen bei Doro ItalianoEleganza... esagerata! 繁鱧中文瑪莎的大人的茶會