
Radiant Rarities

Radiant Rarities
It is an item that can be obtained through the Gyroid Scavenger Hunt.

This item can be obtained from the limited-time Fishing Tourney.

  • availability period 1: 09.10.2023 - 09.17.2023
  • Seasonal Memories: Red-Leaf Repose
  • Gyroidite Scavenger Hunt: Fishing Tourney (Radiant Rarities)
  • Happy Homeroom: Radiant Rarities
  • Fishing Tourney: Fishing Tourney (Radiant Rarities)
  • ImageNameThemeSells ForCategory
    circular lamp displaycircular lamp display

    historicalhistorical1,600 currency
    cylinder glass lampcylinder glass lamp

    historicalhistorical400 currency
    glass desk lampglass desk lamp

    historicalhistorical400 currency
    glass pendant lampsglass pendant lamps

    historicalhistorical700 currency
    glass votive holderglass votive holder

    historicalhistorical400 currency
    rosette glass lamprosette glass lamp

    historicalhistorical400 currency
    short lamp standshort lamp stand

    historicalhistorical400 currency
    staggered lamp standstaggered lamp stand

    historicalhistorical700 currency
    tall lamp standtall lamp stand

    historicalhistorical400 currency
    yellow glass floor-lampyellow glass floor-lamp

    historicalhistorical700 currency
    circular lamp display
    Namecircular lamp display

    Theme historicalhistorical
    Sells For1,600 currency
    cylinder glass lamp
    Namecylinder glass lamp

    Theme historicalhistorical
    Sells For400 currency
    glass desk lamp
    Nameglass desk lamp

    Theme historicalhistorical
    Sells For400 currency
    glass pendant lamps
    Nameglass pendant lamps

    Theme historicalhistorical
    Sells For700 currency
    glass votive holder
    Nameglass votive holder

    Theme historicalhistorical
    Sells For400 currency
    rosette glass lamp
    Namerosette glass lamp

    Theme historicalhistorical
    Sells For400 currency
    short lamp stand
    Nameshort lamp stand

    Theme historicalhistorical
    Sells For400 currency
    staggered lamp stand
    Namestaggered lamp stand

    Theme historicalhistorical
    Sells For700 currency
    tall lamp stand
    Nametall lamp stand

    Theme historicalhistorical
    Sells For400 currency
    yellow glass floor-lamp
    Nameyellow glass floor-lamp

    Theme historicalhistorical
    Sells For700 currency

    en flag EnglishRadiant Rarities
    ko flag 한국어앤티크 램프 가게
    ja flag 日本語アンティークランプのお店
    es flag Españolmosaicos de luz
    fr flag Françaisvitraux rétros
    de flag DeutschReizende Raritäten
    it flag Italianorarità d'epoca
    tw flag 繁鱧中文古董燈具店


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