
Course of the day


Course of the day

Day and night changes

Course of the day

Morning (5-9 AM)

The morning is characterized by quiet background music and subdued lighting. The yellowish color on the horizon indicates sunrise.

Afternoon (9 AM - 5 PM)

The afternoon makes up the largest part of the day. Lively music plays in the background and it is the brightest phase of the day.

Evening (5 PM - 7 PM)

In the evening, the background music becomes quieter and the surroundings are bathed in reddish light, indicating the sunset.

Night (7 PM - 5 AM)

At night, slow background music plays and it is darker than the rest of the day. The stars can be seen in the sky.

Activity periods

Many activities and events change at specific time intervals or at set times

Every 3 hours (no fixed time)

Fruits on trees regenerate 3 hours after the last harvest. Additionally, it is possible for campers at the Campsite to express new wishes, distribute gifts, and engage in conversations that increase the friendship level level, 3 hours after speaking to the first camper currently at the Campsite.

Every 3 hours (fixed time)

The times mentioned above may vary depending on your situation and environment.

All campers who are not visiting the campsite or cabin move on to a new recreational area or are not available in the recreational areas for a while.

Every 6 hours

The offerings of the stalls at the Market Place (excluding the Fortune Cookie Shop) change.

Every 12 hours

The offered reward in the Shovelstrike Quarry changes.

Every 24 hours

HH Vouchers in the Happy Homeroom are replenished.

The selection at the Fortune Cookie Shop changes.

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